Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 444: Yin and Yang fusion

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Miss, Miss? I ... Would you like to notify the master?" Yuner asked weakly.

Chi Ruolan shook her head. If she talked about the wine in Wangfenglou, she could not be more familiar with it. At that time, her father drank Wangfenglou and was burned to death. She will never forget this matter, which is why There will be a place that is as high as Wangfeng Tower in Roland City. It is because Chi Ruolan does not go to Wangfeng Tower, so Chi family built a building for Chi Ruolan alone. Only Chi Ruolan and personally capable people can enter.

Now when I think that Song Ning drank Wangfenglou, it became like this. Chi Ruolan couldn't lift her mood anymore. She originally thought Song Ning was only injured, but now it seems that this injury is too serious. Too.

However, what makes Chi Ruolan feel a little comfort is that although Song Ning is very serious, Liu Danshi said that there are two forces in Song Ning's body, and Chi Ruolan's father was a single Zhiyang. This is the difference.

"Yun'er, let's go down, don't let anyone know about this matter, and don't let anyone enter my room. I want to be quiet." Chi Ruolan's voice was hoarse.

Yuner didn't say much. After leaving the room, she stayed outside the door. She remembered that the last time she saw her lady's expression was when her father had an accident.

Yun'er understands that her own lady is tempted. She should like the male trainer lying on the bed, and the male trainer is dying, so the girl's mood is very bad at the moment.

Chi Ruolan was Chi Changjian's granddaughter. He was very fond of this granddaughter. Therefore, a border was placed around Chi Ruolan's room before. Outsiders could not find Chi Ruolan's room, and he could not feel whether it was in his room. There are spiritual fluctuations. In the room, Chi Ruolan leaned against the bed and sighed softly.

When a dangerous wind crosses a confidant, the confidant is hard to find, but He Ying died young.

Chi Ruolan could n’t tell what kind of feelings she had for Song Ning, but what she could be sure of was that besides her bosom friend, she also admired Song Ning ’s infatuation, and Song Ning was likely to be with her father because The same thing died, and then it was very sad.

Chi Ruolan was sad, and the more he remembered the situation when his father died, he lay beside Song Ning, crying and falling asleep.

Song Ning on the bed has been struggling, his body trembling constantly, just because the two forces in the body from yin to yang constantly collide, at this time he can't die even if he wants to die.

The power of supreme yin in Song Ning's body is the power of ice bones. This force has already grown in Song Ning's body. Flesh and meridians are everywhere. With the regeneration of flesh and blood, the flow of supreme yin The power of the sun is constantly regenerating, and the power of the yang is just the power of wine. The bite that Song Ning drank more than ten pots at that time was transformed into the power of the yang. Come less and less.

Song Ning had been asleep when the two forces collided. He had a very strange dream. In the dream, he was in the Yin and Yang realm, the Yin realm was black, and the Yang realm was white. Song Ning watched the two colors continue to collide, continue to blend, continue to pass, and continue to fight ...


Song Ning suddenly had his own consciousness, he suddenly thought that his own life and death domain is not black and white?

Life is white, death is black.

Today, this black and white is exactly the same as the Yin and Yang poles, and everything in this world can be replaced with two colors of black and white!

Song Ning suddenly awakened. Even though the two forces in the body were still colliding at the moment, Song Ning was extremely sober. If there is a Taoist immortal next to Song Ning, he will be surprised to find that Song Ning Zhou has a natural force that seems to be between heaven and earth In protection.

He is feeling!

There are countless kinds of sentiments in the world, but when you reach the fairyland, or you are about to enter the critical point of the fairyland, people will have some feelings, but the degree of this feeling is high and low, strong and weak, and some people can catch Live, some people can't catch it.

Although Song Ning's cultivation practice stayed in the Wen Dao period for a short time, Wen Dao's urge to further develop the opportunity was perception, but this perception is an understanding of the fairyland, not the Tao.

Between heaven and earth, any kind of sentiment is commendable. At the same time, each kind of sentiment is also very different. The perception of the state is the lowest level, and the perception of the rules is slightly higher. The perception of power, the perception of Tao, etc.

Now Song Ning understands the rules.

The beginning of the universe, the beginning of Tai Chi, the dichotomy of heaven and earth, the separation of yin and yang, regarded as two instruments, southeast and northwest, transformed into four elephants, and the four elephants also produce gossip, the mystery between the gossip is infinite, the five elements are varied, and each other is opposite, and it will be long interest.

At this moment, the two forces in the body are colliding. If the power of Zhiyin wins, then the power of Zhiyang will dissipate, and Song Ning will not die, but it may be seriously injured. So, why can't the Yin and Yang be merged?

The gossip can be merged, and the yin and yang pisces can turn back and forth, so why can't the power of the yin and the power of the yin remain in the same body?

People are not frivolous teenagers, Song Ning even knows that his idea is extremely bold, but is he not so bold and so casual along the way? If they have been bound, then I am afraid that if they step into the fairyland one day, they will also be at the mercy of the so-called ‘Tian Dao’ who knows nowhere.

To cultivate Taoism, Song Ning cultivates for himself. If he can't get out of his own world, how can he have the strength to protect his lover? If he had enough strength at that time, it would not make Leng Yuexiao become a frost enchantment and be sealed in that ice and snow.

Song Ning forcibly stood up with pain, and when he came together, he saw Chi Ruolan lying beside him. Chi Ruolan also awakened at the moment. When he saw Song Ning, his cheeks were red, but then there was surprise, but he had n’t waited for her Speaking, Song Ning jumped out and said: "I will repay the Daoyou's life-saving grace."

"Where are you going!" Chi Ruolan hurriedly caught up with Song Ning.

Song Ning shook his body and disappeared directly in place. The next moment appeared outside the Wangfeng Tower. Chi Ruolan wanted to follow Song Ning, but found that Song Ning disappeared as if from the sky. For a while, he was a little dazed: "This ... Is it ... the swordsmanship of human monks? "

At this time, what happened in Chi Ruolan's room was not noticed by the third person, and Song Ning had already appeared safely on the top floor of Wangfeng Tower.

In Wangfenglou, those people were still asleep. As soon as Song Ninggang appeared, he immediately shouted at the bottom: "Bring the wine!"

Song Ning has only been there for more than three hours, and the boss did not care about the top thing. Now when he hears Song Ning shouting for wine, he immediately went upstairs to see what happened. Song Ning, who was covered with blood on his body, was immediately shocked. Someone had accidentally drank more than ten pots and killed him directly. Could it be that Master Song also drank too much?

[The author off topic]: 2

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