Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 338: Hidden monsters in the mission

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Feng Tu won? !

The same question didn't just appear in Ouyang Ting's mind and others. When Song Yu just saw the progress of the mission, he almost screamed.

Because the progress of his task shows that Song Ning also completed the task.

The voice in the ancient tower said slowly: "The 51st floor, the frost forest, the first to break the team, the captain Song Ning, the fastest to complete the team, the captain Song Ning."

The voice dissipated, and neither of the two teams spoke, but at the next moment, Song Yu and others burst into cheers. As for Yunhai and others, although they sneered in their hearts, they did not say it. After all, they were in the previous task. They all waited aside. It was Feng Tu who contributed. Even if Feng Tu lost, they couldn't say anything.

Song Yu jumped up like a child, and Duan Yun looked deep into the deep frost forest. He admired Song Ning for a little more.

Deep in the frost forest, Song Ning walked out slowly. Both of his swords were stained with blood. The sword given to him by Uncle Chen did not know what the name was. Song Ning, in commemoration of his Liuyun sword, took this new method ** The sword is also named Liuyun Sword.

The left hand Liuyun sword, the right hand burning Tianjian, Song Ning did not put away the two swords until he walked out of the frost forest.

"Senior Song Ning, you are too powerful, saying that let us kill together, but you did not expect you to go alone and kill all spirit beasts, faster than Feng Tu!" Song Yu clenched his fists , Very encouraged.

"When I introduced the spirit beasts before, I found that the spirit beasts have a certain range of activity. If they exceed the range, they will take the initiative to fly back to the original place, wasting some time and forcing them to do nothing." Song Ning said.

Duan Yun heard the meaning of Song Ning. Song Ning did not directly start the beheading. If he had the idea of ​​completing it from the beginning, he was afraid that the completion time would be faster.

Such a terrifying person, Duan Yunsi did not think that Song Ning was worse than Feng Tu.

Song Ru congratulated Song Ning: "It seems that the tasks in this ancient pagoda, Song Ning's predecessors, can be completed by one person. We all came from the light."

Song Ning shook his head: "This ancient tower mission can never be completed by one person. If one person can complete it, we will not ask to form a team. We are a team. We cannot break the balance of the team because of someone's strength. Just now I was forced. This is a special case for everyone to win.

After talking, Song Ning began to investigate the task reward: "Let everyone look at the task reward."

During the conversation, several people found that there were many fragments in the storage ring, which were enough for a bloodstone.

In addition, the extra reward and the first break reward are given directly to the captain. The captain has distributed fragments to everyone all the way, and it is the same at this moment.

Duan Yun and Zhou Li glanced at each other, and exchanged sounds with each other. They agreed that even if Song Ning did not come up with any magic weapon or other rewards, they could not say it. After all, Song Ning was too strong, and this just now Guan Ning is fighting with Song Ning. It is normal that he wants to hide the first break reward and extra reward.

Song Ning first took some debris from the storage ring and shared it equally. Then, he took out another bow and arrow.

"This is the bow and arrow rewarded for the first break. It looks like a low-level magic weapon. Whoever can use it will take it." Song Ning said.

This low-level magic weapon is a good thing for Duan Yun and Zhou Li, but it also has some appeal.

Treasures are divided into several levels. The lowest level is ordinary goods, which can be avoided. The better ones are spirit treasures, which are generally used by spiritual realm monks, and the better ones are magic treasures. Generally, fairyland monks use magic treasures. As for the better than magic weapon, it is called Xian Bao. Xian Bao needs to be bred. A good magic weapon can become a Xian Bao after many years of gestation.

Therefore, although this is only a low-level magic weapon, it is not something ordinary monks can possess.

Duan and Tuesday naturally did not expect Song Ning to actually give out the first break reward to everyone. Although some want this bow and arrow, they need to use this bow and arrow, and they also have the magic weapon of the attack type.

"I ... I want this bow and arrow, but I ..." Song Ru whispered, she first looked at Song Ning, and then to Duan Yun and Zhou Li.

Duan Yun spread his hands: "I don't need it."

Zhou Li also nodded, saying that he did not need this bow or arrow.

Song Ru finally set his sights on Song Ning. At the moment, Duan and Zhou also looked at Song Ning. They wanted to know whether Song Ning would put forward any conditions.

"If they have no opinion, this bow and arrow is yours, but since you want the bow and arrow, then the following reward has nothing to do with you." Then, Song Ning took out a low-level magic weapon from the storage ring.

The pupils of Duan Yun and others shrank suddenly. They didn't even think that there was a reward?

"This is an extra reward. Although it is a Lingbao, it should be a top-level Lingbao, and it is a defensive Lingbao. It is more suitable for women. If you have no opinion, give it to Zhou Li." Song Ning said.

Duan Yun glanced at this defensive spirit treasure, and he had no opinion. As for Song Yu, he was not qualified to fight.

"Well, the next thing to get the magical treasures like Song Yu and Duan Yun." Song Ning said: "Evenly distributed, so that there will be no quarrels. Fortunately, the other team does not have these extra rewards. Otherwise, they may fight. "

Song Yu couldn't help but hear Song Ning's words, before those people were fighting because of a captain, let alone treasures like treasures.

The task rewards are all allocated, but the five of them are still in this frost forest, and there are no enchantments around them. This is a bit weird.

"I remember the mission reminder seemed to say that the teleportation array can appear after completing this frost forest enchantment?" Song Ning asked.

Several people nodded, and all felt weird.

They had n’t figured out what was going on. They only heard a bang, the ice was cracking, and the earthquake was shaking. They all backed away. At this moment, the earth in front of them was split in half, as if it were an ice abyss below. In the abyss, a whole body of ice crystals appeared like an ice sculpture dragon.

Ice Dragon!

Compared with this ice dragon, the frost and snow dragons that Song Ning had killed before were like snakes. This ice dragon was as long as forty or fifty feet, and a head was larger than Song Ning's five people.


The ice dragon roared, and the ice crystals were shocked by the wind. The ice crystals were extremely sharp. Song Ningying could hear the sound of these ice crystals piercing the air.

This is ... hidden monsters that may appear in the mission!

At the same time, the voice of the ancient pagoda appeared in the hearts of the five people including Song Ning: "Kill the abyss ice dragon, reward, ten bloodstones."

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