Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 168: save Ross

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"No, there are still some!"

Suddenly, Eli pushed open a broken bookshelf, which still had some books on it.

"A popular science book!" Eli picked it up, looked at the eight characters of the Wizarding World Race Book on the cover of the book, and picked up the other two books, both of which were similar.

But it's normal to think about it. When they evacuated back then, the wizards must have taken away most of their knowledge, and only some can be left behind. It's good to have them.

So Eli quickly collected it, and finally collected hundreds of books on the first floor. Although most of them are popular science, there are also some knowledge-based books, some face-to-face research on the soul, and witchcraft. Eli thinks It may be helpful for his research on the Second Curse Seal of Endless Devour.

After confirming that the first floor has been collected, continue to go up as soon as you come.

Walking on the stairs with a thick layer of dust, Eli could see Maureen who was beaten through the window on the side, screaming in agony, Eli smiled.

There are only two floors in the library, and the situation on the second floor is also different from what Eli imagined. I thought that there might be more left here, but it seems that there is less.


Eli sighed, and instantly a large shadow covered the entire second floor. He couldn't believe it, there really was nothing here, this was unscientific.

Shadows flow around, burrowing into every crevice here.


Suddenly, as if an organ was touched.

Eli heard the sound and looked over, took a few steps forward, and suddenly a gap opened in the wall more than ten meters away, revealing a large hidden space.

And this space is not big, only about one cubic meter, but it is full of books.

Maureen's eyes lit up.

Wave a undead to appear, move to the space, and take out all the books.

"Basic Principles of Alchemy", "Alchemy Capital", "One Hundred Trials of Alchemy", "Crossos Alchemy Notes"...

It's actually an alchemy inheritance!

Bian Qin took a deep breath, this is a broken knowledge system!

Who said that there are no good things here, isn't there?

Mo Lin took a deep breath and picked up one of the books. The content was the basic techniques of alchemy, but Mo Lin read it very well, because I had little experience in alchemy except for the inheritance of knowledge in the past.

If I can master all of these books, then this means that I will learn a new skill again, and it is a skill that will benefit me for life. Now there are many suitable witches, can't I make it myself?

Moreover, the previous secret realm was not limited by the level of technology, so only the organization of the seven-ringed shadow dragon was refined to refine the magic weapon of one ring, and there was almost no ordinary effect.

When I fully master it, I can carry out a second transformation and refine them into real witchcraft.

"Not bad, I have something to do after I go back." Mo Lin smiled and carefully kept all the items in the secret realm.

Then I checked the entire library again, and after confirming that there were no books, I turned and left.

Walking out of the library again, Maureen saw that Ross was still under siege.

"Hey, these alchemy dolls are all alchemy products, and they should help my alchemy research." Originally, I had no idea about alchemy dolls. After all, I have undead, but now I have some ideas.

"Damn it, don't let me know who you are!" Ross yelled angrily when he saw Maureen come out.

I am beaten here, you go to harvest, there is no reason for heaven.

But what surprised me was that the woman seemed to suddenly turn around and walked towards this side.


Ross is stunned!

"That's great, if I come here and activate the alchemy puppet, I can get out of trouble." A second later, Ross showed a look of surprise.

"A little closer, a little closer, yes yes yes." Ross was ecstatic, looking at Maureen in his heart like a fool. As long as he got out of trouble, Bian Qin was the one I would kill.

I swear not to kill guys.

"I'm coming."

As Maureen got closer, an alchemy puppet seemed to finally sense it, and then looked at Ross's surprised expression.

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, towards Maureen.

"Great!" Ross turned his head and was about to leave, but when I turned back again, people were suddenly stupid!

Why is the alchemy doll's head in this woman's hands? What am I doing? It seems like I'm researching.

Ross is stunned!

Then, in my dull and confused eyes, the woman came over and stretched out an alchemy doll in each hand, and the alchemy doll in one ring seemed to have me in his hands.

By the time Mo Lin destroyed the core of the last puppet, only ten seconds had passed.

As for Bian Qin, he was already stupid at this time, his body trembled slightly, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing from behind.

Not right, not right.

If anyone tells me this is a ring warlock, I'll hack him to death.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding." Ross grinned hard, showing an embarrassed smile. As for the thoughts just now, he had already forgotten all about it.


Maureen smiled.

"How do I remember, didn't Kadir tell you to kill me?" Maureen smiled.


Ross was stunned, but in the next second, my eyes instantly widened, my pupils dilated, and I realized something.

"Are you..." Ross pointed at Maureen, unable to doubt.

The next second, I turned around and ran. By this time, I already understood that this guy is called a guy, and he definitely came in with hidden strength.

But the next second, I felt a large shadow coming from behind me. I turned my head and looked at it with a look of fear, but the shadow had already come to me, and then I saw the package directly.

woo woo woo woo!

After a few minutes, the shadows dissipated and Maureen came out.

"Hey, I can only say that he is lucky!" Mo Lin stepped out of the shadows and shook his head.

If I didn't happen to get the inheritance of alchemy and need the alchemy doll as a reference, I might just leave.

But it's nothing, even without Morin, maybe I'll die in the siege of the alchemy puppet, so Morin can be regarded as a relief for me in advance.

Ross should thank me.


After complicated processing of a trace, Maureen walked towards it.

Suddenly, Eli's soul flickered.

Bian Qin felt it.

"Lord Herman, I just saw Adams, this guy just killed one of our late-stage warlocks, but the strength and speed are completely what abnormal first-stage warlocks can show. Although they haven't reached the second stage, but Much stronger than Lord Rawls, this is because of him.”

"If you meet Adams, you must run quickly."

Was it a message?

Bian Qin smiled, and after all, Maureen saved Eli twice.

Once when I was a child, I was forced to save by a warlock who came to the shadow monitor lizard, and once was caught in a dungeon because of the destruction of the shadow monitor warlock academy, and Maureen rescued me again.

So I don't need to say much about my loyalty to Morin, not to mention that I have been imprinted on my soul. Although I have been abolished in prison for many years, my talent is really good.

One of my cronies.

But the next second, the soul fluctuation appeared again.

"Damn, damn, my lord, I have been discovered, this guy's strength is too, too strong, I'm near the west of the secret realm, no, it's the east side, sir, please don't come here, this guy has already killed mad, I I can’t live anymore, but this direction should be safe before, you just need to hide here.”

The messy words and the continuous soul fluctuations undoubtedly indicated what Bian Qin was going through. He seemed to be running away while sending a message to Mo Lin.

Even when his life was threatened, his first reaction was to tell Maureen where the danger was!

With such a hand, Mo Lin suddenly felt a little moved.

Bian Qin pursed his lips. At this time, I was in the east of the secret realm, and it was completely in time.

To save or not to save, that is the question.

But the answer is not certain.

"It's up to the owner to beat the dog, not to mention this is a loyal hand."

Maureen glanced in the direction, feet

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The upper shadow moved, sensing Eli's position and moving forward rapidly.

A newly promoted second-ring warlock in disguise, who also dares to touch me.

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