Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 430: Coagulation method

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Boss, you'd better not spread these medicinal materials, and don't tell Liu Ran, some things are still kept secret." Song Ning asked.

A middle-aged man would have said that Song Ning would have said this directly. He is not a fledgling child. Now Song Ning warned that he would naturally not speak at will, after all, even Liu Ran The alchemy master of the level will be supported by many people when he goes out, not to mention the master Song?

"Since Master Song wants to keep it secret, let me do this personally. I want to decide on Master Song's relationship." The middle-aged man openly wanted Song Ning to ask for his relationship.

The boss of Pill Medicine went to get the medicine in person, and Song Ning smiled: "Thank you over there, I don't know how to call it?"

The middle-aged man laughed, and Song Ning took the initiative to ask for his name. This shows that Song Ning had bought him this favor: "Call me Tang Chuan."

"Boss Tang, I'm tired. I'll have alchemy in the alchemy room after I get the medicine. If it's convenient, I need Tang to tell Liu Ran. I don't like being disturbed when practicing alchemy." Song Ning said.

Tang Chuan smiled down: "Master Song, please sit down first, and I will get the medicine."

After Tang Chuan left the room, he felt uneasy. He has been thinking about who this 'Master Song' is now. There are a large number of alchemists in the demon realm. There are too few alchemists in his mind. In his Tangchuan impression, there is no such person.

After thinking about it, Tang Chuan finally came to a conclusion-Yi Rongdan!

Tang Chuan believes that this 'Master Song' must be a pseudonym. The other party used Yi Rongdan. There are too few people who can be so young and have such a good medicine. Although he does not know what the other party wants to do, Tang Chuan understands that this young man is not him Can afford it.

While Song Ning was waiting for Tang Chuan to take the panacea, there was a feeling of soul tearing. Now he is not sure how often his soul will hurt. Every time it hurts, it is very terrible, but fortunately when Song Ning is quiet I once saw a tactic in the pinnacle of martial arts, called "Ningxin Law", which is specially designed to help people enhance the power of the soul.

‘The human soul can also be elevated? This is the question in Song Ning's mind when he first saw the "Ning Xin Fa Jue", but if placed in the present, Song Ning would say: "The human soul can also be improved!"

While waiting for Tang Chuan, Song Ning began to flip the Ning Xin Fa Ju, and began to practice concentration through the introduction of Ning Xin Fa Ju.

Although it was only a short period of time, this method of condensing the heart can relieve the pain in the soul. Song Ning did indeed feel this, but although the pain was weakened, Song Ning was still very uncomfortable, and the body continued to sweat in sweat. It looks like a serious illness.

"Eh? Master Song, what's wrong with you? Could it be that I'm too hot here?" Tang Chuan asked when he saw Song Ning was sweating all over.

Song Ning's expression was as usual. Although he was slightly panicked, it seemed normal to human eyes: "Oh, yes, yes, it's a little hot."

Tang Chuan is a mature man, and when he heard Song Ning say this, he immediately smirked: "Haha, it's hot? Presumably that Hongyi's little **** had eaten something for you? Just now your alchemy is too fast, and the effect is You came out before the attack, but now it happened to me. "

Tang Chuan was thinking about it, and he was ready to send Song Ning to the alchemy room quickly, and then let Hong Yi have a good time with Song Ning, then Gao Pan could be regarded as the mysterious alchemist.

"Master Song, this is the medicinal herbs I prepared for you. There are 70,000 spirit stones in addition to the medicinal herbs. By the way, the alchemy room upstairs has also been vacated. Liu Ran is now training and will not disturb you. Yes, you can rest assured. "Tang Chuan smiled.

Song Ning grabbed the storage ring and turned towards the upstairs: "Thank you, I am in a hurry to make alchemy, so I will go upstairs first."

Song Ning's footsteps were extremely fast. As soon as he entered the alchemy room, he immediately closed the gate with spiritual force, and then he jumped into the hot spring.

When the soul is torn, it will feel cold all over, and it can make the body more comfortable in this hot spring. Song Ning started to operate the coagulation method after entering the hot spring. Although he had just practiced the coagulation method, he also had a weak With this weak effect, he can slowly relieve his pain.

Song Ning hurried into the room, but did not find that there was another person in the partition of this room, and this person was Hong Yi!

Hongyi was cleaning here just now, ready to welcome Song Ning. This partition is a small room isolated. If the door is closed, the partition will directly block the spiritual power. People outside cannot feel the spiritual power inside the partition. People in the partition can see people outside.

Hong Yi originally wanted to go out immediately, but as soon as she saw that Song Ning's behavior was a little strange, she didn't go out, but waited.

"This Master Song was covered with sweat just now, and his face looks a little strange, so it's impossible ..." Hong Yi was overjoyed, why would the man be sweaty, and why would his face look strange?

She immediately came out of the partition and quietly entered the hot spring. When she entered the hot spring, she left the only tulle on her body.

At this time, Song Ning is concentrating on practicing the Ningxin Dharma. Everything is difficult at the beginning. He is feeling the Ningxin Dharma wholeheartedly. Even so, he cannot directly understand the mystery of the Ningxin Dharma.

Suddenly, Song Ning felt that something very soft was sliding on his body. He was a little puzzled, but the method of singularity was imminent. The illusion received is ignored.

At this time, Hong Yi was clinging tightly to Song Ning. She saw that Song Ning didn't react at all. She thought Song Ning pretended not to know, but she secretly promised, so she became bold.

Song Ning still feels something strange in his body. This feeling is somewhat familiar, as if the fingertips of a woman are sliding on him. His soul pain this time is not so strong. Although there is no way to understand the Ningxin law, the soul Pain doesn't hurt much, so Song Ning's thoughts of comprehension of Ning Xin Fa Ju also temporarily dispelled.

"What's the trick, there is still the illusion that the woman is stroking on her body." Song Ning broke away from entering the set, opened her eyes, and got up to go to the alchemy.

He had just stood together, and suddenly saw a woman in the water. The woman was unfastening his belt with his hands, as if to take off his clothes completely. At this moment, the woman saw Song Ning suddenly got up, confused, moving in the hand Also stopped ...

【Author's Digression】: 3 chapters

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