Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 185: Ice bone

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Leng Yuexiao held Song Ning and looked at Song Ning's bloodless face. She felt a bit familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Leng Yuexiao was like having a dream before. It seemed that she had been living in this heaven and earth since she had a memory. Somehow, there was no mountain in her memory. The world of life was the sea except the mountain.

"If you don't save him as soon as possible ..." Leng Yuexiao held Song Ning and fell outside his log cabin.

If she were to see Song Ning fighting with Wang Yi, she would not believe that there is a demon repair like her in this world.

Does Moxiu even fight Moxiu, or is it to save people?

Leng Yuexiao laughed unconsciously.

Her log cabin is in a bamboo forest. It is very hidden here. For a long time, she has lived here.

There is only one bed in the room, and Leng Yuexiao puts Song Ning on the bed, and takes a few pills from the storage ring to feed Song Ning.

Song Ning is still in a coma, and the situation is extremely poor. Leng Yuexiao can feel that Song Ning's bones, except for the spine and skull, are almost smashed apart by simple investigation.

Looking at Song Ning's sleeping cheeks, Leng Yuexiao was extremely confused.

But after hesitating for a while, she made that decision.

Ice muscle continued bone!

This is something that can be done by a person who possesses the true soul of the ice. The bone-breaking person takes the flesh and blood of the person of the freezing ice, which allows the bones to grow and regenerate.


Leng Yuexiao couldn't help but question, when she probed Song Ning's bone that was broken into powder, she suddenly found that Song Ning's bones had ballast.

Ice bone? !

Leng Yuexiao's originally tense expression became a lot more relaxed. If it is an ordinary monk, it hurts like this. Even if you take ice muscle, it can only be a recovery action. This monk is different in front of him. He has ice bones, so as long as the ice muscles continue to grow, he can recover as before, even stronger than before.


Looking at the mirror, Leng Yuexiao flicked off his clothes and looked at his holy and ice-free skin, a bit embarrassed.

Women love beauty and human nature. Even though she is holding a dagger at this moment, she doesn't know which piece to cut.

The dagger trembled. I didn't know how long it took before the cold dagger was covered with hot blood and thin skin like ice.

Leng Yuexiao watched the blood drop into the bowl drop by drop, her dagger pressed hard, and the ice muscle was also cut off.

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain. After taking Jindandan, she frozen the wound with the force of ice.

For people with cold bodies, wounds are extremely difficult to heal. Even if Jindoudan is used for such a large wound, it will still leave scars.

Song Ning was still asleep. He didn't know what was happening outside, but he could vaguely feel as if someone was feeding him something.

Bing muscle jade blood, there is no slight **** taste, but it is very sweet, like rock candy.

Week after week, day after day.

Leng Yuexiao's wound was healed the day before by the efficacy of the Elixir, and the next day she cut off the same place and took it to Song Ning.

As she watched Song Ning's body recover, she was relieved, but she looked at the mirror every night and looked at the scar on her arm. She felt a little sad.

Half a month later, Song Ning's internal bones recovered, but his internal organs were seriously injured before. I know that he has not recovered today, which is one of the reasons why Song Ning has never woke up.

Leng Yuexiao opened the storage ring and looked at the elixir in it.

"There is very little left, and there is no panacea that can help him to heal. I am afraid I can only go to Longyunguan." Leng Yuexiao sighed bitterly.

She didn't know what her purpose was to live here. There seemed to be a hint in her mind that she was going to kill and kill, but Leng Yuexiao didn't want it, somehow, she was very I hate fighting and I don't like killing.

She picked up Song Ning and left the log cabin. The moment before she left, she turned to look at the log cabin. She seemed to have accompanied her long years, and she seemed to live only for a short time. Back here.

"The strength of the magic repair in Batu Caves is too strong. I don't know where many magic weapons come from. Maybe he will find it. When I go to Longyun Temple, then this small cabin will probably come back again." Leng Yuexiao sighed, holding Song Ning and turned away.

The log cabin was in Longyunguan Mountain Col. After Leng Yuexiao moved several times, he came to Longyunguan Mountain Gate.

There are five people in Longyun Temple. When Leng Yuexiao came outside the mountain gate of Longyun Temple, a monk was chopping wood.

"Moxiu? Why are you here!" A monk startled.

Immediately afterwards, three more people came out from inside. If Song Ning was awake at this moment, he would surely find out that these three were Liu Ruyan, Mo Mo, and Bai Xin!

The four immediately surrounded Leng Yuexiao, and the weapon in his hand appeared.

Among them, Liu Ruyan didn't even wait for Leng Yuexiao to speak, and attacked Leng Yuexiao.

"Moxiu, come to life!"

Leng Yuexiao backed away while holding Song Ning repeatedly, while resisting, and quickly said: "This Taoist was rescued in the Batu Caves a few days ago and was seriously injured. Now that the internal organs have not fully recovered, I come to Longyunguan to hope. Ask him a few pills to help him heal, and please do n’t get me wrong. "

"Huh, you are Moxiu, you are carrying Moxiu, and the human and the demon are not mutually exclusive. Since you are here, leave your life here!" Liu Ruyan's offensive became more fierce.

Leng Yuexiao is similar to Liu Ruyan, but in recent days Leng Yuexiao has been rescuing Song Ning, and now his strength is naturally not as good as Liu Ruyan, plus his injuries, under Liu Ruyan's attack , Defeated again and again, can only look at blocking.

Bai Xin and others didn't do it, but they didn't block it, they just watched.

Liu Ruyan's palm fell on Leng Yuexiao, Leng Yuexiao's blood was unstable, her complexion was ruddy, and she obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

Just as they were fighting, a mortal passed by and saw that there was a fight, hurriedly shouting: "Don't fight, don't fight, the one she is carrying is a good person!"

Liu Ruyan froze, and Bai Xin and Mo Mo stopped immediately. Liu Ruyan stopped and turned to look at the mortal: "What are you talking about?"

That mortal is Bai Ting!

Bai Ting explained: "Before we were poisoned by someone, the comatose monk came over and killed the person who poisoned us, and then went in the direction of Batu Caves, he is not a wicked person."

Liu Ruyan frowned: "Are you sure?"

Bai Ting stretched out three fingers: "I swear to the sky, if there is a false word, the sky thunders!"

Liu Ruyan then put down his weapon and threw a fist at Leng Yuexiao: "It is my recklessness. If it is to save people, then bring it in, but I said in advance that I can help you save people, but I have Conditions, if you do not agree, then you will now take people away. "

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