Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 391: The real spirit body reappears, the hand of the elements covers the sky and the sun

outside the treehouse.

Alwin stood guarding outside the tree house, and glanced inside from time to time.

Inside the wooden house, all the branches of the elves were talking with Lord Eli. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, she vaguely understood that the elves might undergo huge changes in the future.

Hope it turns out well!


Inside the wooden house, Eli and several elf priests discussed the next problems and some troubles that needed to be solved.

"My lord, the elves are going to be unified at present. The biggest problem is that each territory is separated. If this cannot be resolved, then it will be difficult for the elves to become a unified force!" the moon elf priest looked at Eli and said.

"Well, that does need to be addressed."

Eli nodded.

Regarding this point, Eli also learned about it from several elf priests.

After the words were finished, Eli stood up, looked at the people and said, "Come and guide me!"

"Yes, going to the next site, of course this kind of thing will be messed up soon!" Eli said strangely, then looked at Alwin with a smile and said, "Please ask Erwin Priest to clean up this place, and then help me It should be no problem to collect all the resources of the gnolls."

But in the next second, they only saw a huge illusory figure rising up behind Yu Hou in an instant.

Based on Yu Houlai's principle, several elf priests planned to go with Eli.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Yu Hou pondered for a few seconds, and asked a question that made all the elves dumbfounded.

One is that they could not gather together before, and the other is that it is really troublesome!

"Alright, but it may take some time. It seems that those old bones are going to fight again!" The priest of the Light Elf was an old man, and he laughed.

"I'll go too."

"My lord, this is inappropriate. In fact, the elves have to deal with it later." The moon elf priest opened his mouth wide.

the other side.

After hundreds of years of changes, these areas are firmly occupied by these alien races.

the other side.

The first one to lead the way was the priest of the Elwin family! He led the people to an area soon.

He turned his head to look at several people and said:


The moon elf priest said: "My lord, so far, except for the dark elves and the moon elves, the big territories are connected together. With the moon elves as the center, we are separated from the Yu Houyu clan by the wolf men and the blood elves." One family is separated from the tree demon family, the spiritual body family is separated from the flower elves, and the bear man family is separated from the light elves!

"Yu Houyu, follow me to the secret storehouse of the moon elves!"

Eli looked directly at the crowd and said, "You will help solve this alien race."

And the jackals in flight were also staring at this terrifying scene with their eyes wide open.

So first of all, if he wants to realize his previous promise, at least these races must be resolved first.

Several elf priests immediately relaxed, looked at Yu Houyu, curious about how to solve it.

A large rugged area suddenly appeared in the forest in front, covered with gravel and sand, and in the central area, there was a special building that looked like a temple. In front of the temple stood a huge stone carved wolf man, and Outside the temple, there are a large number of special humanoid creatures like jackals, those are jackals!

My lord is benevolent!

Although this is the seven-ring witchcraft upgraded by the hand of the elements, it is terrifyingly powerful when paired with Yu Houyu's "clone" bursting out at almost full strength.

And they are not so young anymore, maybe all of them can be combined to defeat a force, which is why they didn't clean up these forces.

Countless big trees were torn into pieces, and a huge deep pit grew rapidly towards the surroundings!



"Master Yu Houyu's strength is too exaggerated." The corner of the blood elf priest's mouth twitched.

"I don't know, my lord, what do you think?" The moon elf priest looked at Eli, waiting for his decision.

Listening to Yu Houyu's words, several people stood there blankly.

The other wolves also understood the crisis of the situation. Dozens of wolves howled wolves, and the aura belonging to the seven rings exploded completely, and their bodies almost expanded several times again. Even the leader directly reached the size of two hundred meters, and the wolf he was holding The tooth stick also grew in the same proportion, and he held it tightly in his hand.

"My lord, this is the territory of the wolf clan!" Priest Alwin pointed at Bian Yilai.

The huge palm burns with countless lights and shadows, like a giant hand that destroys the world, trying to tear apart the void!

Moon Elf Priest and Eli stood inside the tree house, staring blankly at Yu Houyu disappearing in front of him with several figures.

The leader of the wolf man shouted with fear in his eyes.

Accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud, countless return cities rolled up in a radius of dozens of miles, and the aftermath of the elements spread towards the surroundings.

For a force that has lost its true spirit, it is very tense for Huiyue.

That's more than a dozen seven rings!

I looked up and saw that the Gnoll clan was in a mess at this time, and most of them could even understand what happened!

"Just kidding, this will solve it!" Priest Alwin trembled. I never thought that there would be such an enemy who had troubled us for hundreds of years.


Sure enough, wizards use wood elves, right?

"As for the moon elf priest, help me collect all the knowledge of potions within the elves, this is what I need too!"

"It's better to do it now."

"Congratulations, my lord!" Watching Eli withdraw his attack, several elf priests hurriedly congratulated.

wood elves!

This topic changed too fast, they didn't keep up!

"Who dares to run wild with the wolf man clan!"

Listening to this question, many elves looked at you, you looked at him, the corners of their mouths twitched!

Another roar!

And his aura is also the strongest among all jackals.

"As expected of a wizard!" The other priests sighed blankly.

