Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 172: Slaughter

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

A piece of black in the sky, hundreds of dragons hovering in mid-air, and turned into a human form, surrounding Song Ning layer by layer.

Song Ning holds a burning sword, his hair is windless and automatic, his eyes are cold, and he glances at these people around him.

"Jiaolong bloodline, the foundation can transform the dragon form, it is you, that's right." Song Ning's mouth raised, and Fen Tianjian trembled: "It's a pity that only so many hundred came."

The leader of the crowd laughed haha: "I don't know if I am alive, I will refine you alive today, take out the scriptures, and give them to the elders!"

The voice of this man had just fallen, more than a hundred people gathered, and they began to form an array. They sacrificed magic weapons one by one. A blue bell jar suddenly appeared in the sky. The bell jar fell directly, covering Song Ning with these hundred people Among them, the outside can't see the inside at all.

Just as the bell jar fell, Song Ning waved his arm and killed his enemy with a sword.

Burning the sky!

Song Ning's shot was the ultimate technique, a sword came out, and the flames of ice in the bell jar ignited. Those monks who still wanted to attack were killed and wounded. Some even do n’t even know what happened, they have turned into ashes.

At the moment, Wang Yi outside the bell jar frowned, watching the cyan color outside the bell jar had completely turned blue, he didn't feel cold behind his back, guessing Song Ning certainly used the amazing cut of the day hit.

"The hundreds of monks fighting with Song Ning should be a scene of both defeats and injuries. Even if Song Ning could kill everyone, he would definitely be seriously injured. Then you and I will work together to block his retreat. I only need one blow. Kill it. "Wang Yi said.

The woman in red next to Wang Yi nodded and said nothing. For Wang Yi, she obeyed.

Within the bell jar, less than one-third of the monks were left in a blink of an eye. After Song Ningfen's chopping, he kept moving in his hands. While swallowing the elixir to add spiritual power, he pointed out the air.


Another monk of the Great Dzogchen in the later period was directly killed.

In this closed space, the ice flames produced by Burning the Sky will not disperse for a long time, and the monks of the Great Dharma in the later period of Dandan are extremely difficult to deal with this ice flame, not to mention fighting with Song Ning.

What they planned originally was broken by Song Ning. What's more, the bell jar they used to trap Song Ning, but now they made Song Ning a wedding dress.

"Refining me? Haha, hahahaha," Shen Dao Jing "is inside me. Want? Come and get it!" Song Ning seemed crazy at the moment.

The remaining twenty-five monks had no blood on their faces. While avoiding the burning of Ice Flame, they sacrificed magic weapons to attack Song Ning.

In this fairy market, even if it is scarce, it still has fairy qi. The Sky Burning Sword can play an extraordinary effect here. The ice flame of the Sky Burning Burn is burning, making the Great Dharma monks in the later period of the Jiedan repair In order to fall, they can only play the strength of the middle of the formation of the Tandan, plus the hell-like scene around them makes them feel terrified. Now let alone the middle of the Tandan, it can be regarded as the battle of the early strength of the Tandan. Thank goodness.

There were a hundred of them when they came. They vowed to refine Song Ning and then went to this fairy ruin to find a treasure. But in any case, they did not expect that the battle had just begun, and it was almost over.

Song Ning's eyes were full of blood, hatred spreading in his heart, the tombs of his uncle and brothers and sisters were dug, and he was burning with anger.

The Burning Sky Sword buzzed, and Song Ning threw the Burning Sky Sword, and the two-handed tactics were sealed.

The Burning Sky Swords were transformed into ten and ten, forming a circular sword array, circled behind Song Ning.

"Qinglian sword array, come out!"

Twenty swords flew out and stabbed the twenty-five monks.

The sound of magic weapon collision, the sound of ice flame burning, and the sound of spiritual explosion, for a time, mixed together, extremely chaotic.

Qinglian sword formation consumes a lot of spiritual power, but every sword comes out, it is necessary to see blood to return. If there is no blood, then this sword will not fly back unless the sword is broken, and the caster will always consume spiritual power. Until the spiritual power is exhausted.


After a sword flew back to Song Ning, blood dripped over the sword body, and another person died in the bell jar. As soon as this person died, he was burned by the surrounding ice flames and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Nineteen swords shuttled among the twenty-four people. Someone just rushed to kill Song Ning just after the next attack, but the attack just fell on Song Ning, but they found that Song Ning suddenly broke into countless ice crystals.

Ice Doppelganger!

However, when he reacted, Song Ning already stood behind him and raised a finger at him.

Breaking the air!


Another person died.

In this enclosed space, under the influence of the fairy qi of the fairy ruins, with the help of this ice flame, Song Ning ’s broken finger is almost a hundred shots, not only that, but also consumes a lot less spiritual power, which One finger killing the enemy consumes the surrounding fairy gas and the burning ice flame.

In the Qinglian sword array, Jianguang shuttled, and the broken fingers continued to point out, the surrounding ice flame gradually extinguished, and the number of swords behind Song Ning was also increasing.

Until the twenty-handed swords all returned, Song Ning swallowed: "Qinglian sword array, close!"

Burning Sky Sword received in the storage ring, within the bell jar, there was a silence.


The bell jar cracked.

At the same time the bell jar shattered, a huge dragon head skull suddenly appeared in the sky. The moment the dragon head skull appeared, a strong coercion was overwhelming, as if the sky had collapsed.

Wang Yi and the woman in red have long been scattered on both sides waiting for an attack. However, when they saw this scene, they quickly backed up and exhausted their entire body. Until a dozen miles away, they dared to look back at the sky.

Even if the dragon head skull is just a ghost image, it gives people the feeling of ruining everything. Under the skull ghost, Song Ning is like a ant, small and fragile.

The phantom roared, and a gust of wind set off, invading Song Ning, disturbed Song Ning's clothes, scattered Song Ning's long hair, and a thick layer of ashes around him was blown into the sky.

Song Ning looked up at the sky, sneered and provoked.

"Now, I have only killed a hundred people. When I enter your sky, I will let you watch the whole family being slaughtered, the bones are gone, and the smoke is gone." Song Ning said, not caring about that one. The phantom that could scream, turned around and walked away step by step.

As he walked, he said in a cold voice: "I, Song Ningben, will not kill innocents indiscriminately, so you should be fortunate, because you killed my fellows, dig graves and dig graves, so I want to destroy your whole family, your innocent people will Won't curse you in hell? "

The phantom still roared, but as Song Ning went further and further away, the phantom became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

At the same time, in the upper bound of infinite proximity to this fairy ruin, an old man's mouth spit out blood: "Song Ning! If you dare to come, I will cramp you and abuse you for thousands of years!"

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