Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 325: Faith torrent, Eli is a good person?

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The sea clan and mermaid clan finally settled down on the west coast. Eli arranged them not very close to the west coast. One is to facilitate their survival, and the other is to reduce troubles. After all, they are sea clan, and it is impossible to live in harmony with humans. .

And Eli of the Marine Inspectorate also said hello, so the matter has settled down like this.

And within a month, Eli also learned about the story of the Mermaid Queen and the others, and realized that the big man with the sixth ring who died five hundred years ago was actually from the mermaid clan, and the death of that character directly led to the mermaid clan's death. The situation is so miserable that even the queen has to leave.

The deep sea cannot go back in a short time, unless their majesty can solve everything.

Eli thinks it is unlikely, after all, what is gained by force will be lost by the disappearance of force.

But this has little to do with Eli, he is more concerned about the belief knowledge of the mermaid clan.

Hundreds of years ago, he had obtained the ritual statue of the mermaid from the ocean, but he hadn't researched anything until now.

Unexpectedly, the mermaid-clan was delivered directly to the door now.


In the wizard's tower, Herman opened his eyes, which were full of surprises.


That's Warlock.

I remembered.

Every city gawks at the glowing Eli statue, wondering what to do?

Herman was lost in thought, but then his eyes lit up.

"What the **** is this?"

"So this is ah!

Roja City.

Herman smiled, and immediately returned to the room, I'm going to start the study mode.

"Eh? That direction seems to be Mercury Island, Master Jiang Yu seems to live here!" Suddenly someone said.

"What's that?" A mortal knelt down on the ground, staring blankly at the scene.

I'm still worried about what happened, since I'm an adult, I can feel at ease.

Soon, I found that the light spots were converging toward the ocean, and when I turned my head, hundreds of light points torrents were converging there, turning into a huge stream of light points, like the Milky Way across the sky.

Warlocks can't do such a thing.

It was a fringe city on the west coast, but in the center was a statue more than ten meters high, which was built by Jiang Yu hundreds of years ago when he saved them.

Their mermaid clan was once a member of the wizard council.

"Learn first, then try."

His consciousness sneaked into it, and a large amount of information entered Eli's brain instantly, including a lot of history of the mermaid clan and other things.

The new mermaid territory.

"But what can he not contact?"

Just when he was trying to attract faith, Jiang Yutian was caught in a commotion.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Herman closed his eyes.

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, an incomparably bright light appeared in the darkness.

Everyone was sluggish and didn't know what to do.

Just yesterday, the Mermaid Queen had arranged everything and sent it to Eli.

Herman finally got a preliminary understanding of that system.

Others also bowed down.

Herman is getting closer and closer.

In a room, Herman was sitting on the ground, and his consciousness began to diverge.

And some dots overlap a bit, this is because there may be several statues in a city.

"The next step is not to try to attract them." Herman closed his eyes, trying to attract the light spot to himself.

And maybe there are still a lot of beliefs placed underneath.

Jiang Yu's consciousness gradually fell into nothingness, surrounded by endless darkness.

At this time, there were not many people on the coast, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one dared to move, after all, this is a statue of a real spirit.

I don't understand what is this?

The power of faith has really been mastered by this human being.

in short.

The eyes of the others also brightened.

Could it be that all the humans on the west coast believe in him?

In the newly built mermaid palace, the mermaid queen and Ivar looked at each other with surprise.

"This human being is more intelligent than you think, and more trustworthy." The Mermaid Queen gritted her teeth.

Jiang Yu coast.

"First he has to contact the statue!" Herman sensed, trying to contact his own statue.

"He sensed it." In the dark, Herman was delighted.

"Let me have a look. Eli bowed his head and took out a blue gemstone, which is a heritage of the mermaid clan.

Then, lights emerged one after another. This way, Herman was very successful. This is the distribution of cities on the west coast, because every city has a statue of Herman.

A few hours later, the first light spot trembled slightly, as if attracted by something, it flew towards Herman, and then gathered more light spots.

"That's true!" An inexplicable brilliance flashed in the mermaid queen's eyes.

Half an hour later, starting with Roja City, dots of light appeared from the statue, and then flew towards the city.

"I don't know if this is a good thing, but people took this away in the age of wizards?" The mermaid queen sighed.

Aren't the statues in Jiang Yu city the best connection?

This is also the reason why the mermaids use sacrificial statues.

Of course, he was clever enough to report immediately, but what he didn't know was that the whole Jiang Yutian was the same.

Is it a miracle?



What Herman didn't know was.

After all, this is Lord Eli, so it's not surprising to do anything.

At this time, the statue was exuding a stern light, covering the whole statue, as if it were a god.

It's easy, after all, I didn't establish a connection with these statues afterwards, but fortunately, some kind of mystical connection still exists.

That's when Hermann made contact with the first statue.

Look at the torrent of faith in the sky, what exactly is this person looking at, can he have so many beliefs.

A warlock immediately followed.

The inheritance lasted for a full morning.

Unlike his current knowledge, belief is mainly related to the connection of spiritual power, mainly to establish a connection between oneself and an object, and then connect itself through that.

Because this somewhat challenges our thinking as warlocks.

"My lord, although the belief system has spread, it at least shows that that person is not a good person. UU Reading" Ivar comforted.

And he is the true spirit of the seven rings in the distance, and Kliman is also very confused looking at the light spots flying away in the distance.

This treacherous human being is actually a good person?

It's outrageous!

In the Tower of Blood, the new tower master Hein put down the report and breathed a sigh of relief.

But this scene still shocked everyone, after all, it was indeed beyond our knowledge.

But suddenly, someone stopped and looked towards the statue.

It must have been done by Lord Eli, so it is much more reasonable.

"Is it Lord Eli? That's all right."

We thought that the light should only last for a while, but soon, we found out that we were wrong.

The warlocks watched the scene cautiously, not understanding what happened.

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