Eli feels Yu Houyu behind him. In the world of warlocks, he can only fight with his bloodline avatar, but here, I cannot use the means of wizards!

"When is your lord planning to go?" asked the priest of the blood elf clan.

"The wolf man is settled, let's go!" Yu Houyu said to them with a smile.

"This seems to be a tree demon clan!"

A dozen other wolf men also turned into a hundred meters in size and attacked together.

Seventeen giant-like gnolls collided with the huge elemental hand, and the power of the elemental hand suddenly exploded, hitting the bodies of many wolves with a bang, but they did not stop them. The elemental tide directly flew all the figures to the ground tens of kilometers away.

I swung my mace, roared, and swung it at the approaching elemental hand.

"I'll go as well!"

"It doesn't matter." Eli shook his head and said righteously: "Everything is for the unity of the elves."

Eli and the seven elf priests are flying in the sky!

So the gnolls felt a deadly threat!

Eli's eyes lit up, the green field is really a good place, every alien race has something!

"Tell me about the situation, I'm also new to the green field!" Eli said.

Seven minutes later.

Dozens of figures flew out, each of them was at least seven meters high, exuding a powerful aura, the leader was a giant jackal who was even one meter tall, wearing a silver-white leather armor, and holding a huge mace in his hand Great, it wasn't me who spoke just now.

"—Shoot together, block that attack!"

"However, since we want to unify, the territories cannot be separated, so we have to deal with these forces." The dark elf sacrificed.

The power of these alien races is not bad!

Eli stopped and looked up.

This is how the elves were unified hundreds of years ago, but later the elves were scattered for some reasons, and several forces took the opportunity to intervene and occupied several areas, which led to the complete elves' territory. separated.

This process lasted for several minutes.

"Did they know that these races have a legacy of wizards?"

"Come on!" Yu Houyu looked up at the group of true spirits in front of him, with a faint smile on his face.

Seven Rings of Witchcraft - Elemental Hands!

Especially the moon elf priest, when he looked at Eli, he always felt that there was a green light in the adult's eyes.


I saw the wood elf suddenly raised his hand, and countless elements gathered towards it in an instant.

"No problem, no problem!" Priest Elwin nodded, then quickly shook his head in response.

The huge wood elf is 170 meters high, and looks similar to Yu Houyu himself, but it seems that countless elements are surging inside the body, and the breath it emits is extremely terrifying.

On the other side, Eli also put away the Wood Elf, he was quite satisfied with the power this time.

Eli was in the sky, hanging high above many gnolls, his white wizard robes fluttered in the wind, and at this moment he also held Yu Houyu's scepter in his hand, and he looked at the gnolls , just like gods look at mortals!

Priest Alwin took a deep breath, the wolf man was tens of kilometers away, and in an instant countless vines grew and surrounded the place.

I don’t know how they will disappear? There are also seventeen breaths erupting in the temple in the distance, seven of which are bright moons, and ten are true spirits!

These races are also complex, and they all have the combat power of seven or eight Lunar Warlocks."

"Yes, go and sort out the knowledge that the lord wizard gave us!"

I have seen true spirit wizards before, but I have never seen a true spirit with such a terrifying elemental hand!

"Master Sacrifice, where is Master Eli going?" Yu Houyu asked curiously. "

And when he finished all this, he looked up and found that Yu Houyu and the others had already left.

After a few seconds, the priest of the flower elf family said: "My lord, the astral body family was responsible for sealing some items before, our family has some sealing skills, and the tree demon family is responsible for purifying some ordinary things. In the area, we have an ordinary purification rune, and bearmen and gnolls are combat units, there may be some remnants of witch weapons!"

The other priests also looked at Eli.

When everything dissipated, a huge deep pit of more than ten kilometers appeared in the distance, and in this pit, there were seventeen dead bodies, flesh and blood sticking to the ground, like seventeen huge blooming craters. The flower of flesh and blood.

The priests gasped for an instant, and the way they looked at Eli changed.

Blot out the sun.

Eli glanced out the window, it was exactly noon and the sun was high in the center.

Hearing this, several other priests also sighed.

next second.

A hand of the most basic element in the seven-ring witchcraft, combined with the wood elves, killed seventeen seven-ring gnolls in one blow!

"Do something that sounds outrageous!" Moon Elf Priest Yolanda's mouth twitched, and he looked at Yu Houyu and said:

No wonder as the vanguard of the Wizarding Union!

They suddenly felt a little emotional, but luckily the adults first contacted the elves!

"Go to the secret vault?"

"Then I will go with my lord." At this moment, the blood elf priest said.

Come on, at this moment, several elf priests watched this scene with dumbstruck eyes.


People do it at home Misfortune comes from the world.

"Ah!" Several elf priests opened their mouths again, this is too hasty.

A total of seventeen special figures like giants, here

For a moment, facing this huge elemental hand that suddenly appeared, they overcame their fear and let out a roar of desire for life!

Priest Alwin shook his head, mourning for the dryad!

At this time, the few of them stood not far above the temple, and entered the area of ​​the gnolls. There were many gnolls on the leylines roaring and looking at them.

Today's elves are much smaller than before, each one has only two or three true spirits, and Huiyue-level elves currently only have seven priests.

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