Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 21: Professional dancer?

Before the two walked onto the dance floor, the most dazzling person on the dance floor was Klein, the descendant of the earl family who had looked down on Eli a little earlier.

At this time, he held up the hand of a noble lady and danced in the middle of the dance floor.

He dances beautifully and professionally, with a confident smile on his face, dancing on the dance floor with his partner, dignified movements, and wonderful music, very elegant.

Off the dance floor, almost everyone was attracted to him.

"It's really good. The knight's physical fitness allows him to have a stronger grasp of his body, and his dance is also very powerful." Alex said to Elize, who was beside the crowd.

"Indeed, it's just a little flawed, but I'm afraid only those professional dancers can dance better than him." Elize nodded in agreement, she was not as good at dancing as Klein.

"I heard that the teacher that Klein studied with was the top dancer in the empire, no wonder he danced so gracefully." Others added.

Others were also amazed.

Among the same age, the aristocratic dance, Klein's level is close to that of a professional dancer.

"Hey, isn't that Rias?" At this time, someone suddenly noticed Rias and Eli.

As the host of this banquet, and because Rias is very beautiful, naturally many people pay attention to her, but at this time they actually saw Rias entering the dance floor with a commoner.

For a time, many people looked at the two of them, showing curious expressions.

Not far away, so did David.

However, when he saw that Eli was actually dancing with Rias, he froze a little.

"How is that possible?" David was taken aback. He didn't seem to have thought that the commoner just now could have contact with the eldest lady of the Gremory family, and suddenly felt an inexplicable regret in his heart.

the other side.

on the dance floor.

Eli took Rias's hand with his right hand, and the two made preparations.

Lilith felt the temperature of Eli's hand, Klein who was close at hand, and the gazes around her. Looking at Eli, she wanted to ask a question.

"Are you nervous?" Eli asked.

Rias: ? ? ?

The line is wrong, isn't it my line?

Eli was taller than Rias. She raised her head and looked at the man in front of her without a trace of panic, as if she had returned to the feeling of being dominated when she was studying.

Could he really dance?

An absurd thought broke into her mind.

Rias' thought was correct. Eli did not learn dance, nor did he know aristocratic dance. In the three minutes just now, he really remembered the dance moves through quick memory and learned it in his heart.

Of course, since dance also involves movement, he now has to rely on another witchcraft.

Witchcraft - absolutely in control.

Absolute control, apprentice-level witchcraft, relying on the connection between spiritual power and body, allows the wizard to completely control the body in a short period of time, and perform various actions that are usually impossible.

It is usually used in wizard experiments to avoid errors caused by itself, but it will be used for dancing soon, and I don't know if Sarin Metatlin will climb out of the coffin and knock his head if he finds out.

With quick memory, he can "learn" this dance.

At this time, a new round of music sounded again.

Music starts.

Eli began to hold Rias's hand and danced on the dance floor. The speed was slow at first, and it seemed that Rias hadn't gotten used to it yet, but with Eli's guidance, after a few seconds, their movements became graceful.

The ascension brought about by witchcraft is terrifying.

Eli can rely on witchcraft to perform the most perfect version of the dance in his mind.

"He actually can dance?"

At this time, Rias, who was being held by Eli, was also extremely shocked. She had no idea that Eli could dance so skillfully and gracefully, as if she had jumped a thousand times, completely guiding her limbs to move.

And looking at the two people dancing like butterflies on the dance floor, or more accurately Elias who was guiding this Rias to dance, more and more people came over.

What a great dance.

Aristocratic dance, is it so beautiful?

Many people around were dancing again, but they were also attracted by Eli and the others, and then stopped to concentrate on admiring.

More and more people turned their attention to the two Eli and began to appreciate the graceful movements.

But there are also some people who have an inexplicable feeling, that is... Why does this dance always feel like dancing by itself.

But ignoring these details, everyone has to admit that Eli's performance is absolutely wonderful, much better than Klein's performance in the center of the stage.

Good enough to be seen at a glance.

"It's very powerful, I can't do some actions." In the crowd, Krias watched the action and fell into contemplation.

He is a high-level knight, and he should already have a good grasp of his body, but he couldn't do many of Eli's movements, and it felt like he had complete control of his body.

But that's impossible. That's something that only a great knight can do. As for Eli, anyone who has experienced knight training can see that Eli is definitely an ordinary person.

If he was serious with a punch, Eli might have died.

"It seems to be very talented." Alex sighed, this kind of mastery of the body is what every knight dreams of, but it was actually mastered by Eli.

It is a pity that Eli is a commoner, and he is too old to become a knight.

"It's amazing!" Compared to Alex, Elize is much simpler.

She just felt that Eli's movements were so graceful and her dancing was so smooth, there was an indescribable beauty.

Clay was also stunned.

He has a very arrogant personality and likes to show himself in front of others, so he dances willfully on the dance floor and feels the eyes around him, which makes him even happier.

But he was jumping and jumping, and out of the corner of the light, he noticed that everyone else seemed to be gradually not paying attention to him.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Klein was a little puzzled. He stopped and saw Eli and Rias dancing not far away. Everyone's eyes were on them.

"This..." Klein was puzzled at first, but after ten seconds, he was also stunned.

The dance is so good too.

better than him.

Eli and Rias are like two butterflies on the dance floor, light and graceful. He has also studied dance for seven or eight years, and his level is not low, but he is not comparable to Eli.

Especially his body control ability, he is a knight, but he is not as good as an ordinary person.

"That's unreasonable!" Klein's mouth twitched.


He even had an absurd feeling that even if he was the teacher of the top dancers in his empire, he might not necessarily be able to dance as well as Eli in front of him.

In the end, Klein could only hold back such a sentence.

"So elegant!"

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