Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 216: Eli shows up, teachers and students meet

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"This dog is really not easy."

At this moment, in a hidden corner of the valley, Yin Lai cursed when he saw this scene.

He transferred part of the authority of the witch formation to Nikolai, just to see if he could reveal more trump cards. It seems to be pretty good now.

Where is the bloodline of the Fire Elemental Elf, this Lox, at this time, judging from his performance, it should be the upper bloodline of the Fire Elemental bloodline, the bloodline of the Fire Elemental Commander, and the limit bloodline of the third ring.

Hidden deep enough!

If it weren't for the thirty water element witch formations, they might not be able to force them out. Sure enough, let Nicholas go up and be beaten first. No, Tantan is a good choice.

"But we have to wait. It's not the time yet. We still need a chance." Yin Lai took a deep breath and stopped staring at Rox. He might notice it if he stared for a long time.

"But Vivica has changed so much!" He stopped looking at Rox, and he looked at the woman across from her.


The face has not changed much, but the blood that has been incorporated has changed her hair color, and her eyes are childish, but she is inexplicably beautiful, and she has matured a lot, and she is no longer the same girl as the girl back then.

"Time is so fast!"

Yin Lai sighed, if he hadn't been suddenly swept into the secret realm, perhaps her and Yin Lai's fates would have been completely different, and this scene would not have happened.

At this time, as the Lox bloodline was fully activated, the situation changed again.

"Damn, the fire element elves rule the bloodline?" Vivica gritted her teeth and stared at Rox.

"Not bad, a little knowledgeable!" Locks smiled and stretched his body. He really hadn't fully stimulated his blood for a long time. He looked at Nikolai and played with his taste:

"What about you, do you have any other cards? It's not bad, you can actually get so many high-level witch formations, so excellent that I can't help tearing you apart!"

Nikolai smiled awkwardly, feeling a burst of heartbreak.

They may not be able to fight the weakened Rocks before, what should I do now, and the adults have only given the authority to thirty witch formations, and he can't do anything else!

"Isn't he shooting yet?" Vivica looked over at this time, and said through a spiritual voice.

"The time is right, the adults will take action." Nikolai replied.

Although he answered like this on the surface, he had already started shouting in his heart, when did the lord plan to take action, isn't this time enough?

"bring it on!"

At the same time, Rocks, who had reached the limit again, also launched an attack on the two of them again, and the terrifying flames were clumps together, making it difficult for the two of them to stop.

After all, Vivica has already played a game, and the consumption is serious. Nikolai is also an undead, and it is difficult to resist Rox of the fire element bloodline, which makes the situation worse and worse.

Time flies fast.

Dodging the attack again, Vivica clutched her injured left arm and felt a burst of despair when she felt only one third of the bloodline power left in her body.

In fact, he no longer counted on Nikolai as a master.

If he is really strong, how could he hold back and still not take action now? How cautious or a stubborn person, even in her past years, she has hardly seen such a person.

Of course, except for a guy who has been training students for more than ten years to explore secret realms for him.


Yin Lai rubbed his nose, and he sneezed unexpectedly. Fortunately, it was soundproofed here, but when he looked up and looked at the two who were already in desperate situation, he finally decided to do something.


The five three-ringed witch formations quietly opened, and then tried to test.

"A new witch formation?"

Locks, who was holding a flame in his hand, suddenly felt that the flame was a little more difficult to condense, and his breath was a little weaker. He looked at Nikolai strangely.

There is even a witch formation.

He was obviously not the only one who sensed the existence of the witch formation. Nikolai and Vivica also felt it. Vivica looked at Nikolai and scolded: "And the witch formation, why didn't you use it earlier!"

Facing the eyes of Locks and Vivica.

Nicholas cursed in his heart.

Where is it that I did it? It must have been done by an adult, but he couldn't tell it at this time, he could only smile awkwardly at Locks.

"Are you provoking me?"

Rocks thought it was a provocation.

"Don't think what can happen to this witch formation?" Locks snorted coldly and quickly approached Nikolai, he was a little angry.

In just ten seconds, the attacked Nicholas encountered several sets of attacks from Locks, all kinds of bloodline innate sorcery, and directly hit Nicholas in various shapes!

Nicholas also had a hard time saying that he could only bear it, and cursed his mother silently in his heart.

And Locks, who sensed Nikolai's emotions, was even more angry, because it was aimed at him, and continued to beat him.

Fortunately, Vivica shot in time and rescued Nikolai, who was seriously injured, otherwise he would be killed directly, and the third round started again.

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