Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 398: The battle begins, 3 parties besieged!

The Eight-armed Snake Demon United Legion's attack is divided into three directions, namely the direction of Nightfall City, the direction of Saka Plateau, and the direction of Red Moon Lake!

And in each direction, there is a Sun Warlock of the Eight-armed Snake Demon family, as well as a large number of Warlocks and affiliated forces, and there are at least twenty or more true spirits.

This is a top-level secondary power and all its affiliated powers.

Facing such powerful forces, it is no wonder that many forces are not optimistic about the Tower of Blood.

at this time.

Eli's three clones also arrived at the three battlefields and hid themselves.

Outside Nightfall City, on a high mountain, Eli stood on a tall tree, looking calmly into the distance!

"There are so many!" Eli looked across dozens of miles and saw the warlock in this direction.

They have not launched an attack at this time, and are still on the road. Even if it is a rough estimate, there are tens of thousands of people. There are twenty-eight real magicians.

Twenty of them are morning star warlocks, seven of them are Huiyue, one is Yaori, and that day is obviously José.

The real spirit smiled and flew up towards the sky, and after two days, Nicholas also flew down directly.

If the true spirit leaves, it would be a good thing. At least part of our bloodlines will be kept in the Tower of Bloodlines, and there will definitely be a time to rise up again. There is really no hope left.

In fact, he didn't know that the true spirit had a clone, so he was very relieved at the moment.

"Then try it!"

Heda on the other side also looked at Wen Jian, as if a little surprised at Wen Jian's courage!

And his eyes looked over, the man just glanced at it and ignored it!

"Zhen Ling, I didn't expect you to come!" Eli looked at Zhen Ling with a hideous expression on his face.


They're tense, but no one backs down!

"This is not the Red Moon Lake!" Zhen Ling pursed his lips and made a decision!

But compared to those warlocks, Nicholas Lan Shao, who is a snake demon, looked at the real spirit, laughed loudly, and said loudly to Wen Jian:

Eli yelled loudly, and his huge body suddenly began to enlarge, turning into an eight-armed snake demon with a height of nearly 800 meters, and each of his subordinates even held a special large witch weapon, while the two suns behind him looked at each other, It also changed instantly, and two behemoths of nearly 700 meters appeared again.

"The strength is really good!"


"What?" Eli frowned!

And in the blood and shadows, the eight-armed snake demon has collided with the huge shadow dragon!

And at this moment, the gods came to save them again!

"I knew my lord would not give up on us!"

As for the other Goring warlocks, ten of them also followed, and the rest stopped the true spirit who wanted to help and waited for Goring!

On the opposite side, Yaori Nicholas looked at his expression, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

This is the only plateau where the eight-armed snake monster borders the Bloodline Tower, in the northwest of the Bloodline Tower.

This level of siege is really too dangerous!

This direction is Nightfall City.

And Zhenling looked at the eight people fiercely, looked at Wen Jian and asked, "I wonder if anyone said something?"

At this time, what the real spirit was facing was the siege of Nicholas on eight sundays and at least seventy Goerings!

He never expected that the true spirit had already arrived here, and the warlocks on the ground also looked up.

I will let you understand the power of the family, the era of fighting alone is over!

Where am I thinking about as a battlefield?

But no matter what the identity is, everyone's face is full of uneasiness and uneasiness.

next second.

The Red Moon Lake in the distance, accompanied by a burst of space fluctuations, Eli and Heda walked out of the void shaking their heads

Come, fly on both sides of Lan Shao.

Among them, the warlock following Eli is the strongest, and the clone must face the greatest pressure. Wen Jian's previous plan was to let one clone withstand it first, try to persevere, and then wait for the other two clones to defeat the other warlocks before giving support , so it is better to be weaker than other Goerings on the battlefield of Nicholas on the eighth day.

Red Moon Lake!

Many Goerings also turned into various bloodline avatars one by one, surrounding these sundays!

"Master True Spirit!"

Tens of thousands of warlocks are confronting each other, but no one has launched an attack. Yaowen Jianming here is a middle-aged wizard with white hair and wrinkled skin. Not far away, he is led by Wen Jianming. The Warlock stared at him.

Eli's eyes were stern, and he flew towards the sky.

"As for him... definitely not an adult, he deserves to die too!" Jose's eyes gradually hesitated, staring at this malicious warlock.

At this time, no matter inside or outside the city, there are all warlocks standing in the Tower of Blood, each of them is nervously looking into the distance, waiting for the enemy at any time, some of them came voluntarily, and some belong to the army of Tower of Blood , and some are the Tower of Blood Slaves to atone for their sins!


The patriarch of the eight-armed snake demon family!

He stood on a huge chariot, looking at the distance with deep and calm eyes, it could be seen that he was full of confidence in this war.

