Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 149: we will establish a new order

Upon receiving the news from Kratos, Yin Lai soon came to the Wizard's Tower.

But when they got to the door, they found that Yin Lai was not the only one, but also Rawls and Yin Fona.

"Herman, Rawls, you have also been called." Yin Fona pricked up her ears and looked surprised.

"Uh, yes, it looks like something is wrong." Rawls nodded and glanced at Yin Lai subconsciously, who was almost equivalent to his boss at present.

Yin Lai has been pressing Rawls since ten years ago.

Rawls tried his best, but he still did this all the time, which made him already numb.

"Well, don't think about it so much, let's go in." Yin glanced at the two of them and said that the core characters that Kratos trusted were all opened today, and it seemed that something major happened.

Walking through the door, I saw Kratos sitting on a chair.

At this moment, he was frowning, as if something was bothering him.

Seeing that Yin Lai and others were coming, he relaxed a lot, stood up and walked outside, saying, "Let's talk next door."

"Okay." The three of them said in unison and followed Kratos.

Soon, they were taken to another room, and as soon as they sat down, they saw Kratos covering the glass, and several witch formations also opened when it was used.

Seeing Kratos being so cautious, Yin Lai felt that something was wrong, maybe something big happened.

"Don't worry, it's just that no one else can know about today's affairs except you." Kratos shook his head and said while looking at a few people.

Eight eyes looked at each other, and the atmosphere was dignified.

"Sir, just tell me what happened." Yin Funa was the first to speak.

"Well, in fact, the purpose of coming today is only one thing, the war is about to start." Kratos threw a bomb.


The three looked at each other, Yin Funa let out an exclamation, Rawls also stood up directly, Yin Lai was also a child hole, which was a little incredible.


So who to fight?

There seems to be only the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy nearby, isn't it...

"Boss, what war?" Rawls asked.

"Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy and Ten Thousand Blood Alliance." Kratos replied.

"Everyone knows the shadow monitor lizard, I won't say it, and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is another force nearby. This time it is them who will attack the academy. They want to take this prosperous area into their pockets. "

"The boss, you...?"

At this time, the three of them already felt that something was wrong.

Why did Kratos know that the war was coming? Obviously, it was not the news from the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy, otherwise, how could there be no action, after all, they are the weaker party.

"This time, I am on the side of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance." Kratos cast a glance at the three of them.

"Uh!" The three were at a loss for words.

Looking at the stunned look of the three, Kratos laughed, but then calmed down and smiled mysteriously at them: "Just kidding, we are on our side."


Before the three could recover, they heard Kratos' puzzling words again.

"Myself?" Yin Lai asked.

"That's right!" Kratos nodded and looked out the window: "The Ten Thousand Blood Alliance knows that I have a missing sister, and they told me that as long as I join them, I can get specific information, but they also underestimate me Kui. Toss."

Kratos' face gradually became firm: "How could there be such a coincidence, I don't believe it, they absolutely don't know where, if they really knew, they wouldn't just tell me about Hanhu."

"And I, Kratos, always rely on my own strength, and only I can be reliable. Since they want to use me, it doesn't prevent me from using them.

The two forces are tit-for-tat, and I want to forge a path in it. My teacher and I have been planning for a long time. Since my strength can't do what I want, we will rely on more people. "

Kratos's tone became more and more passionate, and his eyes gleamed, and Yin Lai seemed to vaguely understand what Kratos wanted to do.

"Rolls, Herman, Yin Fona, do you understand what I'm going to do?" At this time, Kratos walked slowly to the chair, sat down and asked with a smile.

"Does your lord want to leave here?" Rawls said with a frown.

"My lord should be trying to gain benefits from here." Yin Funa had a different answer.

"Wrong." Kratos shook his head one by one.

"My lord should want to establish a new force in the chaotic situation." At this time, Yin Lai was also surprised by Kratos' thoughts.

"Hahaha, Herman, as expected of you, you have always been very thoughtful." Kratos did not deny this time, nodded and said:

"What I want to do is to establish a new order on the corpse of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy."

As soon as these words came out, Kratos and Yin Fona opened their mouths and looked shocked. Yin Lai was also a little surprised by Kratos' courage when he heard this affirmative answer.

