Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 152: Behind me, hide

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning had just vacated, stopped, and slowly turned around.

Tang Yue hadn't responded to what happened, but just turned around and saw that the Sky Burning Sword waved out of thin air, and the palms of the few feet of ice turned into countless scum.

In the midair, under the sun, the light shimmered.

"Leng Jia actually sent a waste to guard here." Song Ning murmured, seeming to himself, but the words fell in the ears of the other two.

Tang Yue laughed inwardly, that Leng Ling had always given people a very uncomfortable feeling, and they were all so arrogant along the way. Now that they have suffered a loss in front of Song Ning, they should be more convergent.

But who thought that Leng Ling not only did not close, but instead took a pair of ice thorns directly from the storage ring, and stab at Song Ning: "No one who dares to despise my Leng Ling can live, including You are in! "

Leng Ling's speed is very fast, like a phantom, with a shadow of phantom, stab Song Ning back.

Song Ning smiled slightly and didn't start, then Burning Sword took the initiative to block.

After a few jingles, Leng Ling backed away a few feet, staring at Song Ning with her teeth clenched: "You are not the foundation period, who are you?"

Song Ning looked at the fear in Leng Ling's eyes, and his face was pale: "You don't need to know who I am or what I am doing. This gap, you keep it well, don't die by accident, I Will go to Lengjia for your help. "

Song Ning's voice fell, the cold light flashed under her feet, disappeared with Tang Yue, and when it appeared again, it had been a few miles away.

Leng Ling gritted his teeth and said: "Ask for help? I have Leng Ling here, and I will be guarded. What monsters can come in!"

But when Leng Ling was angry, there was a sudden movement of noise in the gap, and a very strong demon anger made him palpitate.

He turned around and saw a dark figure emerged from the gap. As soon as it came out, he vomited the letter and a pair of green eyes stared at Leng Ling, as if he had seen prey.

The head, body, and tail of the snake are all covered with scales, smooth and with a trace of sticky liquid.

Jiedan snake demon!

Leng Ling's eyes were full of war. He faced the snake demon in the early period of Jie Dan. Although he was only in the late stage of the foundation, he had the strength to fight against the early stage of Jie Dan.


The snake demon spit out the letter.

"I'll send you back to the west!" Leng Ling's double thorns flew out of his hand, pinching his fingers, and spiritual force controlled the cold double thorns.

The double thorns of the ice quickly became larger, spinning like a drill, and stab the snake demon from two different directions.

The snake demon shook his body and flicked one of the ice thorns between his tails. Although the ice thorn was blown away, the scale above the snake's tail was knocked off due to the high-speed rotation.

The snake demon endured the pain and knocked out another cold thorn. His body twisted, opened a big mouth of the blood basin, and went straight to Lengling.

Leng Ling did not dare to neglect, and controlled the cold double thorns to return to defense.

Ever since the snake demon passed through the enchantment, Song Ning, who had gone away, felt it, he stopped in mid-air and turned to look at this side.

Leng Ling and the snake demon are fighting, and they are inseparable.

Tang Yue didn't see clearly, so he asked, "Little Brother, what's wrong?"

"Leng Ling fought with a snake demon in the early stage of the formation of Dan Dan, but the two have equal strength. At this moment, there is no difference in victory or defeat." Song Ning looked away and thought, this Leng Ling is worthy of the Leng family. In the late period of Jiuyuan, the great consummation was able to play against Jiedan in the early stage without falling.

Tang Yue was also a little surprised: "He could even be indistinguishable from the initial fight with Jie Dan?"

Song Ning nodded.

However, Tang Yue's focus is not on Leng Ling, but on Song Ning: "It's much worse than the younger brother who was able to kill the late Daejeon in the early stage of the foundation."

Song Ning waved his hand: "Sister, it seems that I'm going to trouble you again. You have to go back to Lengjia and report it. This enchantment gap is not very common. Now even the monsters from Danqi can run out. No one can guarantee. Will there be Yuanying's demon afterwards? "

"Yuan Ying ?!" Tang Yue's body tightened.

Song Ning solemnly said: "It's not impossible, if the demon of Yuanying level appears, I can't resist."

The six-tailed fox I saw before appeared in Tang Yue ’s mind. The fox gave the impression that Yuan Yingxiu was doing something. She had n’t had time to tell Song Ning about this before. If Song Ning did n’t mention it, she almost forgot. Too.

When Song Ning saw what Tang Yue wanted to say, he said, "Sister Tang, come back and say something. You should go quickly. I'll go back and see. After all, it's a person sent by Leng Jia. If you die, you and I I can't tell. "

Tang Yue nodded, Song Ning pushed hard, and sent Tang Yue away with a spiritual force, which was enough to support Tang Yue's flight for a few miles.

Song Ning turned his head back, but instead of shooting directly, he sat on a tree and watched.

He looked at it and sighed. This Leng family really deserves a reputation. Leng Ling looks no more than a few years older than him, but he is already in the late stage of the foundation, and he can even fight against the demon in the early stage of Jiedan.

But just as Song Ning looked at the moment, when the two were inseparable, there was again movement in the enchantment.

Leng Ling's face was ugly. At this time, he looked at the piles of demon bodies next to him. He felt the horror of Song Ning. The most important thing was that he just found Song Ning's robe clean and tidy. Looks like.

Killed so many demons, but not stained with blood or dust, what is this strength?

It was this stunned time when the snake demon spit out poisonous smoke.

Leng Ling couldn't dodge, she was about to be invaded by poisonous smoke. Suddenly, she was hit with a spiritual force to break up the poisonous smoke.

Leng Ling and the snake demon turned around to see where the spiritual power came from.

It's him!

Leng Ling was shocked. He did not expect Song Ning to go back and forth. Although without Song Ning, he must have been injured at the moment, but when he thought that he was saved by Song Ning, he felt unwilling for a while.

Although Song Ning shot, he didn't have any intention of going up to help. At this time, three monsters had emerged from the enchantment. They were all in the early stage of Jiedan, and he wanted to see how Leng Ling responded.

The snake demon just glanced at Song Ning and continued to attack Leng Ling frantically. Leng Ling had no time to take care of the others, and immediately fought again.

At the same time, the other two demons had already struck. In their view, Song Ning didn't mean to help at all. In this way, first kill Leng Ling in front of him, then kill Song Ning on the tree.

Leng Ling thought that Song Ning would come forward to help, but when Lingzhi spread out, she even found Song Ning sitting on the tree, holding a jug, and drinking while watching the fun.

"You don't shoot? If I die, you can be confident to face the three early demon demon!" Leng Ling gritted his teeth.

Song Ning seemed to hear nothing, and continued to drink.

In just a moment, Leng Ling could not resist: "Forget it, I beg you, if you can't bear this gap, let alone me, even my parents will be implicated ..."

Song Ning smiled slightly, although he did not attack, but in the past few days, the Burning Sky Sword had already been filled with spiritual power by him. He held the Burning Sky Sword and put away the hip flask. Hiding away, be careful to be killed by aftershocks. "

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