"Compared to the height of the information, it has broken through, but the breath seems to be okay!"

"My lord!" I yelled.

He was very firm, the woman's thoughts were not on them at all at this time, but on the true spirit who had not yet appeared.

Countless white and purple blood energy rushed towards the true spirit, while the boundless shadow stepped forward to fight.

"My lord, why haven't they made a move yet!" A warlock beside Jose said to him via voice transmission.

At this time, he looked at the woman nervously, especially the faint aura she emitted made him feel uneasy.

"We're waiting!" Jose replied.

"Will your lord come?" the necromancer wondered.

This is a huge lake like a crescent moon, about tens of acres in size. There are many monsters living outside, and the bottom of the lake is rich in a kind of red crystal. As long as it is illuminated by the moonlight at night, it will glow like a red moon. lake!

True Spirit observed for a while, then turned his gaze to the other two battlefields.

"True Spirit, you are here to seek death!"

While they were waiting, Wenjian in the green land fell into thinking!

Wen Jianming looked at the warlock, frowning.

"My lord, don't come!" Wen Jian pursed his lips and muttered silently!

"You have a tough mouth, let me see if your strength is also that tough!"

Belonging to the side of the eight-armed snake demon, a man with purple hair looked down fiercely at the battlefield on the ground, followed by seventy Goring warlocks, and on the opposite side, there were only one or two Goring's blood. Warlock Tagorin, the leader is Wenjian!

At this time, the situation here is also similar to the Saka Plateau!

This time the enemy is too strong, so strong that they can't see hope at all.

His hand reached into his pocket, and the space imprint sent out an ordinary induction!

As for the others, they are not qualified to attract his attention!

Wen Jian's face instantly turned pale!

Just a tower of blood, do you really think you are awesome?

Wen Jian pursed his lips, a doubt flashed in his heart, but within a few seconds, he said fiercely:

Saka Plateau.

"Wen Jian, if it's just like this, you have to die here today."

He is still waiting for news from Wenjian.

There were only seventy Goering warlocks there except for Kiln Day.

The two took out the token in an instant, then crushed it, and the space behind them turned into layers of ripples in the next second, turning into a huge vortex, and the two of them went straight into it, and then disappeared in the eyes of everyone .

And based on his understanding of adults... Wen Jianming was silent!

At the same time, the unknown eight-armed snake demon Eli and another Sunny Nikolai, named Heda, had their eyes lit up at the same time.

In fact, there is no big difference between the eight battlefields, but the number of Gorings in the eight directions is actually different.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out!

"My lord has really come."

After transforming, everyone looked at Wen Jian on the opposite side.

Even if he was only facing this sunday, Nicholas made him feel a desperate pressure, but what made him feel desperate was that even if that sunday was removed, the remaining warlocks we were no match for.

"bring it on!"

True Spirit said fiercely.

Wen Jian looked at these behemoths, his figure suddenly changed, surrounded by countless shadows.

"Master True Spirit!"

It's time for these guys to realize the reality!

As for the current location of the true spirit, even Jose doesn't know, because he understands that adults will make their own decisions.

The warlocks were in the legion, and some even shed tears with excitement. In the eyes of some warlocks, Wen Jian, who saved the Bloodline Tower several times, is different from a god!

True Spirit Art sighed deeply, I think the adults may not show up this time!

Master Zhenling seems to always help the forces with a crushing attitude, but this is the master with absolute certainty, but what about this time?... For eight full days, can the master really survive? In fact, it's not just Yaori, because once he shows up, Goering who shows up on the battlefield may also participate in the siege.

So when Wen Jian lowered his head and looked at those people indifferently with his dark golden dragon pupils, everyone's heart skipped a beat!

Zhenling made a Then he swayed his body, turned his eyes slightly, and looked to the other side.

At this time, the battlefield not far away was in an instant of turmoil, and True Spirit Art was stunned when he saw the true spirit.

A few seconds later, a huge shadow dragon stepped out of the darkness. The huge silver claws of the dragon exuded a dangerous aura, and after the previous breakthrough in size, it was still nearly a hundred meters high at this time.

"You look beautiful when you smile!" Zhen Ling said with a smile.

At this time on the plateau, the warlocks of the two parties had already begun to confront each other.

After the decision was made, the Wenjian avatars in the other two battlefields stood still, while the true spirit that had been hiding in the Red Moon Lake suddenly flew towards the sky, sending out its aura.

The sky was now divided into two parts, one of which was headed by Wen Jian, followed by two Suns, followed by the other ten Goerings, and the other was empty, with only the real spirit alone. Like a fighter facing natural disasters alone!

He has long dark purple hair, is wearing a dark purple leather armor, and behind him is a huge cloak, flapping against the sound of the wind!

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