New power!

new order!

The three of them took a deep breath. The amount of information in it was too much. After all, it was not that simple to establish a power. There were too many things to consider.

"How is your preparation?" Yin Fona asked carefully.

"It will be ready soon." Kratos nodded and said: "My teacher and I have been planning for a long time, you don't need to worry about this, just wait for the war to start. Of course, this matter is very difficult, and we alone can't do it. Yes, there are many people in my teacher, but there are not many people here, are you willing to help us?"

"I do." The three of them said in unison, they have reached this stage, and there is nothing to say.

"Then what do you need us to do?" Yin Lai asked.

If you really want to build power, then Kratos's call for Yin Lai and others to come over is absolutely impossible.

"Well, there is indeed something." Kratos nodded.

"The Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy's forces are intertwined here. It is difficult to have a big chaos by relying on war alone. It is also difficult for us to act, so I need you to go to other places in the Shadow Monitor Lizard Camp and create chaos." Kratos said calmly.

"Making chaos?" The three looked at each other, feeling a little tricky.

After all, although the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy does not have the third ring, it does have the second ring. If it is discovered, it may face a large number of pursuits from the first ring. This is not good news.

"Yes, it is to create chaos, create enough chaos in the warlock territory, and then in the end I will reward you based on your credit, and even fight for the opportunity to enter the council for you." Kratos said calmly.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that after the establishment of the new force, the name will be called Baita, and it will not adopt the ordinary academy structure, but the parliamentary system. The parliament will decide everything, and then my teacher will become Baita. Tower master, I will become one of the three deputy tower masters, and there will be twelve members, and I have three of them." Kratos looked at a few people and said.

Needless to say, the congressman is the real high-ranking person in the White Tower, the kind who holds the power.

For a time, in addition to Yin Lai, Yin Fona and Rawls' eyes shone brightly. They were just the ministers of a camp and had so much interest every year, not to mention a high-level wizarding force.

That would allow them to make a complete class leap.

Yin Lai thinks more, a new force, if he can join the high-level, then many things will be much more convenient than now, and the force will grow. If one day this force becomes the master of this area, So wouldn't it be the same as the original Byrne, it will become his private land.


Yin Lai immediately made a decision and created chaos. Yin Lai thought about the wizards who once conquered the world in the endless world, and he had already thought of a good way.

"What time is the adult time?" Yin Lai asked.

"After three months, get ready." Kratos looked at the three and said.

"I don't have many people. You are one of the few I can fully trust, so I hope you can cheer up a little bit. If you can become a member of parliament, I will be a lot easier." Kratos sighed, There are really few people he can use.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely work hard." Rawls immediately assured that the pursuit of rights was one of his pursuits.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yin Lai with burning eyes, he couldn't plant potions, but he couldn't believe it if it was chaotic.

"I'll try my best." Yin Funa maintained her modesty.

"Me too." Yin Lai nodded and asked another question at random.

"So where do we go, my lord, after the destruction?" This is also a key question.

"Uh, this, you may always need to maintain destruction during the war, and it is estimated that this war can last for a long time, you only need to do one thing." Kratos said euphemistically.

The implication is that their mission is to continue until the end of the war, with no rest.

And if it is the establishment of a wizarding force, then this may last for several years or even a dozen years, which is undoubtedly very dangerous.

"Well." Yin Lai said he understood.

"Okay, if you have other questions, you can also ask me." Kratos looked at a few people and smiled.

"Sir, since this is a long-term job, we definitely can't come back for resources at any time. Can we take away certain resources when we leave?" Yin Funa asked.

"Uh, this is indeed a problem." Kratos touched his chin and made a final decision: "When the time comes, you will take away the resources of five thousand magic stones. This is my permission."

As long as it is really successful, let alone 5,000, there are 50,000, so Kratos is also very generous at this time.

"Okay, then I'm fine." Yin Fona took a step back.

"Neither did I." Rawls shook his head. At this moment, he had all kinds of wants in his mind, such as sneaking in, or something else.

"Neither do I." Yin Lai did the same.

The discussion was over, and then Yin Lai and others gradually left.

Yin Lai walked out of the gate, glanced at the wizard tower behind him, and sighed.

"It's going to change."

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