Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 177: Disagreement

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Their eyes fell on the little palace. Someone in this fairy ruin was not surprised, but if there was a little girl, it would be very strange.

Song Ninggang was about to pass, and Leng Yuexiao pulled him: "This is the Fairy Market. It is said that there were countless deaths and injuries here, so ..."

"So you mean, this weeping sound may be made by some spirits, or it may be those immortals who died but left a residual thought?" Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao nodded, and looked a little more vigilant.

"Then I will use spirit consciousness to check it out. Even if it is really hurt, it is only the spirit consciousness." Song Ning said that the spirit consciousness had swept the palace outside the hundred feet, and saw the sobbing inside. source.

"It's a monk, it's just ... there is a spirit of demon, and it should be a demon." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao was shocked in her heart. From here, the distance of the palace is a hundred feet. Her spiritual consciousness can only extend ninety feet here, but can Song Ning's spiritual consciousness even extend to a hundred feet? !

"She seems to be trapped in the palace, so she is crying." Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao.

"What is cultivation?" Leng Yuexiao asked.

"Early foundation." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao hesitated. It stands to reason that the monks in the early stage of foundation building could not come in alone. Generally, for the sake of balance, the people who entered in pairs were all in the late stage of the formation of the Dandan, and the early stage of foundation building. 'S companions are gone.

"Don't worry, after all, it's a demon, and we don't know what's going on there. The demon has a lot of tricks. If it's a trap, we're in trouble." Leng Yuexiao turned to leave.

Song Ning did n’t move, holding Leng Yuexiao ’s wrist with a slightly solemn tone: “Xiao Xiao, you said that the demon has a lot of tricks, what about human monks? Let ’s walk around, you use spiritual knowledge to check it, that ’s true It was a little girl who was injured and trapped in the palace, even though we are fighting monsters, not all monsters are bad, right? "

Leng Yuexiao's heart shivered, her eyes cold, and her voice low: "Song Ning! Do you know how many people die in the hands of the Leng family every year? Do you know how cruel the monster is? Now you tell me that the demon also has Ok?"

Leng Yuexiao's expression was agitated, and she threw away Song Ning, turning her head away.

Song Ning wanted to catch up, but he could not bear to hear the little girl-like crying.

Sometimes, without empathy, you will not understand.

Song Ning once saw the demon slaughter, and he also beheaded and killed tens of thousands of demon, how could he not know the cruelty of the demon?

But this is not a generalized reason. Even demons are good, and even human monks are bad.

Song Ning knows Leng Yuexiao's background, so what he said in front of Leng Yuexiao is his fault.

"I'm sorry." Song Ning secretly said, now I can only save the little girl, and then go to Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao's footsteps are very fast. She doesn't want Song Ning to see the teardrops one by one. She knows that she's talking too much and she shouldn't lose temper with Song Ning, but ...

"Fool ... My mother-in-law is the deceit of a demon. How do you want me to believe in a demon?" Leng Yuexiao's teeth bit her lower lip, and she couldn't let herself make a weeping sound, a trace of blood flowed out. I don't know.

She felt Song Ning leave behind her, and she groaned in her heart.

Is it possible that in Song Ning's heart, he is not as good as a strange demon?

But Leng Yuexiao laughed self-deprecatingly. When did she feel sad for a man? Moreover, this man is acting like this, if he gave up his belief in order to accommodate, then she may not be emotional to him.

If so, how could Leng Yuexiao not want to truce with the demon?

Song Ning quickly came to the gate of the palace, and when his hand was about to push the door, he was snapped open by a burst of force.


Song Ning said: "How to break the barrier at the door? Why are you trapped inside?"

The little girl in the palace was sobbing, and suddenly she heard this voice, and she was ecstatic, but when her consciousness dissipated and felt that a human monk was at the door, she immediately retreated to the pillar in the corner of the palace. Behind, curled up, trembling, not daring to make a sound.

Song Ning was taken aback for a moment. Humans don't believe in demons. How could a demon believe in humans?

"If you have any difficulties and need help, you can tell me." Song Ning said.

There was no sound in the palace, and the little girl was still hiding, trembling and daring not to speak. Song Ning could clearly see that the little girl's face had turned pale, through spirit inspection, and she seemed very scared.

"Well, then I'm gone." Song Ning sighed, he wasn't trying to forcibly break the barrier, but if he did that, the little girl inside would definitely think it was an attack, and then there would be a hard time to argue Too.

But just when Song Ning turned around and left, the little girl in the room suddenly said: "I, I couldn't open it after entering this enclave by mistake, I and my brother separated ... You, can you ... help I."

Song Ning listened to the trembling, tender voice and paused: "I tried to break the enchantment forcibly. After opening the enchantment, I left and would not enter the palace. Okay?"

As soon as the girl gritted her teeth, she responded gently.

She was holding a jade paper in her hand at the moment. The jade paper should be used by her brother, but the enchantment of the palace was very strange. The jade paper shattered several times, but she never saw her brother coming, as if she could stop it. This connection.

Song Ning pulled out Fen Tianjian just about to attack, and an angry voice came from his ear: "This enchantment does not need to be forcibly removed."

"Xiao Xiao." Song Ning put away the Burning Sky Sword, turned to look at Leng Yuexiao from far and near, step by step lotus: "Sorry, I ...

Leng Yuexiao walked up to Song Ning and lowered her head halfway: "No need to apologize."

"Then the border ..." Song Ning said.

The little girl in the palace felt that there was another person, and her face was pale and scared a little bit. The jade paper she held in her hand was a little tighter, just waiting for the moment the enchantment broke open.

Leng Yuexiao came to the front of the enchantment, constantly pinching the law, and continuously playing hundreds of spiritual forces.

Each of these spiritual forces was in a different position. After a while, I only heard the sound of ‘poo’. This enchantment was like a lock, and it was actually opened.

At the same time as the enchantment opened, the little girl shattered the jade paper in her hand, and Leng Yuexiao turned around and left.

"Little girl, please call your brother to come, we will leave now, you don't have to worry." Song Ning finished, immediately followed Leng Yuexiao, embarrassed and apologized on the face, touched his nose, wanted to communicate with Leng Yuexiao found something to say.

The little girl thought that the other party would definitely break into the palace, but she didn't expect that the other party would actually leave like that. She reached out her curious head and glanced at the two people who were away, remembering their appearance deeply. in my heart.

Song Ning catches up with Leng Yuexiao and is hesitating how to speak, but Leng Yuexiao spoke first: "Before, I'm sorry, it was my language that was too aggressive, you are right, but I was born to watch the Leng family fight the demon There were countless deaths and injuries, so the mood changed. "

Between Leng Yuexiao's words, she gently touched her hair and looked at Song Ning sideways, so weak and so charming, just like a little girl, with a touch of sadness in her shyness, and silk in her sadness. Apologize.

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