Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 169: Xiaofen appeared

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

When Sun Xin was distributing the Elixir, Leng Yuexiao sent a voice to Song Ning: "You may not know Sun Xin yet. She is extremely powerful. Although she is not as powerful as the three of us, it may be similar to you. Don't look at her now. In this way, it is actually a narrow-minded person, lest the world is not chaotic, and now it is here to pick things up, apparently forming a team with us, but actually fighting, she is the first to run 80%. "

Song Ning knew it, took Sun Xin's medicine, and smiled: "Thank you, Dao Sun."

"Thank you, thank you, bless you and share it." Sun Xin laughed on the surface, but she said in her heart: "This medicine has no such magical effect, but after taking it, it will be convenient for us to know each other. Position, we will serve as soon as we enter, we can quickly find each other, in order to form a team, smash Liu Ruyan's little **** to kill again. "

Hearing this, Song Ning was dumb, and Sun Xin really could say anything.

On the other side, Liu Ruyan sneered: "Your Master Zun Gudan has been researching the panacea that boosted his strength at this moment, but now it has been researched? I'm looking forward to the effect."

"Huh, you have the ability to try it." Sun Xin looked at Liu Ruyan sideways.

Wang Yi kept silent on the side, just staring at Song Ning, they were not easy to do anything except the Fairy Market, but if they entered the Fairy Market, they could not be detected by the outside spirit, and he could use it there. Master's magic weapon.

Several people were talking, and suddenly there was a slight noise, and then there was a ray of light not far away. Looking closely, it was a teleportation array.

The teleportation array was opened, and Song Ning hadn't responded yet. Leng Yuexiao pulled him to move past, and the speed of the people around him was only fast or slow, and he sent them in one after another.

Hum ~

The effect of this teleportation array is completely different from what Song Ning had seen before. As soon as he entered this teleportation array, it was as if he had entered some void space, the brain stopped thinking, and the body stopped.

However, this blank state lasted only a moment. After a while, Song Ning appeared on a flat ground.

The dark night sky, no stars, no bright moon, only a light flowing like the aurora, slightly illuminating the earth.

The fields are vast and there are few plants. There are no leaves on the old vines in twos and threes, and the branches are so dry that they can break like a gust of wind.

Song Ning felt that the whole body was smooth. There is a very subtle force here, which is more holy than spiritual force, but Song Ning has never felt it before.

"Xianqi, it has been a long time since I breathed such pure fairy air." Suddenly, a sound came from the burning ring in the storage ring.

During the talk, a woman appeared beside Song Ning, and she was Xiao Fen.

Today's Xiaofen is very different from the last appearance. This time, her body seems to have been solidified. More importantly, she seems to have a lot of spirit, and it is not like a soul, but more like a human.

"You can't come out at will?" Song Ning was surprised.

"It is indeed impossible to come out at will, but it is different now. It used to be the fairy world. It has enough fairy gas. All my actions require fairy gas, so now I can appear here at will." Xiaohan explained.

Song Ning said: "Thank you for saving me before."

Xiaohan waved his hand carelessly: "You are my master, and the slave family should save you."

Song Ning smiled, no more, he thought of Leng Yuexiao's quick voice just before entering the teleportation array: "Don't eat Sun Xin's elixir, look for the palace immediately after entering, we will meet near the palace."

Thinking of this, Song Ning was very curious about the elixir and took it out: "Xiao Fen, this elixir, can you see any clues?"

Xiaofen took the Elixir, just glanced at it, and then throw it away: "Trash, where is the Elixir, it is clearly poison."

"What ?!" Song Ning stunned.

"That thing should have two effects. First, multiple people can feel each other's position. Second, the use of spiritual power is restricted." Xiao Fang is very disdainful: "Don't give me this kind of broken things later. Look, spicy eyes. "

Song Ning smiled and shook his head: "Well, I am too lazy to talk to you."

Upon seeing Song Ning's expression, Xiao Fen thought that Song Ning was angry, and immediately wrapped his hands around him, wrapped his arms around Song Ning, and pressed it tightly to Song Ning: "Master ~ Don't be angry, the slave family in the cave was just empty. Shadow, but now in this fairy ruin, the slave family is the entity, and no one is around, let the slave family serve the master well. "

"Release!" Song Ning was taken aback, how did this small burn become so fast, and his words so bold.

Xiaohan smiled ‘hey’, apparently he was just teasing Song Ning.

"Looking at you like this, it's like seeing my master ten thousand years ago, but unfortunately, the master is a fool, and I have to use me to split the sky." Xiaohan sighed.

"Burn the sky sword, burn the sky sword, don't need you to split the sky, can you cut the wood with you?" Song Ning couldn't help it.

Xiao Fen was stunned. It seemed that the owner had said something similar ten thousand years ago.

She looked closely at Song Ning and determined that the two were not the same person, and the surprise in her heart was even stronger.

"Don't read it, since you can move freely in this fairy ruin, then you do me a favor." Song Ning said.

"Master, please speak." Xiao Fen recovered his gaze, and his tone became serious.

Song Ning swept down: "The surroundings are all wilderness, and my spiritual consciousness can only spread within a hundred feet, so I want to ask you two things, first, help me find Leng Yuexiao, second, help I found such a palace. "

Song Ning said that he began to paint on the ground with spiritual force, and the palace was drawn in the blink of an eye.

"Master, wait a moment." After Xiao Fen took note of the palace, his eyes closed, and a strange force suddenly emanated from her body, swaying like ripples.

If Song Ning expected it well, this is Xianli.

But it was a kung fu in the breath, Xiao Fen shook his head: "Master, within a thousand miles, there are no people and buildings you are looking for."

Song Ning sighed: "How big is this fairy market, and it is not within a thousand miles?"

Xiao Fen was complacent: "Well, the ruins after the fragmentation of the fairy world, the size of this fairy market should be dozens of times larger than that of the country where you fall."

"So big?" Song Ning marveled.

Xiaohan smiled ‘hey’: “This is big? At that time, one of my master ’s palaces was one hundred times the size of your country of falling feathers. Now is this fairy ruin still big?”

Song Ning was helpless: "I am naturally incomparable with your master of the year. If you think I am short-sighted, you can go."

Xiao Fen looked at Song Ning, seeming frightened, but in fact he was laughing in secret: "Master, don't be angry, the slave family knows the wrong, the slave family no longer laughs at the master's short-sightedness. , But found a baby, do you want the slave family to take a look at the master? "

Xiao Fen said, with his arms around Song Ning again, he would hug him.

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