Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 170: Rawls' refusal, continue to wait

Not going out for ten years, is this normal? "

How can this be normal!

Solace thinks that he has seen many people in his life, all kinds of strange people, but he is the first one who can stay like Eli.

He is a long time acquaintance.

I didn't go out for ten years, and I saw the dead.

But the revenge of the grandson must be avenged, and Solace can only start to think of other ways.

So he returned to the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, and finally found the leader of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance and asked to use the lurker in the White Tower. At first, the leader was very reluctant, but before the massive wealth promised by Solace, he finally nodded.

Ten days later, he returned again. After thinking about it, he thought he had chosen a person who was in conflict with Herman and had been looking at him unhappy.

Rawls, one of the White Tower MPs.

"Rolls, the second-ring warlock, was promoted a year ago, and is currently a genius-level figure in the Baita faction. He is a rising star in the future.

But it has always been very unhappy with Herman, and has always wanted to remove him from his post. It is speculated that the two may have a certain contradiction. This speculation should come from the time when they were in the shadow monitor lizard warlock camp. Solace looked at Rawls' message and nodded.

He wants to get Herman out of the White Tower, this person should be able to do it.

So, one night, he asked the lurker to send a letter to Rawls.


"In the heart of Howling Forest, I want to talk to you about Herman."

On the other side, Rawls frowned and looked at the letter with a confused expression.

Compared with ten years ago, his breath is stronger at this time, and he has also come to the second ring. He is a man of influence in the White Pagoda. He is sought after by many people in all aspects, but only he knows that there is always one person in his heart. That's Herman.

This guy who has been with him for nearly a hundred years, he once wanted to defeat and drive this guy away, and he has been working hard for this.

But the secret realm ten years ago made him feel very complicated.

On the one hand, he was confused that Eli saved him. Although Eli said later that it was him or the synthetic beast who just left, how could he believe that, after all, he saw him with his own eyes.

Second, he clearly remembered that the synthetic beast at that time was a synthetic beast of the second ring. Even if he was promoted at this moment, he had no confidence to defeat it.

Although he didn't know how strong Herman was, he knew very well that he was absolutely strong, and it was outrageously strong. Ten years later, it was estimated that he was even stronger, which made him feel a little desperate.

So he was complicated when the letter popped up at his door.

"Let's meet. It shouldn't be a big problem. What is the owner of this letter doing?" Rawls frowned. Howling Forest was on the edge of the White Tower. At this distance, he was absolutely safe.

After receiving the letter, he put on a black night suit and set off.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the location in the letter. At this time, there was already a man in a black warlock robe and a mask waiting.

"Hello, Rawls." Solace wore a mask and made a hoarse voice.

"Who are you?" Rawls asked, frowning.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just ask you one question, do you dislike Herman?" Solace asked instead of answering.

"Yeah." Rawls nodded, but there was nothing to say about this matter.

"That's good." Under the mask, Solace smiled and released his late second-ring aura, and said, "I can help you deal with him, but there is one condition, you have to help me lead him out of the White Tower."

"Later stage of the second ring." Solace was stunned for a moment. He was actually a late second ring warlock. He was a little confused, and he still had to deal with Herman, for a reward?

"You're going to deal with Herman?" he asked.

"Yes." Solace replied affirmatively.

"It's just you?" Rawls glanced at Solace and said strangely.

Judging from that action ten years ago, he guessed that Heman was at least a late second ring or even stronger warlock. He guessed that Heman was outrageous, so he just thought it was ridiculous at this time.

"Just me?" Solace also raised his brows, what does this mean, look down on him.

"Forget it, I'm leaving, you can't." Rawls cast a glance at the man and turned to leave.

Solace: ? ? ?

What is it that I can't.

"Hey, I just need you to help me lead him out. You shouldn't be **** you, right? I'm missing an enemy, and you're missing an opponent for decades. Isn't that bad?" Solace said loudly. want to save.

This is a little different from what he thought!

"Go away!" Rawls snorted directly: "First of all, I don't think you can kill Herman, you don't have that ability, and you don't deserve it.

Secondly, why do you think that I will help you and tell you that I will definitely succeed in defeating Herman, but I will not use this method. I, Rawls, disdain to use this method.

In the end, you finally leave quickly, because as soon as you go back, I will report you, and tell Herman, don’t try to shoot at me here, you will definitely not kill me in a short time, but you will definitely be noticed by Baita, when the time comes You are dead. "

After Rawls finished speaking, he turned and left, but after taking a dozen steps, he turned to look at Solace again, and said, "Unfortunate, wasting my time."

Incapable? I don't deserve it either?

At this time, Solace stared blankly at the back of Rawls, with a confused expression on his face.

Which part is wrong, it shouldn't be!

This and what he completely thought were two situations, what happened, or was Rawls just such a person?


But now is not the time for him to think about this. He knows that he should really leave. Subconsciously, he thinks that Rawls will really report it, and with his report, it is estimated that he will not be able to come here in a short time. Kill He He Man's matter also has to be considered in the long run.

At least not recently.

"Come on, forget it, Baita and Wanxue will have a fight sooner or later. Let's talk about it." Gritting his teeth, Solace quickly disappeared into the forest.

He couldn't figure out how this could happen.


"A warlock in the late second ring?"

A day later, in the wizard tower, Eli looked at the message from the council.

There was actually a second-ring warlock who contacted Rawls and wanted to deceive him, but he was reported by Rawls backhand.

It's kind of funny to be honest.

"Hey, it's a pity that he chose the wrong person." Eli curled his lips. He really knew that Rawls was an honest person, although he had some strange problems.

That's right, he is an honest person. He wouldn't do such a thing. That's why Eli kept him all the time. If this person was really killing him, how could he still keep him.

However, Rawls was so tough, which surprised him.

The only question is why there are warlocks from the second ring guarding outside, but fortunately he never planned to go out, otherwise there would be a certain danger if he was attacked.

"Forget it, Baita will handle this matter, so what should I do!" Eli shook his head and walked into the secret realm.

There's a lot left on his list!

The first time is the level progress, the wizard level. At this time, his mental power has reached 80 points, and the blessing of elementalization and dragging elemental crystals has also reached 82 points.

Secondly, there are various learning processes. I have learned a part of witchcraft, and I am slowly mastering Very inexperienced, it takes time, and the final dice of fate, I have not yet started, Eli is a bit underestimated The difficulty of this witchcraft.

But it's normal, after all, it involves fate, which is still a bit too high-end for him at present, which is destined to take a long, long time for him to master, but he is very patient, and he is bound to win the magic of the door.

For him now, what he needs most is still developing silently.

Anyway, he won't leave here until he gets everything done.

This time, the time was still on him.

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Chapter 170 Rawls' rejection, continue to wait for free reading.


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