Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 279: Harvest, the end of Dus

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, on the plain, thousands of holy tower warlocks were gathered together by the bound people, and not far away were the bound magical beasts and logistics personnel.

It was dark, like an ocean.

And this is not far away, in the sky.

Eli watched this scene with calm eyes, and beside her was Vivica.

"Thanks to the teacher's help, we won an unprecedented victory." Vivica said respectfully to Eli.

"Yeah." Eli nodded.

At this time, he could clearly see the area of ​​the main city of the Holy Tower in the distance from where he was standing.

At this time, in that area, noises and noises spread for tens of miles, and occasionally even the sound of fighting could be heard from it. It was the battle between the entering Bloodline Tower and the warlocks in the city!

"Teacher, the people in the city of the holy tower are all remnants and defeated generals. In three days at most, we will be able to clean up there and besides here, the warlocks of the tower of blood have gone to various places to occupy the remaining forces of the holy tower. It is estimated that the occupation will be completed within a month.

From then on, the entire south-central west coast is completely in our hands!" Vivica said to Eli with a smile on her face!

"Okay, how's Hydera?" Eli asked, nodding his head.

In that war, Hydera suffered a lot of injuries, but fortunately, he was an elemental creature, which had little impact, but his strength was still reduced.

"Well, Master Hydera has recovered, he almost eliminated all the dead monsters on the battlefield!" Vivica said.

It has long been known that Hydera can recover from injuries by eating.

"Oh, by the way, teacher, there is one more thing to report to you!" she said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Eli turned his head and looked curiously.

"Dus has escaped, our people did not find Dos in the follow-up search!" Vivica felt a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter, just run away!" Eli shook his head.

It's just a Dus, it doesn't hurt.

Moreover, he ran away, but it might not be any better than being caught.

"Afterwards, give me a copy of the information on the holy tower. I will see if there is any need, and the key point is to see if there is any information on breaking through the true spirit!" Eli ordered.

The holy tower has been destroyed, and he has been safe for a long time.

He can also think about breakthroughs.

True Spirit, that's not a small bottleneck!


Vivica remembered everything Eli said.

"I'm going back to the Tower of Bloodline, and I'll leave it to you!" Eli said, ready to leave.

Vivica looked at Eli's back, took a deep breath, and prepared to go forward to command the team.

But suddenly, Herman turned his head around.

"Teacher, do you have any instructions?" Vivica raised her head and looked at Eli.

"The war is over, don't push yourself too hard, take a good rest."

Eli said, and turned to leave.

"Okay." Vivica smiled brightly.


A month passed in a blink of an eye.

Under the offensive of the Bloodline Tower, the remaining holy tower forces were all occupied, and the flag of the Bloodline Tower was also hung all over the central and southern parts of the west coast.

Since then, the West Coast landscape has changed again.

The Bloodline Tower has become the only owner here.

And a large amount of materials were also transported to Eli in this process.

Eli also began to take stock of his gains.

After taking stock, he found something useful to him.

A witchcraft, a box of books.

The witch tool is a bracelet, called Mithril bracelet.

The Mithril Bracelet is a three-ring level witchcraft. The bracelet is made of precious Mithril, covered with complex wizard symbols

Wen, this is a good thing left over from the wizarding age.

The function is to create a special force field around him, which can control the gravity in a certain area, which is very helpful for melee combat. After all, there are more warlocks now, and Eli has to think about melee combat.

And this weapon is already approaching the limit of the third ring, very strong.

After all, at his current level, there are actually not so many things that can interest him.

Another box of books makes Eli happy.

The information in this box is all that Eli needs.

Part of it is the record of the soul, and the other is something about the mechanics.

The soul aspect is helpful for him to study the soul rune, and the knowledge of mechanics will hopefully help him break through the three-ring mechanics and open the box that has not been opened!

He has been envious of that box for a long time.

In fact, the same is true for soul runes. So far, nothing has been researched, and of course it may have something to do with him not putting too much thought into it.

But it will be fine in the future. It is foreseeable that he will have a lot of time in the future. As long as the hourglass of time does not go crazy, Crazy will find him to settle accounts!

"Oh, he learned about the hourglass of time from the mouth of the three-ring warlock. By the way, at this point, he should have gone back to the hourglass of time."

Eli suddenly thought of Dus, the man who escaped under the noses of everyone.

He learned about the hourglass of time from the mouth of the three-ring warlock.


Hourglass of time.

In Hall City, the hourglass city of time, there is a tall white building, built with white time, and a balance is depicted in the center!

A trial is underway.

The presiding judge sat on the trial seat, leaning against the red velvet high-back chair. He lowered his head, looked at a man not far away, and then sighed deeply.

"Dus, your recklessness has caused the time hourglass to lose a lot of resources and Master Clay, and also provoked a powerful force and warlock, you can plead guilty!"

"I plead guilty!",

Dus closed his eyes.

At this time, he was wearing a gray wizard robe. The wizard robe belonging to the hourglass of time had already been disqualified, and his hands and feet were handcuffed, which were specially used to restrain warlocks.

He ran away on the battlefield, but after returning, he ushered in the trial of the hourglass of time.

He was well aware, but had no choice.

Here, maybe you can survive, but it may be a bit miserable.

"Okay, since you pleaded guilty, then I will punish you to deprive you of your blood and imprison you for life!

"Do you have an opinion?

Finally, the judgment came, and Dus sighed.

"it is good!"

As the hammer of judgment fell, his fate was judged.

Soon, Dus was pulled into a room, and accompanied by painful and shrill screams, Dus was pulled out. At this time, he had cracks all over his body, and his blood was directly deprived.

Dus could barely move at this time, and was being pulled to move.

Next he will be sent to prison.

But before being sent away from this place, - the individual has blocked his path.

"Dus, see that you not only failed, but also caught up with Master Clay."

A voice came, and the weak Dus raised his head.

"Andrew, are you here to laugh at me?" He looked at the person and said bitterly.

The person who came was Andrew, the leader of another faction of his time hourglass, and there were two warlocks behind him!

Andrew shook his head, looked at Duss with pity and said:

"I just came to ask about Herman's situation. We will go back sooner or later. I want to know about this enemy's situation."

"He!" Dus thought for a while and said:

"If you want to deal with him, then let it go, I advise you-one sentence

, unless he is dead, or the adults wake up, otherwise you'd better not have such thoughts. "

Andrew was silent.

He has naturally heard about Herman's and just wanted to confirm-next.

There is really such a strong three rings, outrageous

"Okay." Andrew nodded, got out of the way, and let the staff drag Duss away.

Until seeing Dus disappear at the end, the person next to him asked: "My lord, do you need to deal with him?"

"No need!" Andrew shook his head: "A person who has lost his blood, what can he do, let him die of old age in prison."

In jail. "


"Let's wait until your lord wakes up, then we'll talk about other things, now shrink back all the forces, let the Bloodline House go on for a hundred or two hundred years, we will go back sooner or later.

Andrew said calmly, Dus died, and he was the only person in charge.


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