Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 162: That melodious song

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Leng Yuexiao stopped talking, and she suddenly realized that she was overwhelmed.

It was already late at night when the two left the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The moonlight hung in the sky, so unreachable.

Snow and snow flew like goose feathers in the snow, and the chill shone.

"Are you still used to it?" Leng Yuexiao asked.

Song Ning nodded: "The four seasons have no effect on monks like me."

Leng Yuexiao sighed: "If it weren't for my two avatars to leave, I'm afraid I haven't seen the three seasons of spring, summer, autumn and autumn. In this extremely cold place, there are only winter and ice and snow.

In a trance, the two remembered the scene that was once in Tianhe City.

On that day, under the tree, petals fluttered, Leng Yuexiao played the piano, and Yu Yin curled like it was still lingering in Song Ning's ears.

"I don't know when I can hear your piano again." Song Ning recalled.

Leng Yuexiao smiled: "Come with me."

In the blizzard, Leng's family came and went hurriedly, and no one was negligent because of this climate.

It's just that when these people saw Leng Yuexiao, who had always been alone, followed Song Ning, they all showed a surprised look.

In their eyes, Leng Yuexiao is frost, snow peak, and an immortal that no one can touch.

She is like a snow lotus blooming on the top of a snowy mountain. She is alone, beautiful and dignified, which is beyond expectation.

How can a man like her follow a man next to her?

Song Ning has noticed the eyes of the people around her, and Leng Yuexiao will naturally not see it, but she doesn't care, because she does have some subtle feelings for Song Ning.

The moment she sucked the remnant from Song Ning's body, she found that Song Ning was always remembered in her mind, as if Song Ning was her loved one. This feeling did not dissipate, but increased with time.

Leng Yuexiao is not a sentimental person, but she has always felt guilty about Song Ning.

"Leng Shi ... Xiao Xiao, you seem to be worried." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao walked slightly: "My heart is in the piano."

She raised her finger not far in front of her: "There, it's where I often play the piano."

Song Ningxun looked around, and what Leng Yuexiao pointed to was a closed building, like a round palace. Around this palace, more than a dozen women were equidistantly arranged and closely guarded.

The two came to the door, and the two women bowed to Leng Yuexiao: "Congratulations to Missy."

Leng Yuexiao nodded slightly and stepped in.

Song Ning followed closely, and the two women hesitated for a moment, without obstruction, but they could see the look of surprise in their eyes.

As soon as he entered the palace, the stone door at the back closed automatically.

"This is the Han Xin Palace, which is for my own use. The building materials of the Han Xin Palace can isolate the spiritual consciousness. Even if it is a monk, the spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate here." Leng Yuexiao said.

Song Ning was shocked, a monk of deification?

Above Yuanying is the demi-god, and above the demi-god is the deified god, the deified **** monk, that is what Song Ning could n’t imagine in his dreams. Now the cold heart palace used by Leng Yuexiao is even connected with the spiritual knowledge of the deity It ’s unbelievable.

This cold heart palace is actually a huge hot spring. The hot spring is misty. In the middle of the hot spring, there is a small pavilion with stone tables and benches and a piano.

Leng Yuexiao stepped a little, rose into the air, thinking of floating in the pavilion: "Come here."

Song Ning followed.

In the pavilion, Leng Yuexiao sat quietly in front of Guqin, contemplating and slowly entering.

From the moment she entered, Song Ning's ear heard the rhythm of string fiddle.

The sound of the piano is like a jade plate falling like a pearl, and the ding dong is curled up and down, and it is exciting.

Song Ning was immersed in the sound of the piano, and there was a picture in front of him, as if he was a lover, and it seemed to be endless. He seemed to see the scene thousands of years ago, and he saw what he once played with this piano. Leng Yuexiao spent a long time together.

Suddenly ...

The picture in Song Ning's mind was frozen.

The sound of the piano was broken, Leng Yuexiao's fingers were trembling, and her lips opened slightly, looking at Song Ning in shock.

The two opened their eyes one after another. Between the eyes, they saw tears embedded in the corners of each other's eyes.

None of them said anything, just looked at each other like a lover. They felt incredible and felt that the scene just now absolutely existed in their own minds.


None of them knew, just now, the same picture emerged in the minds of the two of them-under the sky, on the top of the peaks, Leng Yuexiao snuggled in Song Ning's arms, dying ...

Song Ning suddenly felt a shock, this feeling, he seemed to have felt it once in that mirror of the moon and water, as if it was a memory that had been sealed in his mind for a long time, and it was coming out. Half a bit.

At this moment, the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

A little, Song Ning took the initiative to say: "What is this song ...?"

"No name, every time I play the piano, I naturally think of this piece as if I have already practiced it already." Leng Yuexiao's long fingers gently pressed on the string: "This piano is my mother It ’s left to me, every time I turn it, there is a trace of sadness in the song, maybe it ’s the mother. ”

"It turns out so." Song Ning bowed his head.

Leng Yuexiao got up and pointed to the water around the pavilion: "This is the ice spring, but the water inside is hot, which is helpful to the monk's cultivation. Tomorrow you have a battle with Wang Yi, soak in it today . "

Song Ning remembered the Lingquan of the Tianyuan School. He did not quit and just clenched his fists: "Thank you."

Song Ning said that he would jump into the spring water, Leng Yuexiao saw it, and quickly stopped: "What are you doing?"


Leng Yuexiao got up and left: "Take off your clothes, this spring is clean and thorough. Except for your body, anything may stain this spring."

When Leng Yuexiao left, Song Ning remembered that the spring water was for Leng Yuexiao, and now Leng Yuexiao asked him to take off his clothes and go in again.

Re-thinking the pictures in your mind when listening to Leng Yuexiao's piano just now, Song Ning's mood is also complicated, and her face is even redder like apples.

Before Song Ning's eyes, he couldn't help but think of Leng Yuexiao's scene here, but as soon as this idea came out, Song Ning immediately slapped himself.

Soaking in this ice spring, Song Ning felt a trace of warmth entering the body, but outside the body, it was cold and fresh at the moment, which made Song Ning feel very surprised.

One night spent in this ice spring. Although Song Ning's cultivation practice has not been improved, he can feel his body more adapted to this extremely cold place.

In the morning, Leng Yuexiao came to Han Xin Palace. She stood at the door with her back to Bing Quan, and called softly: "Song Ning, dressed, when it's past, it's almost time to go."

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