Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 334: On the road Eli's joy

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The huge airship entered the uninhabited Sawya Mountains.

On the grandstand extending from the front end of the airship, Eli was condescending, observing the Sawyer Mountains below.

The Sawyer Mountain Range is a huge mountain range that divides the west coast and the central continent. There are many resources in it, and there are many powerful creatures. Even the third ring does not dare to go deep.

But Eli is very interested in this place because there are many good things in it. Of course, because he just came here, and it is very close to the west coast, and he has also explored the Tower of Blood, Eli is not interested.

So for the first paragraph, he stayed in the room.

As for safety, you don’t need to worry too much. This is a large-scale flying witch specially made by Eli. Thanks to the accumulation of thousands of years, his mechanical manufacturing is completely different. In terms of these airships, creatures below the third ring are almost impossible to deal with. Airships deal no damage.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the creatures in the fourth ring, after all, this is a marginal area.

In this state, they also gradually entered the depths of the mountains, inaccessible areas.

Some troubles also came up.



"I saw."

in a cabin.

Looking at the mountain exit not far away, the eight airships accelerated.

Holmes City.

But listening to Eli, it seems like he wants his eyeballs?

He didn't ask either, which was a bit too much.

Alida couldn't calm down for a long time until the spaceship started up again.

I'm afraid Cyclops didn't expect that they would one day fly.

Then Eli flew directly out of the airship.

And what level is this Eli!

There is no doubt that the trembling just now was because of this giant.

I only saw Eli and one undead spirit, no other spirits.

A 100-meter tall giant was roaring towards them.

Countless blood swirled like a **** drizzle, falling towards the ground, with pieces of giant flesh mixed in.

This is not a big animal, but a one-eyed giant with a height of 100 meters. It weighs as much as a mountain, and it just flies up.

He quickly came to the front of the airship and looked towards the ground.

I can only watch the "wind rope" approaching a little bit.

Haven't I been promoted for a long time?

There are still a few months of travel ahead, and I think I need to take a good look at it.

But Eli and the others encountered any danger, and this Master Elita would go and check no matter what interesting things he encountered.

A Cyclops died in just a few seconds?

"He's just a MSI Grand Warlock who just broke through."

Nicholas also followed.

"It seems that we need to prepare two people." Alida breathed a sigh of relief.

He was silent about Eli's words, but he was also relieved, at least this time the rescuers were really strong.

However, this process also made Alida completely convinced of Guan Yue. This adult is stronger than he imagined. At least the creatures with seven rings encountered on the road are not Eli's opponents.

But when he saw Eli flying upwards alone, he was stunned.

Although it is a creature with a weak body, it is said that the eyeballs have unique spiritual power fluctuations, which is very rare. You must know that Eli also has a spiritual power earring, which has not been upgraded for a long time.

I don't understand what Guan Yue is thinking.

It was really Dylan who shook his head when he saw it.

The next second, the Cyclops showed a terrified face, and a hurricane rose from the veins of the earth, sending his 100-meter body flying towards the sky, and he couldn't even resist.

Eli looked at the Cyclops below with a look of surprise.

one night.

This is the seven rings of the true spirit level, even warlocks of the same level will be afraid.

The people under the airship also looked at this scene and opened their mouths wide.


He also has a question, where is the eighth true spirit?

This is not crossing the safe mountain range, it is clearly bandits crossing the road, going all the way to **** all the way.

And the Cyclops opened his eyes wide, but he couldn't move at all because he was restrained by the rising hurricane.

Along the way, he had to go up to draw dozens of liters of blood or collect some biological samples when he met the monsters that others didn't want to meet.

The stone streaked across the air like a meteor, and many people screamed, but wind elements appeared around the airship, deflecting the boulder away.

This division is outrageous!

Ignoring the new eye-like earrings and Hydera, Alida asked, "My lord, there is a separate exit ahead, and they are here."

This giant has long hair and has a huge ape-like body. There is only one huge vertical eye on the huge head. The outside is full of bloodthirsty and curiosity, and the bottom is a big **** mouth.

