Eternal Sword's Pirates [One Piece]

Chapter 11 -The Goal For A Life

"You... can you do that?"

Can I do that? Kuina ask herself while feeling little confused.

Luo Tianyu shook his head and looked disappointed in his eyes.

"I..." Kuina just wanted to speak and was interrupted by Luo Tianyu.

"Don't rush to answer, tomorrow I will wait for your decision at the East Pier, but I will leave when I see you didn't come when it's three o'clock." Luo Tianyu patted the hair of Kuina.

"As a swordsman, first thing is to be free, don't forget it in your heart." Luo Tianyu left with a smile.

"What is this within my heart?" Kuina muttered.

The last sentence is that Luo Tianyu said it is very heavy. The heart is very important to a swordsman. It is more important to Kuina. If she denies her own heart, then for her to become strong with a sword, it is just a luxury dream.

Luo Tianyu's heart is constantly getting stronger by the day, preferring to let everyone know about his oath, he didn't want sympathy from people, doing everything to protect those around him, to prevent people and things from giving a pity. For the sake of my Yue Bing, I will definitely be strong.


Luo Tianyu came to the dock, and a little boat was parked next to the pier. Eric left a little boat and 100,000 Belly before leaving.

As time passed, the night was gradually swallowed up by the sun.

Luo Tianyu looked at the rising sun on the coastline. It was already two o'clock, and there was still a quarter of an hour. Luo Tianyu stood up and looked at the 'Shimotsuki Village' but he did not even see her figure.

After all this, is it an only empty dream? Luo Tianyu is a bit embarrassed and feeling its shame.

The sun gradually rose, Luo Tianyu with a lost mood, untied the rope, when Luo Tianyu was about to leave, there was a cry from behind.

"Hey, wait for me."

Luo Tianyu's body shocked, looking back, a petite body reflected in the eyeshadow, wearing a pale pink T-shirt, with dark brown shorts, black hair mixed with a touch of blue. It was Kuina, at this time Luo Tianyu knew that Kuina already chooses to be his partner.

Kuina pointed out that the little boat said: "Will you use it to go out to sea?"

"Otherwise?" Luo Tianyu shrugged.

Kuina had no temptation to get into a little boat directly. "Where are we going?"

"I have left a letter."

"Let's go, the world outside is very exciting!" Luo Tianyu said with a smile.

"When I come back, I must become a Strong swordswoman." Kuina looked back and looked at the 'Shimotsuki Village' with a look of sad which changed into one of determination.


Koushirou has already announced that Kuina is 'dead'.

The wooden house, Koushirou, sits back to Roronoa Zoro.

"Teacher, that sword... give it to me..." Zoro had already entered with his tears flowing.

Koushirou looked over and looked at Zoro's "Kuina's Sword?"

"I will become the strongest swordsman with her, I will become stronger and let my name resound through the world. I will become the strongest swordsman in the world." Zoro shouts with hoarse voice.

"Oh, ah~" Zoro burst into tears and rang through the sky.


"Dragon, Kuina went away with that child," Ivankov said in a letter to the man in the dark coat.

"With that boy? Since this is her choice, we will accept it, and that boy is not simple, Let's go!" Said Dragon, wearing a hat.


Luo Tianyu slowly paddling at the end of the boat.

Kuina sat quietly on the boat, and the breeze slid her hair.

"Have you heard of Shichibukai?" Luo Tianyu glanced at her and said casually.


"The Navy recognized pirates? I thought that In this world, there are three major forces. If it is as you said, then it should be said that it is the four major forces?"

Luo Tianyu corrected Kuina "That's right! its four major forces which are balanced this world and that is Navy, the Four Emperors, the Revolutionary Army, and the Shichibukai."

"What is the level of strength people under name of the Shichibukai?"

"They are the seven sea Pirates which is recognized by the world government. They have catastrophic destructive power and great fighting power against the country. Only pirates with high reputation or high combat power to shock everyone can be selected as Shichibukai" Luo Tianyu said slowly" and my current goal is to get all my companions and grab the position of Shichibukai."

"Shichibukai is very important to you?"

"It doesn't matter. For me, my companions and pro-skills are the most important." Luo Tianyu turned his head. "But I need the strength of a person in Shichibukai He is called 'Sand Crocodile'."

"Can you deal with the power of a country?" asked Kuina.

"No, but I have a way to make him follow me willingly!" Luo Tianyu mysterious smile, Luo Tianyu at this time is more like a conspiracy.

"You can't call Kuina in the future, renamed it to Kuna." Luo Tianyu said to Kuina.

"There is still one person I believe you must be interested in him." Luo Tianyu said mysteriously.

"?" Kuina looked at her head and didn't understand.

"The world's largest swordsman is one of the Shichibukai, and he can cut off fifty ships with one slash from his sword."

"Who is it?" Kuina suddenly excitedly grabbed Luo Tianyu's hand.

"Don't be excited, what you have in the future is the opportunity to challenge him. His name is Dracule Mihawk the Eagle's Eye. This is the goal of your life. Remember his name firmly." Luo Tianyu touched Kuina's head said.

"Of course!" Kuina nodded firmly.

"For now we will go to orange town, first go 'borrow' a ship." Buggy's base is in the orange town, and Buggy splits the fruit and restrains the swordsman. Even if the sword gives the armed color domineering, then Luo Tianyu also thinks of is as restraint. There is also a disadvantage in splitting the fruit, that is, the distance between the feet and body cannot exceed 200 meters.

The country of sand 'Alabasta' must go through a Grand Line, and to go to Grand Line must go through a Reverse Mountain so we need to get a decent ship. Luo Tianyu is going to go to the Orange Town to build a ship and then go to the Grand Line. In fact, the main purpose is still going to the empty island, but in the reverse mountain, there was an unexpected accident. Of course, this is a later story.

(TN: I don't know what's that empty island, but it should be after Grand Line! so guys did anyone of you know about it?)

"Yeah, I am really a pirate."

"What is your pirate group called?"

"Not ready yet"


Luo Tianyu and Kuina went to the town of Orange and did not go directly to Buggy. Instead, they first found the place to fill their stomach in the restaurant, rented a room at the hotel, stayed for one night, and lay a bed alone. After the window illuminates the room, Luo Tianyu, who has been on the boat for a day, sleeps up and gradually closes his eyes.

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