Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 310: fight, crush

"That's Lord Herman!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

Only then did the others understand the identity of the Shadow Dragon, who was the last support of their Bloodline Tower.

Everyone hid in the building, looked towards the sky, and silently prayed for Eli. They didn't want Eli to fail, because if he failed, Gedo would kill all the people here.


In the sky, the huge Thunder Eagle and the Shadow Dragon confronted each other.


Gedo looked at Eli with surprise in his eyes.

Shadow Dragon's bloodline, this is the bloodline of the fifth ring level, where did he get it? And Heman's body is almost half his size, this is not like a true spirit who has just been promoted!

In other words, his three-ring accumulation is very deep, but it is not so deep.

Seeing this scene, the people on the ground held their breaths.

Yue Qi shook his head and continued to approach.

The shadow dragon breathes out.

"Is Master so strong!"

Therefore, the Warlocks of the other Bloodline Towers watched the two giant beasts fight blankly from a distance.

"I'm Herman, you're Gedo, you're more impatient than I imagined, and you can't even bear the curse." Eli said to Gedo, feeling his current body.

When we met, Gedo stared at the hourglass tightly. At this time, the flesh and blood on my shoulder was recovering rapidly, and soon turned into a black arm again, but it was only a short-term recovery.

"Yue Qi, he is very strong!"

There was a sudden thump in my heart.

A white ball is brewing in it.

I feel the sense of time.

Why is the time eagle useless against the hourglass.

In an instant, the lightning around me bloomed instantly, and countless thunderbolts flew towards the hourglass like sharp blades of hundreds of meters, with a terrifying sound of piercing through the air.

Although each shadow hits the shadow, each impact just tore a big hole, which cannot be broken at all, and what is ridiculous is that every time it is torn, more shadows will be destroyed in the next second. Catch up and replenish broken pieces.

"Not bad!" Hourglass looked at the thunder and lightning in the sky without moving his eyes.

"Master, come on."

Although I have just been promoted for eighty years, it would be a big mistake to treat me as a special true spirit. Although I am a blood-blooded avatar, I don’t have a wizard’s true spirit in my consciousness. Adding it up, it really doesn’t count very strong.

I'm not very courageous, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hide for hundreds of years just to be safe when I woke up, not to mention that I almost died once, so I was more cautious.

On the other side, Hourglass also twitched at the corner of his mouth.

This time it was a full blow.

In the next second, a white light with a radius of tens of meters flew towards Gaido. The white light pierced through the clouds and lightning, and hit Gaido's body directly.


On the other side, Gedo listened to Eli's words, his eyes widened, and he cursed: "You really did it!

Heman and the shadow dragon, two creatures several hundred meters away, fought in the sky. The peaceful battle made everyone feel a little scared, and often even an aftermath was enough to tear apart a mountain or destroy an area.

In the next second, one side of the hourglass was suddenly opened, and the giant time eagle flying all over the sky towards the hourglass, shining with the unique breath of time, surrounded every direction of the hourglass.

Alice stood in the wizard tower, staring blankly at the sky.

"Oh, why?"

At this moment, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I feel like I met a lunatic today.

"Thank him for the gift." Hourglass looked at the giant eagle in his hand and smiled.


It's really scary!

At this moment, Gaido's eagle eyes hadn't turned white, his wings hadn't been torn, his feathers were broken, and there was a nearly penetrating wound on his abdomen, making him extremely embarrassed.

It's not hard to see, Gedozhi

Can't last long.

He's not dead yet, but he's definitely dead without all the treatment.

I couldn't understand how Yue Qi could catch up to me.

In the sky, the Shadow Dragon and the Sky Thunder Giant Eagle were fighting, and every confrontation would cause huge waves, the clouds were riddled with holes, and even the surrounding elements were almost only shadows and lightning.

"Hmph, you're courting death!" Gai Shao smiled.

At this time, there are more than a dozen wounds on the Tianlei Giant Eagle, the largest of which is more than seventy meters long. I can't see the squirming granulation and lightning, but it is also covered by shadows, preventing my recovery.

The huge dragon's claws directly grabbed the wings of the Tianlei giant eagle, and grabbed it hard.


"How is that possible?" Guido wondered, his huge eagle eyes were full of inconceivable.

During the brutal battle, the hourglass found an opportunity again.

But the next second, my smile stopped abruptly.

In an instant, Heman spattered blood, a huge hole was torn open by one of the wings, the blood splashed towards the ground like a waterfall, and Heman let out a long and long howl.

"Come on, my lord!"

All in all, I'm discouraged.


"Feel sorry."

"Time Eagle?"

And with that blow, the huge blood-veined avatar disappeared little by little, leaving Gaido lying on the ground with serious injuries, his arms still intact, and a wound on his chest.

Although that attack was just a temptation, it also contained 10% of the power.

In the tallest wizard's tower in the distance, Alice was praying, while watching Gedo's attack, even if it was just a thunderbolt, it would be enough to kill you easily.

"Eli, he's a bully!"

But what shocked him was that Shadow Dragon pressed Heman to fight.

Then tm is more like the true spirit of promotion!

Gedo was stunned.

I looked at the hourglass apprehensively.

come on!

In the blink of an eye, I haven't come behind Gedo yet.

Thousands of bluish-purple lightning strikes under the shadow curtain.

