Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 329: Hydra and Nikolai on the 4th ring

On the surface of the sea, the corpse of a huge deep-sea octopus floated on the surface of the sea, like a huge island. In the sky, Eli looked down at this scene from a high position.

"Such a large corpse should be enough for Hydera and Nicholas to advance." Eli's eyes were calm.

Although Eli has improved greatly over the years, Hydera and Nicholas have not improved much, and they are both at the peak of the third ring.

Hydera is okay, it is a semi-elemental creature made by Eli, and it is also a synthetic beast, so I am not so worried about lifespan issues, but Nikolai's situation has not been very good these years, and his mental power has been severely damaged. Serving as Minister of the Seas often kills make up, or it would have been gone long ago.

"When they are all promoted to true spirits, I can go to the Central Continent with a little more security." Eli's idea is very simple.

He hoped to have more benefits when he went to the Central Continent.

"I just don't know what's going on in the Central Continent."

Eli has not contacted the people from the central continent for a long time, but from some people from the central continent, he also has a broken understanding of the center of the world.

I heard that warlocks have given up meditation during the apprenticeship stage, and began to adapt to the bloodline during the apprenticeship stage. It can be said that today's warlocks are not called warlocks, but Eli prefers to call them blood fusions.

They have nothing but blood.


In an instant, I jumped up and ran towards the Wizard Tower, shouting as I ran, "Dylan, something is wrong, there are enemies, very strong enemies."

So when he heard about a hundred years, he felt that he was over the top.

"What, has he finally decided to leave?" Eli's eyes lit up. I have been waiting for this sentence for more than a thousand years.

I have to be loyal to adults in the future.

the other side.

Eli was even more frightened.

On the mountain peak, Eli was still fiddling with the machine, gesticulating on his body non-stop. After years of hard work, its combat strength reached the eighth ring.

a month later.

"My lord, he has made a breakthrough." Shen Zhaoteng came to Dylan's side and immediately put away his momentum.

On the side, Hydera didn't have much thought, just looked at the huge corpse drooling, and eight pairs of eyes showed desire.

But it still looks forward to the meeting between the two, after all, Jinji is a rich man.

And Hydera saw that Dylan was also flying towards him, but the process continued to expand until it was tens of meters in size.


No matter how powerful monsters are, they were not the object of dissection by wizards in the past. They dig out the essence of power, but now warlocks directly use blood power without even thinking about it, which completely elevates the status of warlocks.

Shen Zhao looked at the huge corpse, and waves suddenly appeared behind the corpse, pushing the huge octopus forward.

Hydera and Nicholas fell into a deep sleep on Mercury Island after devouring the flesh and soul of the Great Chapter of the Deep Sea respectively.

At this time, a figure also appeared on the sea level, and Nicholas was flying towards that side.

But since it lived in Mercury Island, their connection naturally increased.

In the next second, Hydera and Shen Zhaoteng rushed towards the corpse, leaving behind an envious Eli.

His subordinates have almost advanced to True Spirit.

"Go ahead, you don't care." Shen Zhao said with a smile.

"My lord!" Nicholas respectfully said to Shen Zhao.

In the distance, Hydera opened his sleepy eyes and flew towards Dylan.

Dylan stood on the wizard tower, watching this scene.

Not far from Mercury Island, a huge octopus moved towards this side. Its body was not much worse than Mercury Island, and its height was still higher than the peaks on the island.

And when he was running, he found that his body was getting taller and taller.

After a while, Nicholas flew towards this direction. At this time, his soul body was at least ten times larger than before, and the density was much higher, and the aura he exuded had reached the seventh ring.


Time Mercury Island.

He also came to Mercury Island.

"It seems to be a new ability. It can control the size." Dylan touched Hydera's head, which was closer to Shen Zhaoteng. Compared with Shen Zhaoteng, Hydera was created by himself.

Shen Zhaoteng angrily threw him to the ground.

Nicholas left with great excitement.

Dylan said loudly, and flew towards the laboratory not far away.

Dylan also appeared in the wizard's tower, looking at Hydera.

"Dylan, you're improving so fast!" Eli's mechanical eyes flickered, surprised.

"Doesn't he still have a body in the Central Continent? They should go there within a hundred years." Dylan replied.

"And Jinji, that guy seems to be half of the person in charge of the Western Regions." Dylan was still impressed by this person.

I still remember that more than a thousand years ago, Shen Zhaoteng told him that it was almost time, but the result was that he was almost desperate until now.

"It seems that the newly obtained is the wind element."

Monster beast! It can affect me from so far away.

In fact, I was very close to the true spirit, and I was only short of a kick, but there was no way to do it.

"Why are you shouting, that octopus is not dead yet." Shen Zhaoteng glanced at it angrily.

"Well, go and stabilize yourself, I'm sure I need to call you." Shen Zhaoteng nodded.

"It's all here." Seeing that Hydera and Shen Zhaoteng were both there, Shen Zhaoteng pointed to the corpse in the distance and said, "This is the corpse of a sea tribe with the peak of the Seven Rings. Shen Zhaoteng devours flesh and blood, and he devours soul. That should be enough." Got promoted."

As Hydera opened his eyes, the eight heads let out a long hiss, and a new head grew out. The eyes of this head were blue, and his body also grew rapidly, and it grew to a hundred feet in the blink of an eye. The original Even the peaks can't bear it, it's overwhelmed.

Hydera is entrenched on the mountain peak, and his 100-meter-long body has not grown much in recent years. At this time, he closed his eyes and was sleeping.

A huge wave of soul suddenly erupted in Mercury Island, a huge soul body rose from it, and countless gray undead flashed around.

"Dylan, when will you get you to the seventh ring!" Eli said.

As soon as he broke through, Hydera flew directly into the sky, and countless storms wrapped around him, like a special dragon flying through the clouds and fog.

"Let's go, go to the laboratory, I need to test everything."

One hundred years is really short!


It never seemed like that kind of thing would happen there.

The huge body moved towards Mercury Island.

Especially in the last few hundred years without any contact.

Nicholas moved forward quickly, and was shocked when he saw this huge body, but he soon discovered that it was a dead body, but the soul had not yet dissipated.

"What kind of creature is this?" Shen Zhaoteng was shocked.

Another month.

Suddenly, it seemed to hear something, and suddenly raised its head and looked into the distance.

Compared with Dylan, he is much worse.

This is a kind of sadness.

When he looked at the huge corpse at this time, he realized that it seemed to be alive.

Looking at the simple-minded Eli, the corners of Dylan's mouth twitched. This silly dog ​​is really stupid.

Hydera's body expanded and quickly followed.

It is very easy for the undead to break through.

But when he turned around, he froze.

You know, even in his previous life, he had never broken through to the true spirit. If it weren't for Shen Zhaoteng who often gave him some souls and that great tonic, he would almost be able to break through.

Watching Shen Zhaoteng leave, Dylan also looked not far away, on the huge mountain, Hydera is also undergoing transformation.

General Dog is stupid.

But it's useless to think about those, so take a look.

Dylan summoned Hydera and Nicholas while controlling the direction.

hear this,

Nicholas' eyes lit up.

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