Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 404: Deguoluodan

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Qingning wanted to run away directly, but she couldn't. She could only stay here in order to make money. If one accidentally angered Song Ning, then she might not be able to get a commission for a spirit stone.

At the moment, Qing Ning felt that he had carried all the ridiculed eyes, thinking that he had become the laughing stock of everyone, but in fact, at this moment, no one cares too much about her, because the Chihong Fairy who knows how to control the whole auction is now the last auction item. Take it out.

"Dao friends, this last auction item is also the finale of this auction. This is a panacea, a panacea with amazing effects. Someone may have received the news before. Yes, this panacea is called I will not talk about the efficacy of Tuigu Pei Luo Dan. In the eyes of many people, it looks like a poison, but in some people's eyes, it is a much-needed panacea. Today this panacea appears in Here, naturally everyone can bid for auction. "Chihong Fairy said, taking a deep breath.

At this moment her heart was beating wildly, she opened a pill box, and the moment the pill box opened, everyone's eyes fell on this pill.

There are four stripe roads on the elixir, but these four stripe roads are made of eight stripe roads.

Chihong Fairy hadn't expected that there would be a demon fairy coming. She had no idea about stealing the beam and replacing the column. Now she is ready to run at any time.

The fairy man on the fourth floor of the auction paid special attention to this immortality. After he carefully looked at it, he turned to the lady and said something. Then the lady fairy nodded and said no more.

Crimson Fairy undulated on his chest and said: "Then, the starting price of this retreating Danluo Dan is 800,000 spirit stones, and the price increase cannot be less than 50,000 spirit stones each time."

As soon as the Chihong fairy's voice fell, the demon clan man said: "800,000 spirit stones, we demon clan want this pill."

Chihong Fairy was also relieved when she heard the words, and the Fairy Clan started bidding, which showed that the immortality medicine had no filling, and she naturally avoided the disaster of extinction.

However, Song Ning was shocked after hearing the price.

Nima, 800,000 spirit stones? Eight hundred thousand? ! He only received 90,000 yuan and two additional lives, but the price of this panacea was 800,000 spirit stones. How much did he lose?

The starting price of this panacea is 800,000 spirit stones. Naturally, few people will grab it. In addition, if the fairy fairy clan also wants this panacea, no one will even make a price.


Just when everyone felt that the price had been finalized, a low voice suddenly came from a loft on the third floor: "Nine hundred thousand."

Of all the lofts on the third floor, the only one in the loft didn't say a word from beginning to end, but he didn't expect him to come out to bid for this retreating and peeling pill.

Everyone who bids for retreating and peeling off the pill is Song Ning's concern. Before Song Ning wanted to know who would buy the poison pill, although he knew that the poison pill should be related to the fairy fairy clan, However, he did not expect that the people of the fairy fairy family would come to the auction, but now Song Ning is certain that the people of the fairy fairy family and Bai Ting Baixin are definitely not together.

Everyone's eyes in the auction house were in the mysterious attic, but because of Song Ning's wanton bidding, many people were wondering at the moment. They were curious whether Song Ning would continue to bid and go in for a mix.

To their disappointment, Song Ning didn't even speak at all. It was the fairy fairy men who continued to bid: "One million."

"1.1 million." As soon as he bid, the man in the attic immediately followed.

"1.3 million."


The fairy fairy man frowned: "This Daoist, you still don't want to make trouble, this panacea is what my fairy fairy must get."

The voice of the man of the fairy fairy family had just fallen, and I saw the bead curtain outside the mysterious attic spread out. A man stood with his hands on his back. He looked up slightly and looked at the man of the fairy fairy family, "I must also get this medicine. ! "

After seeing this man, the demon-clan man's expression tightened, and he couldn't help but step back half a step. From his expression, he can see that the man in this loft has an amazing identity.

The fairy fairy man then smiled: "Oh, since it is so, it is not interesting for us to continue to raise the price. How about we make a bet? Who can bet to win, who will be the medicine."

"It's okay. After all, I'm afraid it's going to be endless. Even if the price of this medicine is tens of millions, it can't stop." The man said.

The monks below listened to the conversation between the two, and there was really a feeling of a dog in their hearts. A pill is just to fight for a pill. Tens of millions of spirit stones may not stop. They only want to say one sentence at the moment. Words-It's good to have money!

But despite this idea in their minds, they care more about what the two people bet on, and what can they bet on?

The fairy fairy man said under the understanding of the young lady: "Let ’s just talk about this elixir and tell us which elixir is from the hands of the alchemist. Whoever is right can bid for it, saying The wrong person cannot bid. "

The crimson fairy who was already relieved felt that the whole person was not good after hearing this. She used to be peachy, but now she is ashamed: "Two or two, this auction item is not allowed to follow, Random investigation, this is the rules of the auction. "

The Chihong fairy has begun to stutter, which seems to others to be nothing. After all, she is talking to the fairy fairy family, and it is inevitable that she is nervous, but in Song Ning's view, this Chihong fairy is just a guilty conscience, because that The red medicine in the red box was immortalized by Chihong Fairy. Now the other party has to guess who made the red medicine. Chihong Fairy must be afraid of filling.

Song Ning didn't want to pierce the Chihong Fairy. Now when they hear that the two are going to compete and guess who the medicine is from, Song Ning is more interested.

The fairy fairy man said: "We will not detect this immortality, otherwise it will be meaningless."

The Crimson Fairy slacked off a little, but was still very alert to prepare to escape at any time.

The man in the attic said: "This medicine is made by Master Serum."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yun frowned slightly, and he said, ‘this person has no known origin, but when he exited, he said which master made this panacea. It seems that the background is not ordinary. ’

The fairy fairy man laughed sarcastically: "According to rumors, this panacea was indeed refined by Master Serum, but this panacea was not made by him. The smoothness of this panacea is better, Master Serum. This level is not reached, so I can be sure that you are wrong. "

The most surprised at this moment is the Chihong Fairy. Chihong Fairy also heard that this panacea was made by Master Serum. She did not expect it anyway. The person who imitated the panacea even imitated so well. Better than elixir?

[The author off topic]: 4 chapters

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