Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 419: Moon River

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Under the cloak, Song Ning puts the medicinal material in his hands into the storage ring. At this time, his soul is still suffering. Under this torture, he has no spirit, Song Ning wonders whether or not There is no panacea that can heal the soul, but he can only think of it first, but he can only think of a semi-toxic panacea named 'Jiledan'.

This Bliss can make the soul of the monk comfortable, can make the monk reverie, reduce the pain on the monk's body, and sublimate the monk's spirit.

The only bad thing is that this medicine is addictive. If it is addictive, it is difficult to quit.

Less than a last resort, Song Ning did not want to refine it, let alone take it, but now his condition is really too bad, or because the attack before the Xianxian was too heavy, Song Ning felt that his soul had been emptied at this time. The whole person is like a walking dead, all he remembers now is to go to the East to find Xiao Burning them quickly, but with his current appearance, how to find it?

Song Ning walked, and the sound of the water near her ears gradually became louder. Song Ning stopped beside a tree, just about to move forward, but suddenly found that someone was bathing in the water.

He stopped and leaned against the tree. This feeling seems to have happened before. This kind of encounter seems to have happened. He still remembers that he happened to meet Mu Xuezhao in a lake in the same year. He still remembers ...


He seemed to hear the bite from the soul, and then his soul burst into pain. This pain was not because of the subsequent attack, but because the trauma he had suffered before was too heavy for a short time. It is extremely difficult to heal.

This kind of soul pain is hard to endure even for ordinary monks, not to mention Song Ning now? Song Ning wanted to endure as much as possible, but his physical response made it difficult for him to hold back.

His body was twitching, and he was curled up beside the tree. Although he was wearing an invisibility cloak at the moment, he still made a rustling sound because he kept rubbing fallen leaves and mud.

In the lake, the bathing woman's ear moved and turned to look at the sound source. She stared at Song Ning's position for a while. She always felt that there was a voice coming from time to time, but she didn't see anyone.

"Perhaps I was too nervous. Hey, after washing and cleaning, I went back to Zongmen. I went down the mountain privately for more than a month. If I could go back after reborn, the elders would not blame me." In this 'Yuehe'.

At this time the moonlight had fallen, and the bright moonlight was reflected in the moon river. It was in the middle of the moon that the full moon hung in the sky, bright and bright.

Here is the Moon River. The Moon River is not just ordinary river water, but a spectacle that may appear in the moon's mountains only at the time of the full moon. According to legend, if someone can soak in the moon river for three hours, the body The impurities in it can be eliminated, the root bones in the body can also be strengthened, and it can become a monk more suitable for cultivation.

This woman had heard of such legends, so she kept searching for Yuehe and finally found it today.

She was enjoying the bath of moonlight and clear water with her eyes closed, but suddenly heard the rubbing voice again, which was very clear to her ears, making the woman's heart tremble.

"Could it be ... Is someone peeking at me for a bath ?!" The woman was alert. She lived for seventeen years and had never seen her body by anyone of the opposite sex. Although she has found 'Yuehe' now, But they can't relax their vigilance.

She has been staring at the location of Song Ning. If there is no cloak, she has already discovered Song Ning.

Under the invisibility cloak, Song Ning painlessly wanted to live, but at this time he also found that the pain above his soul was a sequelae left before.

In the Moon River, the woman ’s body like the moonlight drifted towards the center of the water. This Moon River is a rumored river. She was still a bit against the Moon River, so she always soaked on the edge of the Moon River. But now I have heard the sound of rubbing under the trees not far from the shore. She is afraid that at this time a man will come out and want to do something wrong, so she has to go towards the center of the Moon River.

At this time, the moonlight was full, almost all the moon river was moonlight, and the huge moon reflected on the moon river, as if the entire moon river was occupied.

If it were usual, the woman would surely find out, but now she did not find it at all, and she continued to swim towards the center of Yuehe.

Although the moon is bright and bright, if you look closely, you will find that there are some patterns in the moon. From a distance, it looks like a woman in a gown sitting under a tree, and there is a little rabbit beside the woman, and The woman in the gown happened to be in the middle of the moon.

"Nasty, if Miss Ben knows who dares to peek here, I will definitely dig out her eyes!" The woman bit her lower lip, and there was a hint of blush on her white and tender cheeks, obviously extremely angry.

But when she retreated, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked down, and her retreat speed was obviously not so fast, but at this moment, the water of the Moon River seemed to be flowing backwards, and the center of the Moon River was like a vortex. , Constantly sucking her body towards the center.

"Ah!" The woman screamed. If it had not been for more than two hours, she was afraid to give up her merits. At this moment, she must have fled directly from the water and fled.

She immediately thought about swimming on the shore, but the surrounding river suddenly became extremely viscous. She seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break away at all, but her body drifted toward the center more and more.

The woman wanted to shout, but at this moment she could not make any sound, her arms kept flapping, but her body was still heading towards the heart of the river.

A moment later, the woman was completely engulfed by the water of the Moon River, and the last moment she was engulfed, she was at the position of the 'girl in the gown' reflected by the moonlight, and even the movements in her hands were exactly the same. !

The woman disappeared, and Song Ning's pain gradually weakened. His mouth was dry. When he saw that there was no one in Yuehe, he stumbled to the side of Yuehe. He picked up the river and drank it. But no matter how many times he held it, all the water was Flowing down from his hands was like being unable to be picked up by the hand.

At this time, Song Ning's pain in his soul had weakened a lot. He soberly watched that the river in the moonlight was getting fewer and fewer. The smaller the moon's reflection, the smaller the river, the smaller the river, the moon's The smaller the reflection is, in the blink of an eye, the river has become one-fifth the size of the previous one, and the rate of shrinking is still not reduced.

Song Ning was shocked that this scene was too weird. Although the disappearance of the river had nothing to do with him, he vaguely remembered that there was a woman bathing in the river before. The woman is absolutely real, but after blinking Kung Fu, where did the woman go? Could it be ... was eaten by this river? !

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