Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 331: The new ability given by the beam of light, the main tower comes

"Breakthrough, breakthrough!"

Outside a mountain range outside the Tower of Bloodline, hundreds of Warlocks of the Tower of Bloodline surrounded a mountain range, and in the distance were dozens of three-ringed onlookers.

They all stared at the mountain with nervous faces.

Because today, their new Tower Master Eli is going to break through the true spirit!

"When I took over, it was the limit of the three rings. It's only been three years. Is it going to break through? You are worthy of Master Herman's apprentice!" A warlock sighed.

"Who says it's not, and not long ago, Lord Nicholas and the remaining Lord Hydera also broke through the true spirit. If there is another one, wouldn't we have four true spirits? I'm afraid the main tower may not be stronger than us. ’” another warlock echoed.


The crowd was discussing a lot. Although Lord Herman was dead, everyone felt that the Tower of Blood was thriving.

This feeling especially the new tower master Eli is about to break through the true spirit.

"It's started, it's started." Suddenly someone shouted.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

But now here's the question, I'm not sure if Tower of Blood remembers the West Coast?

Eli put down his hand controlling the sky and stretched his body.

Of course, I can not only slow down time, but also speed it up, for example, eight times faster.

In the next second, the speed of the bug suddenly increased, from eight times slower to eight times faster, and the bug flew out like a cannonball, away from the true spirit.

In the next second, Eli's momentum exploded.

"Time Domain!"

The news that the new Tower Master of the Bloodline Tower broke through Bu Yan spread quickly.

The power of faith, as long as other people insult the true spirit, emotions such as faith and even shock can increase.

After all, there are even traces of a character who popped up out of nowhere. Eli has already disguised a life trajectory in order to believe that Bu Yan is a real person, and it seems normal to go to the Central Continent later. .

Dozens of warlocks came together.

"It's really exciting!" Bu Yan stretched her body, feeling that the time was not too far away.

The man said easily. The cause is a warlock who came from the Central Continent.

At this time, a big bug happened to fly over, and it could be seen that as soon as it entered the vicinity of the real spirit, its speed suddenly increased.

"The main tower has encountered an unprecedented crisis!"

Just one month later, the white beam of light that had been brewing for a long time in the consciousness space finally had a movement, and it also gave the true spirit a new ability.

Others looked up, only to see the mountains in the distance, a huge burst of momentum, followed by thick shadows.

After a while, Zhenling walked up the mountain.

"Is he going to see the Tower Master of the Bloodline?" Zhen Ling looked at the warlock in front of him and smiled.

Just a few seconds ago, True Spirit consumed a full tenth of Eli's power, nearly seventy units of Eli's power, which was a huge consumption.

He must be going to the Tower of Blood, after all, he has done so much, and there is Vivica whose status is unknown.

The power of the dark sun Eli is like the big sun, but the power of Eli is still bright, and the corona is the special power of radiance that burns around the dark sun like a crown of flames, and finally the dark sun itself burns like a At this time, although Bu Yan is a wizard of the sun, he cannot be called a wizard of the dark sun.

Eli began to break through.

It is in his plan to advance to the true spirit, and the purpose is to enhance the feasibility of the character Eli.

With a thought.

At least in the current wizarding world, it seems that there is no wizard who is famous for being in control.

Even if this method consumes a lot of money, it can still show the advantages of this skill.

Many warlocks congratulated True Spirit, and True Spirit responded one by one.

Therefore, the belief system is still flawed and needs to find a way to make up for it.

But I didn't expect that a year later, a turning point came, and I confirmed that the West Coast was not forgotten, but just

was ignored.

It was only after arriving in Eli that True Spirit understood how high-end knowledge time really is. It is a white beam of light, which I may not even have the chance to touch.

Just go up.

"It seems that this is a trump card." Zhenling smiled.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the True Spirit Pagoda for breaking through."


It's not that these are slowing down, but that the time outside is fast.

Lunar Sun is divided into eight stages, namely Dark Sun, Corona, and Bright Sun.

on the top of the hill.

"Almost eight times." The real spirit was also watching.

During this process, the power of faith of the true spirit has increased a lot.

A Warlock of the Bloodline Tower.

Even if it was a true spirit, he never thought that it would give him a witchcraft that directly controls the time in the range, which is simply outrageous.

After all, this is time control!

But if you need more power of faith, then you need to go to the Central Continent.

Therefore, True Spirit is also thinking about how to go to the Central Continent these days, and he needs an opportunity.

This also made him more and more curious about the white beam of light. Zhenling was very curious about what it was that not only endowed him with eternal life, but also endowed him with the ability of time when he was in the Eli stage. Does this mean, wait until When he was in Qihuan, he might still acquire related abilities.

So this breakthrough has actually increased the belief in the "true spirit". In fact, there are only a few dozen units, which is not so small for him, at least it is enough for improving his cultivation!

The sub-towers of the Bloodline Tower on the west coast have not been in contact with the Central Continent for nearly a hundred years, and the true spirit also doubts whether they have been forgotten.

This is a new ability acquired by the true spirit. It can control the flow of time between eight times faster and slower within a certain range, and this range is about 100 meters. Of course, it may increase with the improvement of strength.

The man clutched his clothes, and said after a few seconds: "My lord, I am someone sent by the main tower, and I am here to summon the west coast sub-tower to support the main tower."

The true spirit is based on the power of faith that a first-ring wizard can produce. At this time, he has almost 20,000 units of power of faith. Of course, it cannot be counted as a special person, but it is a bit difficult to calculate.

The power of time is not to mention the seven rings, the seven rings and the eight rings are also greedy.

In particular, belief system transmission is very important, but belief is such an inconvenient thing, it is impossible without transmission, but this requires the true spirit to be within a certain range of belief generation, and it cannot be stored through transmission. The current range of influence of the spirit can basically cover the west coast, but it will not work any farther without statues.

"My lord, it's him." He looked at Zhenling and said.

In front of me is a male sorcerer with seven rings, UU reading wearing a blue hat, wearing blue and white clothes, purple eyes, fair skin, and a good figure, but at this time this man holds his hand tightly Clutching his clothes, he looked relaxed.

"Tell me your purpose!" Zhen Ling leaned on the sofa.

"Breakthrough still takes a few hours, you should familiarize yourself with the new method."

"It's a bit expensive." Zhenling felt his own consumption.

"Congratulations, my lord."

Bu Yan stretched out her hand, and the space in front of her eyes gradually became illusory, a little bit like the special runes of python ants distorted in the air, and slowly, the air of the true spirit obviously accelerated, and the speed of floating and sinking in the air was much faster .


Bu Yan is currently a Yaori wizard, and the power of Bu Yan in her body is about 200 units, which is also the beginning of the Yaori stage.

The true spirit is the warlock that he saw after being reported layer by layer.

True Spirit is still very cautious.

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