Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 190: Ten-year agreement

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Realistic mode, the end!

The old man and the boy who had been watching the real fantasy mode were shocked and speechless at the moment.

For thousands of years, few people have been able to take the initiative out of the real fantasy mode. The red woman not only took the initiative to leave the real fantasy mode, but also saved Wang Yi.

But what struck the two of them most was not the woman in red, but the ending of Song Ning and others.

They have never seen the ending of the fantasy mode. From ancient times to the present, up to three people have survived in the fantasy mode. Sometimes, even in order to kill people and win treasures, everyone in the fantasy mode will die.

But today ...

"Is it because of the woman in red, so the rules of the real fantasy mode have changed?" Little boy stunned.

The old man hasn't had time to explain yet. I saw someone has come out of the real fantasy mode, and the two people who came out are the red woman and Wang Yi!

"This woman in red should be the avatar of a monk who was a transcendent. Although he was able to rescue people from the fantasy mode before, he could not escape the shackles of the fantasy mode. Now that the fantasy mode is broken, they are the first to come out. , Others may have to wait to come out. "The old man said, looking at the red woman and Wang Yi in a low expression.

The little boy looked solemn at the moment: "It's just that the doppelganger will certainly be bitten. Anyone who violates the real fantasy mode will be bitten, even if ..."

The little boy's words were not finished yet, and the woman in red began to vomit blood, and her skin seemed to be corrupted and began to rot.

The woman in red pressed and held Wang Yi's celestial being. Wang Yigang came out of the real fantasy mode, his face was blank, and before he could react to what had happened, he felt that the flesh and blood in his body had been drawn away and his body shrank rapidly.

At this moment, the figures of Song Ning and others appeared slowly, but they were still in a muddled state.

Song Ning and others recovered, looking at everything in front of them, a little confused, and the nineteen ninety-nine rooms around them had disappeared without a trace. They looked around. In this empty palace, they saw it for the first time. I saw the woman in red and Wang Yi!

Song Ning's pupils shrank, and when his eyes fell on Wang Yi, Wang Yi stretched out his hands, his fingers were dry, and his skin was crumpled and wrapped tightly around the bones, like a skull.

He was calling for help, but at this moment he couldn't even make a sound.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Yi was sucked dry by the woman in red.

Withered bones fell to the ground, and in this silent palace, the click echoed.

In the middle of the palace, an ice blue light suddenly appeared, and a slap-sized ice appeared, exuding endless ice and glare.


Several figures flashed in front of the ice, and they raised their hands to take away the ice, but when these people just stretched out, they suddenly felt a strong force squeeze out, in the presence, except for the red dress Except for women, everyone seemed to be bound by the air, unable to move.

With the ice close at hand, Song Ning's fingertips were less than an inch away from the ice at the moment, but she could only watch the woman in red step by step, wave her hand, and put the ice in the storage ring.

The woman in red looked at everyone, and finally stopped at Song Ning's storage ring, and raised her hand to take off his storage ring.

The palace began to tremble. There seemed to be an enchantment in the palace. Thunderlight appeared above the palace. The light fell suddenly and split on the woman in red.

The woman in red didn't seem to care at all, her body was directly scorched black, but her hand was still stretched towards Song Ning.


Another time, the anger thundered, and the woman died!

The **** disappeared, and Song Ning and others just came forward to take away the woman's storage ring. I saw a ripple suddenly appearing in the space behind the woman. In this ripple, a delicate white hand was stretched out, and that hand grabbed directly Living woman's storage ring.


The palace shook more violently. The power within the palace fluctuated. Under this violent force, no one could stand still. The thunder and thunder continued to fall. At the moment when the hand reached in, dozens of thunder and thunder burst down.

However, the speed of the hand was faster, and quickly pulled away. The thunder collided together, bursting apart, shocking everyone's chest, and even bleeding. The internal injuries were extremely heavy.

The palace restored calm.

Everyone looked at each other, looking at the black body, the scene just happened was too weird.


Leng Yuexiao slumped weakly on the ground.

The purpose of her trip is the ice, and now the ice is taken away, which means that everything is over.

If you don't enter the real fantasy mode, you won't feel a touch of tranquility. If you don't feel a peaceful life, you won't have a yearning.

In the illusory world, Leng Yuexiao's state of mind changed completely, so that at this moment her tears circulated in her eyes, almost crying.


Leng Yuexiao, after all, is Leng Yuexiao.

Here is the Fairy Market, here is the real world, in this world, she has an obligation from the moment she was born, and her destination is the ice abyss!

Song Ning walked to Leng Yuexiao and put her hand gently on her shoulder.

Leng Yuexiao chuckled and shook her head slowly: "You can get the best, but you can't get it."

Song Ning was stunned. Leng Yuexiao changed too fast before and after, making him somewhat unacceptable. However, when he saw the deepest hidden fragility in Leng Yuexiao's eyes, he understood that Leng Yuexiao had not changed. , Only in this world, she can only hide the vulnerability.

Bai Ting sighed: "Song Daoyou, the ten-year agreement you and I said ..."

"It's okay, I saved Baixin. Baixin saved Xiaoxiao. Those ten years promised that if you want to repent, I have nothing to say." Song Ning said.

Bai Ting quickly waved his hand: "Song Daoyou, you misunderstood. The agreement is the agreement, and it will not change. Moreover, while Bai Xin saves the cold Daoist, he has also transformed himself and came out of the shadows. This is a happy event for us. But there is a saying, even if you do not believe, I still want to say. "

Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao were both very surprised when they heard that Bai Ting said that the ten-year agreement would not change.

Bai Ting continued: "I can feel the sadness of Leng Daoyou. In fact, our demon fairy clan is also the same. Many things, if you change your position, you will find differently. You, Song Daoyou, are the benefactors of our Bai family. You and Leng I am envious of Daoyou ’s feelings. I do n’t have any other skills, but as the young patriarch of the fairy fairy family, I can still do it for a decade of truce. The ten-year period is our agreement. If it is ten years later We can meet again ... I'm afraid it's only you who will survive. "

Song Ning clenched his fists and bowed to Bai Ting.

Bai Ting took hold of Song Ning: "Song Daoyou, if you can, I really want to be a brother with you, just ... hey, I just talk casually."

"If you don't dislike, I will call you Bai Xiong in the future." Song Ning said.

Bai Ting was stunned, and was immediately overjoyed, smiling with a smile: "Ha ha, ha ha ha, Brother Song!"

The two of them said nothing, and the people around them looked dumbfounded, and the flames of war ignited for thousands of years, but these two rivals became brothers?

Liu Ruyan opened his mouth and just wanted to vomit, just listening to the rumbling of the hall, as if it was about to collapse.

In the middle of the air, the old man and the little boy who were watching with great interest were frightened, and there was endless horror in their expressions: "The monk of the Nashua God forcibly extended his palm in before, which greatly reduced the power of the fairy ruin. It seems Within these millenniums, the Fairy Market can no longer be opened! "

With that said, he quickly popped up several tactics, one of which drove everyone in this fairy ruin back to all walks of life ...

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