Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 308: Incoming, Sky Thunder Giant Eagle True Spirit Warlock

"Twenty o'clock!"

Eli looked at the numbers on the dice of fate, and his face became more and more weird.

Since he started cursing, he found that Gedo's strength seemed to be decreasing, which was directly reflected in the declining probability of him defeating Gedo, so he insisted on cursing every year, after all, this is an enemy that may be encountered.

But Eli was also confused.

After all, he is just a curse, and the falling speed of this strength is too outrageous.

This point, Gedo has a hard time to say, he was relying on blood treatment, but Eli arranged a blood curse, and helplessly, the treatment could not be stopped, which made the situation like this.

"Hey, I'm not afraid now!"

Eli relaxed a lot.

I was worried that this guy might come for revenge, but now I don't panic at all.

You have the guts!

West Coast gasped.

"Yes!" My eyes were full of hesitation.

It's just rotten fish and shrimp.

The huge Thunder Eagle was heading towards the Bloodline Tower.

We also didn't expect that in the land of Anderson, I actually advanced to Heman.

A wizard tower, in a room.

It must be used with all its strength, and it will make the people in it burn their lives unconsciously, even Heman. That was Gedo's trump card to save his life in the Central Continent.

Adults will bring success to the hourglass of time.

Anderson stood respectfully aside, not far away was Gedo.


The moment he flew into the sky, Gai Shao was entwined with infinite blood energy. Depending on the space, Gai Duo gradually turned into a huge bird, floating in mid-air.

I was imprisoned there hundreds of years ago and never got out again.

I want to hear the news that the True Spirit was killed, the Bloodline Tower was destroyed, and the time hourglass re-ruled Anderson. This is my last hope of living.

A penetrating sneer appeared on Dus's still-unrotten face.

Did he kill Gedo, and he was unwilling to bear the terrible consequences.

This is actually, how many years have you been promoted to Heman, how can it be compared to the true spirit who has just been promoted, and there is still an hourglass of time, which is a precious treasure of our time hourglass, obtained from a wizard ruin.

"Don't worry, even if your level is backward now, it's still no problem to kill a newly promoted Herman, not to mention you still have the time hourglass, I can't kill you.

With Mr. Gedo Mista taking action, this time it is not easy to catch.

The giant bird was hundreds of feet long, with a slender neck, purple feathers on the neck, and white feathers on the rest. The huge wings shone with a cold light, and the sharp claws seemed to tear the sky apart.

West Coast's eyes widened.

In front of the warlock is the high-level standing with the hourglass of time.

The day has finally arrived.

If you come, I will kill you, and then seize the hourglass of time.

Stupid Jin Heng, he doesn't even know what he did!

The next second, the wings fluttered, and the thunder flashed instantly, and my body flew towards the distance, like a bolt of lightning.

"What is the grown-up going to do?" West Coast continued to ask.

And to the astonishment of everyone, endless thunder and lightning entangled in his body, like chains that twisted people, the God of Thunder in the sky!

The legion behind is also advancing rapidly. At that moment, the morale of the hourglass of time was unprecedentedly high. Although there is no battle yet, it seems that we have succeeded.

At this time, almost every part of my body is rotten, giving off a stench, exuding a strong breath of death. I was deprived of blood, and now I have reached the limit of my life.

In a tower prison in the hourglass of time.

Eighty years later, the homeless home was razed to the ground. Although there is no direct evidence to prove who did it, Zhenling is the biggest suspect, and this level of destruction can only be done by Jin Heng.

"There is no need to be modest, when you occupy Jin Hengzhu,

The area you need to manage will be many times larger at that time, and your ability will be used. Gaido had a smile on his face, and when he was beaten by the warlocks in the Central Continent, he almost died.

"You're sure the real spirit did it." Guido said fiercely while sitting on the chair.

West Coast felt a thud in my heart!

The most central of these are Gedo and the West Coast.

The sound passed over every warlock, and all the warlocks cheered.

Hourglass of time.

Jin Heng told us the purpose of this trip.

"You guys go too, he's going." Gaido glanced at me, and then flew straight into the sky.

Today is coming to an end, and I want to take back everything that was once mine.

Dus let go and leaned against the wall, his eyes full of despair.

What Jin Heng, what tower of blood.

I'll yank his head off and let him know he's done something stupid. "Guido sneered.

"My lord, we are ready!" West Coast said respectfully.

"It's all what I should do." West Coast said modestly.

Looking at Gedo's **** real body, on the plateau, everyone felt short of breath, but their eyes were full of confidence, such a powerful Master Gedo, this wave is stable!

"No!" Gedo shook his head and said, "Your current situation is only better than what you were just now."

If you want to kill Jin Heng, Anderson will too!" Ge Duo sneered, his killing intent was as cold as the wind, making Jin Heng tremble.

"You fell into his trap back then, but this time with adults around, you will definitely succeed."

"True Spirit!"

"Set off!!"

I couldn't hide the joy on my face.


The giant bird flapped its wings, and purple lightning flashed a hundred meters around.

"Well, you managed well!" Gaido glanced at the warlock behind him, and nodded in support.


how so!

He has been waiting for this day for hundreds of years.

On the ground, the West Coast is throbbing.

Over the years, we haven't fully expanded our power because of that woman.


"Jin Heng, you start first, they will follow!" The giant bird made a sound on the west coast, and then flapped its wings.

"True spirit, you still won in the end."

Flying into the sky, I cheered up and shouted loudly: "Everyone, it's time for you to take back your territory!"

Anderson looked at Gedo, clenching his fists tightly. He was both surprised and excited in his heart. The surprise was that Gedo came out so suddenly without any warning. The excited part was that when Master Gedo came out, it was time for them to retake the West Coast. It's time.

We are all the main force of the time hourglass, every thousand people form a regiment, everyone is so heavily armed, and everyone has a smile on their faces.

Since he was going to make a move, he did everything this time.

Dus was lying in front of the prison window, holding the railing of the window tightly with both hands, looking at Gaido, Jin Heng and others who were going away with old and clear eyes.

I can't die yet.

It suddenly occurred to me that in the past 80 years, Gaido asked for more blood. I thought it was the adult who had reached the final stage and sent almost one-eighth of the people to search, but now it seems that it may not be the case!

at this time.

"My lord, this is because..." West Coast asked cautiously.

"My lord, your injury should have fully recovered." Anderson asked with concern.

The gigantic hourglass of time is going back.

The bloodline body of the Thunder Giant Eagle.

The next moment, Jin Heng flew forward, and the others followed.

If the adults don't come out again, he might die half a month later.

This time Guydo glanced at me and said, "You

going to kill me. "

After listening to Gedo's words, West Coast heaved a sigh of relief.

"He started to organize the manpower on the west coast, and after half a month, he would fly directly to the area of ​​the Bloodline Tower to kill Jin Heng, and then his people immediately invaded the Bloodline Tower.

On the plateau of the hourglass of time, nearly ten thousand warlocks gathered.


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