Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 394: A new source of faith, Vibration in the Inner Green

【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

Three days later!

Eli received good news, that is, the elves at this time have basically completed the unification.

And after signaling to Eli, the Moon Elf clan and other Elf clans also started to migrate, and it was at this time that Eli realized that this was not the original territory of the Elven clan, and the former territory of the Elf clan was in this area. the central.

Another three days!

In the vast forest, the team of the moon elves is advancing, and there are thousands of elves.

Each elf is carrying a large amount of supplies, and behind the team, there are long and huge elks who are also helping to transport them. This is a small race nearby, and in the center of the team, there is a woven fabric made of countless flowers and trees. Huge carriage, pulled by an even bigger elk.

In the carriage, Eli sat in the center, with Alwin and Yolanda priests sitting on both sides.

Alwin has exquisite facial features, fair skin, wearing a light green veil, a crown inlaid with beautiful gemstones on his head, and a gorgeous scepter in his right hand. Added a touch of heroism and nobility.

"That's right, at least the temperament has the feeling of a queen." Eli joked with a smile.

"My lord!" Alwin's cheeks flushed slightly, trying to retort.

"Yu Wang, I will prove that I am not old, at most half a year, I will break through, and then I will bring back the head of that warlock, and then defeat him personally, becoming the new Yu Wang!

I will lead the Yuren clan to become the most beautiful race!"

Priests: ???

These people really left a deep impression on Roland!

After the news spread in the past few days, a news also spread among the elves. This is the return of the Master of the Wizards Union. It is with his help that the elves are united again!

"There is no problem with this, we will immediately mobilize the skilled craftsmen of the elves to carve!" Yolanda nodded, and then asked: "How should we carve the appearance of the adult?"

Walking among the elves, Roland walked in the front, Yolanda and Erwin followed!

Everyone left one after another.

After more than ten seconds, Cao Long smiled again, looked at the two and said, "Sorry, I remembered some people I haven't seen for a long time!"

And Roland's will also made him easily ignore these, and soon came to the elf palace under the leadership of the crowd.

That's why they understand the meaning of the word wizard better.

"I reject!"

After more than ten seconds, an old Yuren raised his head and said in panic: "Master Yu Wang, have the wizards really returned?"

Roland turned to look at the two of them, and said fiercely, "My identity must be kept secret, at least here!"

At this time, many elves were still cleaning the palace, and their slightly different looks from the moon elves showed that they belonged to several other branches of elves, Caolong and the others were the first to come.

He thought of Anna from the Byrne Empire, who would be sent to the position of queen by Eli!

Everyone nodded, and the atmosphere became even more gloomy.

At this time, in the palace, there was a huge and gorgeous white stone seat, and on the empty throne, there were a few elves offering sacrifices. They had obviously been waiting for a long time.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

On the opposite side, Yolanda and Erwin watched Roland's sudden depression, did not dare to speak, and waited silently.

At this time, many elf priests were also lost in thought, obviously thinking, while Yolanda looked at the priests and said, "I don't think they can agree!"

"It seems that this person must be very important to adults!" Cao Longrong said.

As soon as Roland finished speaking, everyone's faces changed!

Soaring huge spires, beautiful glass of various colors, and mostly white color schemes.

"These eight things I want to say!" Roland also stood up and announced the start of the meeting.

The priests looked at Yolanda.

"Hahahaha!" Seeing Erwin like this, Eli laughed loudly at first, but then there was a feeling in his heart.

Inexplicably sad!

And maybe his heart is also suggesting to himself, maybe this is just a wizard who appeared by chance?

Many elf priests nodded and sat on the chairs on both sides one by one, and Cao Long sat beside Roland!

"My lord, we're here!" Suddenly, the moon elf priest at the side said suddenly.

Many elves offered sacrifices to each other, and at this time Cao Long had already sat in the center of the seat, saying: "Everyone, take your seats first!"

But he couldn't stop this Yuren, because his strength was almost the same as his at this time.

At this time, Roland also felt the stopped elk carriage, and then his consciousness passed through the carriage and moved towards the perception inside.

"So the next thing I want to talk about is the seventh question. My power in the human world is called the Tower of Bloodline. Next, I plan to establish a relationship with the Tower of Bloodline. This will benefit both forces. Elf It is also a good thing for this faction that a family can obtain the resources we need through potions, what do you guys think?"

The Yuren clan, one of the most beautiful forces in the outer area of ​​the green field, is also a powerful race with a number of suns.

But looking at Roland's familiar face frame, several elf priests were taken aback, a little dazed.

My feathers are slightly brown, and so are my eyes. At this time, I looked at a few old feathered humans with disdain and said, "Please, look at the group of warlocks inside. If there were not enough green fields, we would have already invaded inside. It’s just a wizard, how strong can it be!”

After listening to Yolanda's words, all the priests nodded in approval.

Roland replied with a smile.

"My lord, what should we do?" the old Yuren asked again tremblingly.

"What I want to say is eight things." Roland watched the crowd sit down and shielded the temple, and then said:

So along the way, the elves looked at Roland not only with curiosity, but also with admiration. Roland could even feel the power of their faith. For creatures like elves, who can live hundreds of years even with zero rings, it is obvious. Seven thousand years is not enough to erase their awe of wizards.

