Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 501: Horrible rules

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Above and below the sky, whether it was the monks who looked at Song Ning from afar, or those who were rushing towards Song Ning, they were all silent.

In the blink of an eye, even Song Ning hadn't started yet. The sixteen wonderland monks were all dead, only they died in ... their own hands.

No one expected this result. Although many of them had heard of the Scarlet Pursuit Order, although they survived the era of the Scarlet Pursuit, they did not really participate. This is the first time they have pursued the Scarlet Pursuit. In the killing order, they didn't expect that they just wanted to kill the people who were in Song Ning and Song Ning, but they didn't expect to be repulsed by the **** chase order.

This is the most terrifying and scary part of the Scarlet Pursuit Order.

The Scarlet Pursuit Order, the most resentful order of the ancient mantra, under this order, no one can survive, from ancient times to the present, never! Because this **** chase order is too vicious, seeing the chased can avoid it, but it can never help, especially not to open those who attack.

Once you hit it, it will explode and die after the instant.

The 16 monks just used two immortal attacks in a moment. If the second immortal attack can kill Song Ning and they have not exploded, maybe they can survive, but now ...

Sixteen wonderland monks disappeared between heaven and earth in this way. Who would have thought of this ending a moment ago?

Immortal technique was exhibited by their 16 monks. When they died, then the immortal technique they exhibited would lose some power. The only remaining force is the power between heaven and earth that they attracted. The power between heaven and earth fell on Song Ning. Even though Song Ning would be hurt, he could not kill Song Ning at all.

Song Ning's body shoots backward like an arrow from the string, and falls heavily on the ground, and then deeply embedded in it, but the power of the fairy technique can only hurt Song Ning's body, because these forces exist in heaven and earth. Between, without the will of the monk, there is no killing power.

It was quiet all around.

People have forgotten to use spirit consciousness to investigate at this time. They looked at the human-shaped pit on the ground and looked at the depth, but too deep, they could not see the bottom.

"Dead?" Someone wondered.

"Should ..." Someone answered.

But even if they guessed this way, no one dared to use spiritual knowledge to investigate, perhaps because they were affected by the death of the sixteen people just now.

Ordinary monks will die under this attack, and the mere impact of the body is enough to make their dead bones, but ... Song Ning is different.

Just when they all thought that Song Ning had already died, they found that a **** flash of ‘death’ appeared above that human-shaped pit. Wherever this exists, it represents where Song Ning is!

not dead? !

The monks who had been walking around the human-shaped deep pit backed back dozens of feet in a blink of an eye. They swallowed saliva. Houjie wriggled and stared at the deep pit, but did not dare to make a sound.

In the deep pit, Song Ning slowly crawled out ...

Everyone sucked in a breath, and then retreated farther.

But at the moment, Song Ning finally got out of the deep pit, but lay on the ground like a paralysis. Just now, just in that sixteen immortals had lost the power of will but possessed extremely strong power. These sixteen attacks fell on Song Ning's body. When Song Ning hit the ground, Song Ning's internal skeleton showed signs of breaking.

If it weren't for the giant's bones, Song Ning might be crushed.

Song Ning was lying on the ground like a blood man. His skin was all cracked, blood was flowing all over him, and his **** flesh looked terrible.

But at this time the monks were around, but none of them dared to go ahead and kill him.

Being able to use the spiritual realm to fight against 17 fairyland monks, he directly shot and killed one person, and dealt with the remaining sixteen people. Finally, the sixteen people all died due to the rules of the **** pursuit order, regardless of this matter. From which point of view, they still feel incredible now.

It's terrible, terrible!

In the distance, Chi Ruolan, who was originally in Roland City, had already woken up and flew over here, although Chi Changjian had already caught up with her, but under the threat of Chi Ruolan, Chi Changlan could only After Chi Ruolan came, he didn't dare to stop it.

If it is not stopped, Chi Ruolan will not be too impulsive, but if it is forcibly stopped, he may not be sure that his granddaughter would actually commit suicide directly.

Chi Ruolan is still a hundred miles away from Song Ning, but she has already seen Song Ning ’s miserable situation. In the sky, her tears are falling, sobbing, and she is crying, and Chi Changjian is so afraid to see this situation. If Ruolan passes, Ke Ruolan has been preparing a spiritual force beside his heart from before. If he dares to stun Chi Ruolan, this spiritual force will pierce the heart at the same time.

Chi Changjian can't let Chi Ruolan die like this, but seeing Chi Ruolan's state now, he has nothing to do.

At this time, Song Ning was lying motionless on the ground. He gasped, but every time he gasped, there was tearing pain in his body wounds. His blood and flesh were strong, but under this shock Unable to save, the skeleton of the giant cut through Song Ning's body, and bones spurted out of the bones, and blood flowed down the body. For a moment, Song Ning was lying in the pool of blood.

Song Ning now does not have any strength in his body. He wants to take the Elixir from the storage ring. There is a Elixir in his storage ring that can recover from trauma. The effect is very strong. If it can be taken, the injury will be in a short time. The situation has improved.

But now, he can't move, even if he wants to mobilize the body's spiritual power to open the storage ring, let alone take the elixir.

These monks stared at Song Ning, and the Bloody Pursuit Order was still there. They were still confused by the Bloody Pursuit Order, and their minds were a little lost, and they wanted to kill Song Ning.

However, the fear is heavier than the lost mind at this moment. Even if Song Ning has reached this state, even if he is lying in the pool of blood and seriously injured, no one dares to step forward without permission.

I thought it was very likely that the first person to go up would be directly screwed off by Song Ning or killed by other methods.

Thousands of people surrounded Song Ning, but at this moment no one dared to do it. With the passage of time, two breaths passed, and the surrounding monks increased to tens of thousands, but still no one rushed up to want Song. Condense to kill.

In the distance, a virtual fairy rushed over like crazy, others dare not go up, he dare, he still has less than three days of Shou Yuan, if he can kill Song Ning now, then he will be created and will be able to live Go on.

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