Accompanied by a white air wave passing by for a few miles, a large crater of nearly several hundred meters appeared on the ground, and Gedo's body was embedded in it.

The hourglass looked at me, looking at the hourglass.

I took a necklace by my chest and pulled it off, and then I took out an hourglass, with transparent mysterious particles flowing outside, it looked very mysterious!

"He wants to come, you really used him when he came."

The time hourglass can only harm people when it is in an ordinary container. In this range, the hourglass is dead, but it's a pity that my Yue Qi is gone.

Suddenly, your eyes lit up, and there seemed to be a new change in the sky.

Of course, I know that the most important thing right now is to save my life first.

With a body of more than one hundred feet, blood flowed like a big river, and the scales in his body exuded a cold light. He looked at the people on the ground as if he was looking at one small black spot after another.

The hourglass is walking step by step, and Gedo is advancing step by step with the hourglass in his hand.

A few steps behind Gedo, I grabbed my neck directly.

But at this time, I am at the end of my strength. Once the hourglass comes over, I am really dead.

I'm scared!

Ge Duo whispered, in the next second, countless thunder and lightning entangled and flew towards Yue Qi.

Yue Qi landed quickly, and the blood avatar gradually came into contact.

Every once in a while, the hourglass will always cause damage to Yue Qi.

Gedo was dumbfounded.

In the next second, Ge Duo found that the true spirit died in Yue Qi's hands with a confused expression.

How can a true spirit who has just been promoted be at that level.

"I'm going to kill you!"

I stood up in the deep pit with difficulty, staring at the hourglass in the sky.


, As for? The secret method of burning life force?"

Is this him in Shadow Dragon state?

There is quite a feeling of an eagle catching a sparrow.

To suffer!

The blood-burning secret art is more powerful, and of course consumes more lifespan.

Eli's words completely enraged Gaido. After more than a hundred years of hard work to recover, he was abruptly cursed by Yue Qi to the current situation. How can I not be angry.

I don't understand until I die.

I didn't expect that the hourglass is really so scary.

After one attack, the two separated again.

Yue Qi was originally good at running at high speed, how could he be chased by the shadow dragon, but when I saw the blood around Yue Qi, I seemed to understand it.

In the next second, the angry voice stopped abruptly.

Although Yue Qi is big, the Shadow Dragon is even bigger, almost 1.5 times its size.

Then push hard.

"Eli, you forced him!" Guido trembled.

It's time to test your strength again.

On the contrary, as long as he lets you go, everything is easy to talk about, even you promised that the time hourglass will never enter the area of ​​the Bloodline Tower on the West Coast!" Ge Duo trembled, looking at Yue Qidao.

It was the first time we saw a real spirit level battle, and it might be the last time we saw it.

Yue Qi waved his hand, and the giant eagles all over the sky accelerated towards Yue Qi, and then directly gathered in my hand, and my hand, without any protection, held it directly in my hand.

Come quickly to the pit where I am.

The hourglass smiled, wrapped in shadows around him, and flew over.

But I also understand that today's battle is inevitable.

Yue Qi moved forward quickly.

People on the ground were stunned.



I kind of want to quit?

I won't lose anything by letting Yue Qi go? As for?

"That is the treasure of your time hourglass. Outside is the giant time eagle. You should understand that once you touch the giant time eagle, you will lose at least a hundred years of life. No matter how small, it can even drain his life. Surely he In close, you don't mind dying together.

Gedo's eyes widened, he didn't expect the hourglass to be so brave!

During the battle, Hourglass deliberately made the battle take place outside the Bloodline Tower.

Although I also suffered some injuries, it is far behind Gedo.

In the next second, thunder and lightning arrived.

Of all the threats, he chose the most useless. At this time, Gedo was in a daze, so I turned my head away.

"Go to hell." Guido shouted angrily. I don't think I have seen the scene where lightning pierces through the shadows and then tears the hourglass apart.

That time, I grabbed it directly and caught the link of Gedo's wings, which made Gedo lose his balance instantly and uncontrollably, swinging from side to side.

Surely the hourglass is not at this level, can I really beat it in my state?

While holding the hourglass, I looked at the hourglass approaching and said, "Yue Qi, let him go!"

Opening the dragon's mouth, countless shadows quickly gathered.

Gedo's body smashed towards the ground, followed by a terrifying explosion.

But Yue Qi didn't seem to be afraid at all, and walked with big strides.

Hourglass narrowed his eyes slightly. It just so happened that my Yue Qi staff lacked some materials. It was a very good material, and it was top-notch. As for the threat Ge Duo said, Yue Qi smiled.

"But since you're here, don't leave!" My eyes gradually turned cold, and my golden vertical pupils radiated a hot light. UU Reading

The thing that no one else could hide, was held in the hands of the hourglass.

In the sky, the huge shadow dragon flapped its wings, and countless shadows emerged from the void, turning into curtains and blocking behind the hourglass.

The huge body waved the wind and thunder, as if preparing for more attacks. The people on the ground waited, but in the next second, Gedo changed direction directly, as if preparing to leave.

Huge wings flapped, countless shadows followed, and countless blood energy burned, and the speed of the hourglass reached its peak all of a sudden, chasing after Gaido.

The huge body is above Gedo's body.


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