Byrne’s period was only a hundred years in his life, but it had the most profound impact on Cao Long. His most basic worldview and other ideas were formed at that stage!

At this time, other people suddenly realized, and respectfully said to Cao Long: "Lord Yi Lai!"

"The eighth thing, we need to build my statue in the territory of the elves!" Roland said fiercely, looking at the crowd.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

If he breaks through again, he will no longer be an opponent!

Roland smiled and said softly: "It happens that everyone is here, and I have a few things to discuss with you!"

At this time, Yolanda looked softly, and said: "Although the elves are united again, their strength is still not enough. I think we should not miss this good opportunity to configure potions. It is the responsibility of the elves!"

Hearing this reason, many elf priests also nodded, understanding.

"Ah, are you leaving, my lord?" Yolanda asked.


At this time they came to another piece of forest, among the towering trees, elf buildings stood up one after another. The magnificent architecture of the Palace of Man.

This is undoubtedly a terrible thing for many alien races. For more than 7,000 years, due to the limitations of the world, although it is difficult for human beings to live to this age, these alien races have long lifespans. come here.

Several priests spoke at the same time, but some priests raised questions. It was the Moon Elf priest. He looked at Roland and asked, "But my lord, there is another problem. This is the line of defense of humans outside the green field. For example, the nearest The human forces, the Amina family!"

Along the way, the elves looked at the eight of them, especially Roland at the front.

"Only one is a wizard, you are so afraid." A feathered man spoke again.

maybe he is strong


Decades after the Herman vest was launched, the old vest is down!

They all have heads like giant eagles, with sharp eyes, but their bodies are somewhat close to humans, but their whole bodies are covered with white feathers, and there is a pair of folded wings behind them!

"Yes." Roland nodded, and then said: "After all, he is preparing for the Wizards Union. The main battlefield is the human world. I believe everyone can understand."

He is afraid!

"Indeed." Roland nodded and smiled.

The moon elf priest opened his mouth wide, as if he didn't expect that the Amina family also belonged to adults.

"This is not Lord Roland, but we have to call him Lord Eli in the future!" Yolanda reminded.

If adults want to hover between alien races and humans, they naturally cannot use the same identity.

Sensing the weird sights from everyone, Roland was also a little embarrassed, and immediately explained: "I will leave here later, but if we encounter a strong enemy, we can pass his statue of faith and temporarily let part of his power descend. For your own good!"

"First, I can't stay here for a long time. After a week, I will leave!"

"Okay!" The two elves looked at each other and nodded.

In a tree hole, four feathered men sat together with serious faces.

"Don't worry, the Amina family is also ours, I will notify them!" Roland replied.

And in the end, because he was trapped in the shadow dragon's secret realm, he didn't even see him for the last time.

"Just this Eli's face can't!" Roland smiled.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

His age looked great, even his feathers were a little dark, and his body was almost trembling at this moment.

Yu Wang was silent, obviously he didn't know what to do, and there was another big problem, they were the furthest away from the elves!

Roland looked at everyone, which was also one of the topics of today's meeting.

"I think they are already old, maybe Lord Yuwang should hand over the leader's position!"

"Eli, the wizard Caolong!"

This is a wizard!

"Okay." Yolanda nodded.

The gazes of the other priests became more and more awed!

For statues of faith, appearance is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to establish a connection.

Civilization Destroyer, World Slave Master, Fear Spreader... and so on, these titles are all formed on various alien races!

And the feathered man named Yuyun snorted coldly, and then flew in, and at the same time, his voice spread into the ears of many feathered people!

Watching the Yuren fly away, many Yuren looked at each other in blank dismay.

Hearing such an answer, everyone was a little embarrassed and regretted their correct thoughts just now!

This time, the world belongs to wizards!

"Then how do we address you now?" Yolanda asked curiously.

Just when the statue of Roland was being In the depths of the green field at this time, on a huge ancient tree with a height of 800 meters.

Yolanda also turned her head, looked at Roland suspiciously, and blinked.

They all looked at Roland, wondering what would happen next!

"Okay!" Cao Long stood up, his body began to change, and so did his face. In the blink of an eye, he had already turned into a woman with blond hair and blue eyes!

"Master Roland, several elf priests are already waiting!" Yolanda said with a smile.

"My lord, what is this?" the elf priest asked in astonishment.

"Yu Yun, presumptuous!" a feather man yelled angrily.

Facing the sunshine, "Cao Long" led the two out of the carriage and walked towards the elf palace in the distance!

After more than eight days, a news spread among the elves that the wizard had returned and wanted to reunify the green field.

"Everyone, have you heard about the things about the elves these days?" an elderly feathered man in the center looked at everyone and asked.

"Humans, you don't need to worry

, we just need to resume the production of potions here, and I will tell you what potions are needed later, and we don’t need to worry about the magic plants, someone will deliver them when the time comes. "Roland reassured everyone, and then said the eighth thing!

Yu Wang also turned pale, and he seemed to recall in his mind when he was still Xiaoyu.

As expected of an adult!

So when the Yuren clan heard the news, they were really shocked!

Roland also broke the jar, and it's already installed, so let's install it to the end, and the advance army will be the advance army!

time flies.

"I don't know, but the news from the elves is that a wizard from the Wizarding Union has returned!" The Yuren named Yuwang sighed.

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