Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 125: look for a job

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one year later.

In the yard of Victor's house.

There was a stone table in the center, with various fruits and food placed on the stone table, and two reclining chairs on both sides. Yin Lai and Victor lay on it, basking in the sun comfortably.

"Herman, I didn't expect you and the old man to chat so well." Victor picked up a bunch of grapes and chatted with Yin Lai while eating.

A year later, the two became very familiar with each other.

What he didn't expect was that he thought his pace of life was slow enough, but he didn't expect Yin Lai to be slower, and he didn't look like a normal third-class apprentice at all.

When everyone was busy studying, he was wandering, when everyone was busy meditating, he was doing experiments, and when everyone was busy discovering the bloodline of the promotion, Yin Lai was lying down and chatting with him.

Sometimes, he even felt that Yin Lai was older than him.

"Yeah, should this be considered a year-end friendship?" Yin Lai laughed.

"Indeed." Victor smiled.

"Hey, but you still can't do it like this. After all, you can't sit on the mountain. I bought this house, so I can live in it forever. You have to pay, which should also be an expense." Victor worried for Yin Lai. .

"It doesn't matter, I've been looking for it recently." Yin Lai also took a sip of wine. I have to say that the wine in the wizarding world is higher-end and better.

This year, he has also completely gained a deeper understanding of the Warlock world and a deeper understanding of this camp.

First of all, the person in charge of this camp should be a shadow monitor lizard warlock who has just advanced to the second ring. There are also a lot of first ring warlocks here, but not many.

Of course, it's not that the camp is weak, but the place where he is currently seems to be called the East Coast. Even if it is placed in the wizarding world, it doesn't seem to be a prosperous place. Zhenling doesn't know, but the three rings are already very strong.

The strength of the camp has been considered very good.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Yin Lai. The main reason is that he found that there are still many wizards left in the camp, as well as some books and the like. Even this used to be a relatively prosperous area on the east coast of wizards. Yin Lai stayed here to develop, Also a good choice.

That's right, Yin Lai has decided to live here for a long time.

As for Luo Ke, he has already left here and successfully joined the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy. He also invited Yin Lai for the second time, but was rejected by Yin Lai again.

Therefore, Yin Lai's biggest problem at present is lack of money. With magic stones, he can directly buy some worthless wizard resources, but he already has an idea.

That is to join the potions department at the camp and work for money.

As for why you don't configure your own potions to make money, there are naturally reasons.

A year of understanding, let Yin Lai know that there are almost no private sales of medicines here, and they are basically bought from the official, and even if it is private, either join them or not sell them. This is the important thing for the camp to make money. The way he puts it, he naturally won't be iron-clad.

Just joining the official organization can also make it easier for him to find some things.

"Well, then I'll go first. The potions department at the camp is recruiting people today. I'll go take a look." Seeing that the time was almost up, Yin Lai said goodbye to Victor.

"Goodbye." Victor raised his glass and watched Yin Lai leave.

After leaving from Victor, Yin Lai walked directly towards the camp.

After showing the token at the entrance, Yin Lai walked to the camp office very familiarly.

"Alice, I heard that the potions department at the camp is recruiting people these days." Yin Lai leaned against the counter and said, the little girl who was in the counter was the same girl from a year ago.

"Hmph, Herman, do you still want to configure potions?" Alice laughed, either maliciously or jokingly. The two knew each other.

"I'm so sad when you think about it this way. My potion level is very high." Yin Lai shook his head and sighed.

"Don't be poor, this time the potions department will be alone. The competition is fierce. I never heard that you can learn potions." Alice looked at Yin Lai with a smile.

Potions is not a simple subject, it requires hundreds of thousands of exercises to come out again and again, not to mention that ordinary apprentices are simply unable to support, and related knowledge is not easy to obtain, especially in today's world of warlocks.

"Hey, then you can read the announcement when the time comes. Just tell me the place and time." Yin Lai said with a smile.

"Okay, the test place is next to the Potions Department on the west side of the camp." Alice cast a glance at Yin Lai and said.

"Okay, I'll invite you to eat after that." Knowing the place, Yin Lai turned around and left.

"Poor mouth." Alice looked at his back and snorted.

After crossing a few roads, Yin Lai came to the place that Alice said.

At this time, a huge tent was recruiting. The tent was very empty. Except for a fat man sitting at the front, there was a screen behind him. Although he couldn't see it, Yin Lai felt that there was another person behind him.

