Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 327: 500 Years, The Sun Wizard

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"Herman, you are too slow."

Surrounding Mercury Island, the waves were churning. Between the waves, Eli stepped on a skateboard and walked between the waves. On the side, a mermaid girl looked at Eli among the waves and said loudly.

"Lola, you're too fast." Eli smiled.

At this time, Lola was already in her teens, but she was still very young among mermaids, just like a child, but Lola perfectly inherited the qualities of a mermaid queen, and she was very beautiful.

She has long sky blue hair, eyes like sapphires, and fair skin. The upper body is still wearing gems inlaid with gems, and the lower body is still blue fishtail, but it is shining with strange colors.

These years, Laura temporarily lived in Mercury Island, and in order to take care of her, the Mermaid Queen also temporarily lived in Mercury Island.

The waves gradually calmed down, and Eli also put away the skateboard, which he made some time ago, and it feels good to play with it occasionally.

Eli stopped, and Laura slowly approached Eli.

"Eli, why don't you play again?" Laura approached Eli and asked with wide eyes.

"Almost." Eli smiled and walked towards the shore.


His face is still beautiful. For the longevity race, a hundred years is nothing, but there are advantages and no disadvantages. Anyway, their race is indeed much higher than that of the human race.

What's more, Lola is the blood of the royal family, and also the only blood of His Majesty. They have to shoulder the important task of forming the mermaid clan again.

"Okay, see you tonight!" Cha Yi smiled and didn't care.

"I see, but I want to be with Eli all the time!" Laura pouted, snorted and stopped talking.

Eight people walked towards the island.

"But..." The mermaid queen turned her head to look, it was from Laura who was practicing in the water, he also has eight rings, and will soon pass the mermaid's youth.

On the shore, there is a dining table full of food. It was made by Dylan, and I discovered it by accident. God knows why Dylan still has that memory in his module.

He actually didn't want to do that, but for now, you are completely under the protection of Chayi. Once Herman loses, I'm afraid she won't be able to keep Laura at all, and may even be noticed by the existence of the deep sea.

"Why?" Laura seemed a little sad when she heard the answer.

"Advanced." Herman responded with a smile.

"Master Eli!" The mermaid queen smiled at Eli. Compared to before, she has advanced to the third ring at this time, and the mermaid clan has advanced to the third ring, and they have the ability to turn fish tails into legs.

At this time, the wizard tower opened in the distance, and Cha Yi walked out as before.

"Eli, do you think we'll be together forever?" Laura suddenly looked at Chayi with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I don't want it. This group of mermaids is too boring, and there are always a few boring ones who want to play with you." Laura nodded in agreement.

So I chose to pay something.

Of course, it turned out that Herman's introduction of the mermaid family was a good choice. At least these years, except for the frequent leaks, he didn't need to worry about it at other times.

He also personally explored the changes, what is the difference.

"Has Cha Yi advanced?" Laura, who was simple-minded, waved her hand and asked loudly.

"No!" Laura decided again, looking at Herman.

He used to think that he would leave when he couldn't control his breath, and now Laura almost did it.

"The mermaid queen bit her lip."

At this time, Laura also went ashore, and the water element was walking around with the fish tail wrapped. You are still young, so you must understand that Herman is taking care of us.

In the lake not far away, the mermaid queen raised her head, a little surprised.

Quicksilver Island, in the wizard's tower, suddenly burst out with a breath, and then landed quickly.

But the mermaid queen on the other side made up her mind to leave here when Laura became an adult.

Heman felt the power of his true spirit gathered into a waning moon. He roughly estimated that there should be more than one hundred units. His strength

Much stronger than before.

"Ah, that's great. Herman is strong again, so why don't you guys get closer to him?" Laura was pleasantly surprised when she heard the promotion.

"Maybe you should go play more with young mermaids of the same age." The mermaid queen advised.

And at this time the power of the curse is almost 80%.

"Good!" The Mermaid Queen nodded.


In the end, Laura didn't leave, and neither did the Mermaid Queen.

A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

Mermaids can always stay here forever.

But it seems reasonable to think about it. Compared with the group of mermaids in the current ethnic group, Eli is more intelligent, weak, and full of charm.

Since having the assistance of the power of faith, Herman's improvement has been much faster than before.

"According to the way of human beings, you are very good." Herman glanced at him. At this time, he was wearing a shell suit on his lower body, and a pair of small white hands on his upper body, which almost only covered his private parts.

The eight people were eating, quietly and quietly.

Maybe it's time to say goodbye.

"According to human beings, this should be the seventh stage of the Seven Rings, the Bright Moon Stage."

The mermaid queen was very sad, but she knew it was time to leave.

This has something to do with Laura. Cha Yi was sealed with shadows, but after all, he still hasn't had much contact with this knowledge, and it is often possible to reveal that this directly led to the increase of Heman's curse.

Laura had no choice but to keep up.

In fact, the mermaid doesn't have so much shame, and is more attached to the strong. He has been with Herman even longer than this mermaid majesty.

In the lake on the island, the mermaid queen looked at this scene and sighed: "It seems that Eli should have broken through the sun level. In only seven hundred years, he has jumped over the waning moon, crescent moon and full moon stages of the Bright Moon Wizard. Advanced Day, this speed is really scary!"

"Pretty lady, would you like a drink?" Herman asked with a smile.

No way, could it be that her daughter fell in love with Herman?

Laura entered the lake, and the mermaid queen followed, but was held back by Cha Yi.

"Because he will leave this island sooner or later to pursue the truth, and his world should be in the endless sea. One day, they will be separated." Cha Yi replied, while the mermaid queen was relieved.


Time flies by in the blink of an eye.

With a huge elemental fluctuation in the sky, it flashed.

Eli felt that mermaids and humans definitely had a lot to do with each other.

Secretly, of course.

At this moment, the wizard tower opened, and Herman came out.

"Of course, his current strength should not be able to cover your mermaid territory. If you want, you can go back at any time, and of course Her Lady Queen is too." Cha Yi said to the two with a smile.

The mermaid queen froze.

He didn't expect that after staying here for nearly seven hundred years, he was familiar with those humans.

"Then there are only eight of you on the island?" The Mermaid Queen lowered her head.

The mermaid queen covered her face, feeling bad.

Soon, dinner at UU Reading will begin.

At this time, there is a large lake connected to the ocean next to the Wizard Tower on the island, where Lola usually lives, and so does the Mermaid Queen.

Aside from the rolling waves, Laura also swam out and looked at the wizard tower curiously.

At this time, he and Zeng have not changed much, but his appearance is more beautiful and soul-stirring.

And what is regrettable is that after more than a hundred years, with a mermaid passing by, they also know that the mermaid clan has not completely collapsed at this moment, and the people are scattered all over the ocean. As for the mermaid Majesty, he has not died yet. , in other words, they are just mermaid remnants at the moment.

Soon, Eli walked off Mercury Island, and one person was still waiting.

"In a while!" Herman raised his head and said flatly.

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