Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 469: Beyond

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"What's your name?" The fairy corpse asked.

If it were someone else, Song Ning might be more vigilant, but now this is a corpse that has been lying here for ten thousand years. Why should Song Ning deceive a person who has already died?

"Song Ning."

The fairy corpse pondered for a moment, it seemed that in her memory, there was no power of the surname of Song. If anything, she could think that this might be the descendant of the power. She looked at Song Ning again. She had not probed Song Ning before, but at this moment, her spiritual knowledge directly infiltrated Song Ning's body.

Song Ning's spiritual consciousness rebelled instinctively, but under the detection of this fairy corpse, he had no resistance at all.

Skin, flesh, veins, bones ...

When the spirit consciousness of this fairy corpse penetrated into the long-formed Yuanshen in Song Ning's body, her spirit consciousness seemed to be pushed out by a huge force. She looked at Song Ning in shock. She showed such an expression for the first time.

"Shen Dao Jing!" The self-talking voice of fairy corpse fell into Song Ning's ears.

Song Ning naturally felt the detective of this fairy corpse. He didn't care about the other party. After all, with the other's cultivation practice and the identity of his life, what can he do?

"This is the Shinto scripture, where did you get it?" The fairy corpse stunned.

Song Ning did not hide it, and probably told the whole story about it. After listening to the fairy corpse, it seemed a bit lost, but more was sighed: "I did n’t expect that after so many years, the original Tao In this way, you can get the Shinto scripture as your creation. No wonder you can reach this state with fellow initiates.

"How do you say this? What does this have to do with the Shinto scripture?" Song Ning asked.

Fairy corpse said: "The strongest Shinto is not invincible at the same level, but its cultivation method and transformation of the body. I can see that you are not a fairy body, but half of your body is already close to the fairy The body, this is the improvement of the Shinto scripture. The Shinto scripture is a method of selecting gods. Since ancient times, the people who can get the Shinto scripture are all those who have atmospheric transport. And the perfect cultivator is one in a thousand. So, do you understand? "

Although Song Ning knew that the Shinto scripture was powerful before, he didn't expect it to be so powerful. He originally wanted the question about the Shinto scripture, but now he thinks that his top priority is to rescue the fairy corpse, so he has the question of the Shinto scripture. Leave behind.

"Don't talk about the Shinto sutras first, and talk about why I still can't destroy this chain. Did you deceive me just now?" Song Ning asked back.

The fairy corpse even smiled: "It's okay if you don't know anything about this chain. I'll explain it to you. I said before that you were close. This is indeed true. It's close. But this poor is not your strength. , But yourself. "

"How to say this?" Song Ning was puzzled.

"The material of this chain is ancient basalt, which is specially used to restrain others, and this ancient basalt is the most powerful and has the best attributes.

This ancient black iron stone can be strengthened or weakened according to the strength of the spellcaster. Each attack, the defensive power displayed by the chain is higher than the power of the attack. "The fairy corpse explained.

Song Ning froze: "Wouldn't it be impossible to break at all?"

The fairy corpse shook his head: "No, there are two ways to break through this ancient black iron stone. One is to break through itself. As long as you can launch an attack that exceeds your strongest attack, then this ancient black stone will be attacked. Destruction. The second is to break through the limit. In the same realm, you can break through the strongest limit in history, and you can also destroy this ancient black stone. "

So Song Ning realized that it turned out that this ancient black stone also had this special ability.

The fairy corpse looked at Song Ning, and Song Ning's expression was a bit dull at the moment. She expected Song Ning to be very surprised too, so she comforted: "In fact, you don't have to be too ..."

But half of the fairy corpse's words were discovered, but Song Ning's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, Song Ning's eyes were shining, looking at the chain embedded in the fairy jade, as if he saw his loved ones: "Good! Good things It must be destroyed, it is best to intercept and take away. "

Fairy dead ...

She has never seen such a person, never!

Rather than saying that Song Ning was up against the current and was not convinced to lose, it is better to say that it is a treasure lover's secret. This ancient black iron stone is certainly a good thing, but since ancient times, several people can take this ancient black iron stone as their own, Even if this kind of thing is a fairyland or a higher existence, it is impossible to destroy the data easily.

Fairy corpse rarely meets someone who might save herself, how could she give up easily?

"Song Ning, don't pay attention to the ancient black stone, so if you need it, wait for me to go out. I will find a way to find a piece for you," Xian Corpus ordered.

But the fairy corpse found that Song Ning didn't listen to her.

Other people's instructions, Song Ning is not not listening, but he will not be swayed by outsiders, what this fairy corpse loves to say, ancient Xuan Tieshi such a good thing, how could Song Ning not interested? Song Ning didn't have any powerful magic weapon. Now that he hasn't burned the Sky Sword, his feeling is even more profound. Now that he sees the ancient black iron stone, Song Ning knows that this is the treasure before him.

"A total of eight roots, if these eight roots can be obtained, then ..." Song Ning thought, if this can restrain the fairy, if it can be destroyed and taken down as its own magic weapon, wouldn't it be fun?

The fairy corpse still wanted to say something to Song Ning, but Song Ning had closed his eyes and started to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and the surrounding 'domain' again.

Song Ning Zhoushen first had the "domain", and then the Yuyu three types appeared. Song Ning took eight consecutive steps in his heart. When the eighth step of Xuantian appeared, the three domains became one and became Yin and Yang Pisces. Song Ning began to narrow this domain, at the same time, in Song Ning's heart, a ball of ice and a fire began to blend, and these two forces were condensed in his left and right hands.

When the two forces of ice and flame appeared in the palm of Song Ning, even the fairy corpse felt extraordinary.

At this moment, she finally understood that this person definitely has the ability to transcend himself, and he can do things that ordinary people cannot.

Beside the chain, the 'field' under Song Ning's feet was concentrated, and when it finally fell in front of him, it was only the size of a slap. This slap-sized ball circled in front of Song Ning like a gossip. Above, then his hands controlled the power of Zhiyin and Zhiyang. The strength of these two forces caused the surrounding air to ripple and began to twist ...

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