Fatty should be the person in charge. He looks fifty or sixty years old, and seems to be a third-class apprentice.

"Hello, I heard that your potions department needs someone." Yin Lai walked over and asked.

"Indeed, do you have an idea?" The fat man glanced at Yin Lai, who looked like he was in his thirties or forties.

"Yes, my potion technique is still good." Yin Lai nodded.

"Well, then come tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, we will choose someone." The fat man cast a glance at Yin Lai and said.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded and turned to leave.

The goal has been achieved, and there is no need to speak more.

But as soon as he walked out of the door, with the powerful hearing of Shadow Dragon, he seemed to hear something wrong.

Yin Lai frowned.

Walking a little further behind the tent, the voice became clearer.

Inside the tent at this time.

An old man came out from behind the screen, looked at the fat man flatteringly, then took out a bag from behind and handed it over.

"Sir, these are thirty magic stones, which are considered filial piety to you. I heard that you are tomorrow's reviewer. I hope you can help me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm very upright." The fat man glanced at the magic stone, then shook his head.

Seeing this scene, the old man scolded secretly, but still took out another bag and said, "There are twenty magic stones in it, and there are fifty magic stones in total. Please invite the adults to drink tea."

This time, Fatty did not refuse, and while holding the magic stone in his arms, he said leisurely:

"What to help or not, your level is good, as long as there is no accident, you can choose."

Hearing this, the old man smiled.

Isn't this just telling him that as long as he can configure it normally?

Hehe, although his potion skills are average, this is still ok.

"Then thank you sir." The old man quickly thanked.

"Then I'll go first!"

Looking at the magic stone in Fatty's arms, the old man's eyes twitched, he walked out of the tent, and then left in one direction.

And after he left, Yin Lai stepped out from the shadow beside the tent.

Glancing at the old man's back, he sighed.

"How can this be?"

Yin Lai shook his head and said a fair and just environment!

He didn't want to do anything at first, but at this level, there is nothing to say.

He has only two options, one is to interfere with him when configuring tomorrow, and the other is to cut off directly from the source.

What else could he do!

How to put it, it is rare for the Potions Department to be short of people. At least Yin Lai has been here for a year and has heard about this time. It is really a good opportunity.

When you join the Potions Department, you can climb up slowly. When Yin Lai was in the Byrne Empire, he understood a truth, that is, the higher your status, the easier things will actually be.

For example, since Yin Lai took control of Anna, everything about Byrne can be easily obtained. Although this is a warlock camp, many things are in common.

Looking up at the rising moon, Yin Lai sensed the last direction the old man was heading, and walked over.

The next afternoon.

Yin Lai came to the tent according to the time. At this time, there were about twenty people here. Most of them didn't look very young, at least fifty or sixty years old. There were very few young people, only seven or eight.

Yin Lai's current age should be lower-middle age. It seems that the age of the pharmacists here is generally too old!

And with the gathering of people, the fat man from yesterday also came out.

He stood at the front and looked around.

"Huh?" Fatty blinked, where did the old man go yesterday.

In fact, he knew the old man. Although he was not young, his skill in preparing potions was not weak. Otherwise, he would not have agreed. After all, the potions department would not be able to enter any rubbish.

But the old man didn't come today, is he late?

"Everyone wait a while." Fatty said.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

"What's the situation, why haven't we started yet?"

"That's right, what's the point of letting us wait here at the agreed time!"

"That's it!"

Others began to tell the truth and complained.

Fatty also frowned, and was also a little angry. He immediately made a decision and didn't come, so he couldn't blame him.

"Everyone, come with me." Fatty waved his hand directly, and then walked towards the building next to him. Everyone followed, and Yin Lai was also among the crowd.

Next comes the actual written test.

I hope no one cheats in front of him, or Yin Lai doesn't mind doing a little trick.

Just as they headed to the test site.

at the same time.

On a remote mountain more than ten kilometers away from the camp, on a big tree.

An old man slowly opened his He felt dizzy, and then seemed to be tortured all over his body. When he came back to his senses, he looked around and looked at himself.

Unfamiliar environment, unfamiliar woods, and unfamiliar ropes.

He was actually tied to a tree at this time.

"Who did it!

! "The old man shouted, and then he remembered what it was, and was suddenly stunned. A few seconds later, in the quiet woods, accompanied by a few birds flying, there was a huge scream.

"My test!

! "

"Who did it!



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