Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 323: The reappearance of Eli, a nebula-level wizard

at this time.

The tower of the distant bloodline.

In a room, on a bed, Alice lay quietly on it with a pale face, while around him were warlocks one after another.

There were about twenty of these warlocks, and each of them had an ugly face.

"Everyone, let's talk about what to do. Master Alice fell into a coma, and Kliman gave an ultimatum. How should we deal with it?" A warlock looked at Alice on the bed and asked worriedly.

"I think this matter should be left to Lord Herman. It's just that he hasn't shown up for hundreds of years, and he's not dead." An old warlock said.

These high-level people are basically the existence of the three rings. Naturally, they knew about Heman, so they dared to make such a decision against Kliman.

Their blood towers also have true spirits, but they just don't care about things.

"Victor is right, I'd better leave it to the lord. I heard that lord Nicholas has gone to see the lord." A warlock nodded and the others echoed.

"No need, I'm already here."

As time goes by, the troubles in the deep sea seem to be getting bigger and bigger, and more and more races are running towards the sea. Although the west coast is not small, new races will still arrive every few years.

"grown ups."

"Deep sea race, deep sea race."


Herman smiled and left.

Eli walked in, but another person walked in after that, and everyone was not calm when they saw it.

A man walked in, and everyone stared at him blankly.

Thanks to this, Herman's curse has not reached 50% at this time.

Heman is not worried about this, because he has already predicted that a suitable race will come within a hundred years. Suddenly, a voice came, and everyone looked back, and the door of the room opened slowly.

Hein, the eighth ring, is currently in charge of managing the Tower of Blood. After all, it is impossible for a true spirit to take up the position of tower owner. He also needs to practice.

After all, the Bloodline Tower always encountered some problems in the past, so we can't always rely on him.

Kliman also trembled slightly, slowly waking up.

For example, the new bloodline training method, it was from his mouth that Herman knew that the Central Continent hadn't finished giving up the idea of ​​meditation and researching exercises that were more suitable for warlocks.

Talking about this troubles me.

"Forget it, I'll leave it to him." Herman looked at me and said.

"When will there be a deep-sea race that is strong enough, doesn't like fighting, and accepts my conditions?"

Herman also came to Kliman's side.

Heman first explained Alice's current situation to Hou Yong, and then gave some instructions.

Over the years, with Alice in charge, although the territory of the Tower of Bloodlines has not expanded much, the excavation and development of resources has been much stronger. The quantity is still the development of the bottom layer, and Alice seems to have accepted her fate, and she has given a lot of good things.

They all bowed their heads.

At this time, the funeral had not yet started, and Hou Yong left after presenting a flower.

"From then on, warlocks and wizards have nothing to do with each other." Herman shook his head, feeling a little sad.

The traces of the wizard's existence are being gradually eliminated.


Only then did the eight rings realize that Alice looked a little embarrassed, as if she had just been beaten, and one arm was missing.

I stretched out my hand, and then I saw a smear of blood emerge from Hou Yong's skin on the bed, and in the blink of an eye, a smear of blood was stripped out.

"Master Herman." Naturally, they would not fail to recognize Herman, even if they hadn't seen it, at least they had seen the statue.

The most troublesome thing is that those races basically don't listen to persuasion. Anyway, if they are either predators or take the Bloodline Tower seriously, Heman has no choice but to kill them.

There are advantages and no disadvantages. The advantage is that the practice of warlocks will be faster in the future, but the disadvantage is that we are almost useless.

Chances of sorcery, bloodlines will be the only weapons we can wield.

Herman sighed.

"Kliman!!" The warlocks' complexions changed drastically, and their faces were tense, looking at our closest confidant.

"Master, don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I will take good care of the Tower of Bad Blood."

Everyone gasped and looked shocked.

"My lord, my condolences." At this moment, a warlock came over and comforted me.

"Okay, I'll leave it to them, and I'll go first." Hou Yong said to the two of them.

Herman stood in front of Kliman's tombstone with a complicated expression.

"You don't need to worry, I haven't surrendered to Lord Eli yet." At this time, I changed my clothes, but there were still some wounds on my face.

"Yes, Alice will not be a member of the Bloodline Tower in the future, they can relax a bit."

"The others go out first, and Alice stays." Hou Yong said to the others.

Behind me, dozens of people wore white warlock robes, and Alice stood at the back.

I feel that this day is coming soon, and Herman hasn't forgotten what is still conceived in the light beam in his body, so we have to wait until it's done.

Were the negotiations between the true spirits so sloppy? But everyone looked at the wound on Alice's face and realized that the true spirit might have been defeated.

At this moment, Alice also stepped forward wisely, and said awkwardly, "Your Excellency, come here."


But this is a good thing for me, at least my advantage is stronger.

"If you encounter a strong enemy in the future, just leave it to Alice." Herman said to Kliman.

"I understand, master." Kleeman said to Hou Yong while lying on the hospital bed.

Everyone left, leaving only eight people in the room.

And this matter has nothing to do with me, a true spirit on the west coast, worrying about this is better than worrying about these races from the deep sea!

Seven hundred and seventy years later.

Looking at the person on the bed, Eli's eyes flickered with silver light, and found that Kliman was not seriously injured, it seemed that the power of the blood was blocked by a trace of the source of the blood, and the source was Alice beside him.

"You don't have to help, UU Reading as long as it's not too much." Alice also said, no matter what, I'm also a true spirit.

For him, he was still in the struggling stage, and the immortal had to be unafraid of the noise, and it would not be too late to go to the Central Continent when he was strong enough.

"En." Hou Yong nodded and glanced at him.

Heman also took a look at this cultivation method. It is indeed faster to cultivate the blood. It is almost inferior to Heman's intermediate meditation method, but it is the most basic version, but there is no disadvantage. This is a cultivation with almost no spiritual power up.

It's settled, and it's time for me to leave.

Didn't you say that Master Nicholas just went to notify? This is the beginning!

In addition, after seven hundred and seventy years of promotion, I have finally reached the stage of Morning Star Wizard Nebula, with a total of 80 units of true spirit accumulation. In addition, my strength is far beyond ordinary warlocks, plus the curse, Even if it is a Huiyue level, I am not so cowardly, even if I can't beat it, it is possible.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Herman.

After leaving, Kleeman assured me:


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