Alida looked at the above scene, her eyes widened.

Eli going up alone?


Originally, he thought that he should be able to arrive in half a year, but in the end it took a full year.

On the ground directly in front of the airship.

In such an environment, after a year, they finally crossed the Sawyer Mountains.

But it's all about Eli, who just looks at the eyeball "greedily".

"It is said that the Cyclops at the level of the seven rings often hunts passing creatures. Are we being targeted?" Alida knew this creature.

In fact, Alida thought too much.

Countless blood flew, and the gray skin of the Cyclops was strangled with bleeding marks, as if bound by a fishing net. The Cyclops let out a happy howl, but it only lasted for a few seconds. Mi's body instantly turned into countless pieces of flesh, the only thing that remained was a huge eyeball.

The Cyclops is a well-known idiot of the giant family. He has no consciousness, but is extremely powerful. He is the last creature that people passing by here would not want to encounter.

But I hope there will be no accidents on the road ahead?

"So how will Eli respond!" He was also curious.

Although the opponent was the Sea Clan and lost the bonus, but facing a one-eyed giant with seven rings, Guan Yue was not afraid at all.

Huge eyeballs flew towards him, collected some more Cyclops blood, and returned quickly.

Cyclops, this is a creature not found on the west coast.


Two true spirits are not enough, but he still feels very uncomfortable, because the battle with the cyclops cannot start in a short time, and it may attract other enemies, which may put the airship in danger.

Especially when encountering this kind of creature, they pass quickly, even if it is a special seven rings, they are unwilling to face it.

The huge roar awakened everyone in an instant, and the warlocks got up one after another and went to the window to look out.

"Speed ​​up again!" Eli ordered.

At least for this, the main tower is surpassed again.

I'm sure I remember correctly, this shouldn't be the first stop of our Central Continent.

After being out for so long, I finally came across something interesting.

Central Continent, here we come.

"A Cyclops with seven rings, I heard that the eyeballs of Cyclops have unique functions, how lucky!"

Countless ground wind elements gathered again, and in mid-air, dozens of hurricanes tens of meters long turned into thick ropes several meters long, twisting and flying towards the Cyclops.

Seeing Eli's rapid landing, the Cyclops also showed a cruel smile, pulled up the 100-meter-high tree, removed the branches, and faced Eli.

Eli stood at the front, with Hydera on her shoulders and Alida beside her.

very strange!

Eli's eyes were scattered, and his sight spanned thousands of miles. He hadn't seen this warlock city standing on the edge of the mountain.

But Alida knew he couldn't make a decision, so

Watch as Eli announces the decision to stop the airship.


Eli ignored the scene.

"Witchcraft, a wind tornado cutting!"

"Witchcraft raises a hurricane!" Guan Yue looked at the Cyclops on the ground.

This is just promoted? What about cheating ghosts?

Seeing this scene, Alida's eyes widened.

Of course, in addition to the combat power, the airship that shocked him, at least he has never seen such a powerful airship, witch array, runes, etc., it seems to be brand new and specially made. The perfect airship.

Alida looked at the surprised Eli, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Alida on the side was also delighted, and I brought back support.

As for when he questioned Eli, UU Reading www. Eli's answer also made his teeth itch.

I hope the main tower will not be too surprised. It stood on a mountain, holding a stone with a radius of several meters in its left hand, and threw it at us.

I have a vague feeling that this time we go to the Central Continent, I am afraid it will cause a lot of changes.

Guan Yue stopped in mid-air, and the icy wind made the wizard's robe flutter. This wizard's robe made of giant octopus in the deep sea exuded light. move.

Suddenly, the door of a room opened, and Eli was surprised.

At this time, the other real spirit Nicholas that Alida saw also flew out.

This is too scary!

Eli and the others were resting in the airship when they suddenly felt the airship tremble, and then heard a terrifying roar.

In the next second, Guan Yue waved his staff again.

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