Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 486: apologize

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Who am I, and what do you do?" Song Ning's voice was very soft. If he hadn't realized it before, he wouldn't be so easy to deal with Monk Xuxian now. Now he can combine the two forces. If he can, he can still The three forces are kneaded together. These three forces are issued at the same time. It is like an attack of three different routines. It is unpredictable, but this attack is also flawed, that is, it is very expensive. Even Song Ning at the moment wants to Taking Wen Dao's cultivation as an anti-Xianxian monk, he still has to waste a lot of spiritual power. Whether he can kill the other party or not, if he fights with the other party for a long time, he will be the loser.

"Huh, look at your cover-up, you know that you are not a person with a head and a face. Today, Grandpa, I will let you go. As long as you apologize to me, I can think of the previous things as never happened!" Qing Song Ning's strength, he just broke through, but he was unwilling to get entangled with Song Ning. If he really lost, he could not afford to lose this person.

Song Ning smiled: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, you apologize to me. I will not hold you accountable for this matter!"

The people around them looked at Wuwei's gaze like looking at a fool. This inaction was really a brain influx. The attack just now was easily resolved by Song Ning. At this moment, everyone can also see how Song Ning's strength is. He also asked the other person to apologize. Is n’t it death, Song Ning may apologize to him?

However, what surprised everyone was that the seriousness of Song Ning's face dissipated. He actually apologized, but Song Ning's words of apology fell in everyone's ears, but it was a bit intriguing: "I Song Ning, I swept around with my spiritual knowledge. The city, disturbed you, and here is a compensation for you. "

Song Ning's apology ranged from monks in all surrounding cities, and at this moment Song Ning's eyes seemed to be directly ignored from Wuwei, as if he did not take Wuwei seriously.

Wuwei feels proud. Although Song Ning's words sound awkward, but after all, it is an apology. Wuwei is as good as his face, and other things are easy to say. He and Song Ning fight the law, but they just want to show it with Song Ning. It ’s just my own power. It ’s just that this inaction never thought of it. It ’s really disgusting to use a Wen Dao monk to show his strength.

If it is usual, maybe others will feel that this inaction is too cunning, but now they do not feel that inaction can make Song Ningdu apologize, which is indeed a bit surprising.

Although Song Ning is showing weakness now, others dare not disrespect Song Ning. Everyone above Wen Dao said that Song Ning clenched fist at Song Ning: "Song Dao You are kind."

At the moment, even the city lords who cultivated in Xuxian smiled at Song Ning and clenched their fists, seeming to be very familiar with Song Ning. This made Wu Wei a little uncomprehensible, but it was just a monk who heard the Taoism. These city lords Why are you so polite with this Wen Dao monk today?

The monks under Wen Daoxiu did not hear Song Ning's rumors, and they felt curious at the moment, so they asked one after another.

"What's going on? How could these city masters be so polite to a monk who heard Wen Dao? Who is this person?"

"You whisper, if Song Ning heard that, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Master, what is going on, you talk to us."

"Oh, just before this, when Song Ning was alone, more than one hundred thousand monks didn't dare to touch him. He even killed Bai Yu, the master of the Bai family, and killed Bai Yu in front of more than one hundred thousand monks! What is even more surprising is that Bai Ru ’s Bai Ru is still present, and there are two False Monks next to Bai Ru. ”Master Zun said.

The disciple was surprised: "So, did Song Ning escape from the hands of two Baijia Xuxian monks?"

Master hurriedly covered the disciple's mouth: "If you want to find death, stay away from me, don't implicate me. What is Song Ning escaped? It was Song Ning who let those two virtual fairy monks go, otherwise that The two Xianxian monks will also die on the spot! "


The monks who heard this were all stunned. They looked at Song Ning's eyes again with awe. Respect is because Song Ning had such strength at a young age. Fear is because his strength is too strong. The monk Xuxian wanted to live in front of him, but he needed him to let it go ...

These words naturally fell into the mouth of Wuwei. Although they were a little proud at the moment, the thought of facing him was a monk who heard the Tao, and just now his attack was cracked by the other party. The apology of the other party is also open to everyone, not Treating him alone, there is still some awkwardness in the inaction.

This is nothing to do. Normally, the relationship is bad, and no one tells him the identity of Song Ning. Is it the same as those spiritual monks? The old man showed mercy to you today and did not kill you. Did you think the old man was afraid that you would n’t succeed? Everyone heard the monk, and quickly bowed to salute the old man, otherwise you do n’t want to go from here today go out!"

This is interesting. Those false immortals look at the bustling one by one and are not afraid of big things, they all complimented: "Waiwei old man, do you know who you are facing?"

"No action, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you say this?"

"No action, no action, people will defuse your attack just like playing, you really have countless in your heart, if it really fights, I guess you are afraid not?"

Wuwei heard this and felt that he was seen as flat. If Daoxian looked flat, he didn't care, but now it was Xu Xian who flattened it. How could he live it?

"Okay! I will let this little bunny hang on the color today to let you know that the end that caused me to do nothing!" Wuwei said angrily.

At this moment, when people looked at Song Ning's expression again, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. If they were ordinary people, young and vigorous, they must have been angry at the moment, but Song Ning's eyes were indifferent, with long hair and no wind, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and inaction Compared with the angry shouts, Song Ning's voice seemed weaker.

"I'm not paying everyone, what do you do?" Song Ning said slowly.

Do nothing for a moment.

Song Ning narrowed his eyes and looked at Wuwei: "I was swept by my consciousness, only because I was in a hurry to find someone. There were no fewer than one hundred thousand monks in the field. They all understood, but you didn't understand, but anyway, I offended first, and I can apologize.

When I apologized, I had made the matter clear, but you once again killed my spiritual consciousness. I thought you had anger in your heart. You can just stop there, but you directly attacked.

You hit me too, asking me to apologize to you. I take this opportunity to apologize to everyone. This is also my sincerity, but you are still aggressive? "

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