Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 405: Expanding influence, the rating of Charming Mansion has increased again

the other side.

Eli, who left the battlefield, flew into the sky, the two merged into one, and then returned to the green land!

Along the way, Eli inspired the remaining power in the avatar, making the golden light more intense, and the light emitted was like a golden sun.

And Eli's purpose is also very simple, anyway, it has been exposed, so it is better to maximize the benefits to gain more faith!

The blue sky was like a wash, and a round of golden sun was unscrupulously across the sky, even passing by some cities or human gathering places, and the strong radiation of power also attracted the attention of many warlocks in the city, raising their heads one by one. Come.

Solo City, a city located on the edge of the Bloodline Tower.

Due to the days of war, the city was completely silent at this time. Except for some warlocks who were unable to leave, the other warlocks had basically left the city!

The lord of the city, Honey Suter, stood on the fence, his body was standing straight, and his eyes were looking straight into the distance, but there was a lot of worry in his eyes!

"I don't know if he can live after everything is over!" Sonny sighed deeply.

Although he was slightly ahead of the battlefield, he didn't know some things about this war.

He should have done it himself!


Lili Yilai opened her mouth wide, staring blankly at her own Bo Yuya.

"What is this? It seems to fly to the green land where the adults are?" Lili Yilai was confused.

Well, it seems unlikely.

Lobelia glanced at him angrily and said, "It's not like you are a good man, but this time his partner is really going to become famous in the Western Regions!"

Solo was stunned, he stared blankly at the big day before leaving, with complicated emotions.

"Teacher, stop joking!" Uncle Lily said angrily, and asked, "Is Miss Anna okay!"

Even Anna, who is far away in the green land, has sensed a large number of newly added beliefs here!

It was Lady Anna who flew over just now!

"Let's go back and break through first, and the Bloodline Tower will definitely be busy for a while, and I will come back later!" Lobelia said, then sighed, looked down at her beautiful figure, and then silently regretted it!

"Of course there is a Mr. Uncle, but..." Sony once felt that he absolutely did not doubt Mrs. Anna, but this time he could not go home either.

Of course the teacher wouldn't lie to me, but I'm sure none of this is true, that's amazing!

It's a pity that it's late... Maybe it's not too late, but I don't know if Anna likes the teacher-student match!

At this moment, suddenly a warlock flew into the sky and flew towards him. It was his confidant, and the confidant quickly said something to him. During this period, Solo's mouth opened wider and wider, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense. .

I still underestimated my lord, but compared to the success of the war, I am more happy that my lord is still alive.

I don't know who took the lead, the warlocks in the city shouted the name of the uncle, and there were even kneeling people in front of the statue of Anna in the city!

"Die or die!" Sony shook his head, ready to leave the city wall, but just as he turned around, a golden light suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision!

Clone, Ana, let's start the war!

Not far away, Lili Yilai fell directly to the ground, tears flowed silently from the corners of her eyes!

"What the **** is it?" Solo was still facing the enemy, and the relief in his heart became stronger, but the strange thing was that he didn't seem to feel any crisis on it.

And this is just an example. With the news of Anna's transformation into the sky and the success of the Bloodline Tower, a feast of faith for Anna began!

Seeing the student's expression as if she had lost her mind, Lobelia also raised her eyebrows, realizing that in this student's heart, Anna might be heavier than he thought!

Is Lady Anna actually that strong?

Lobelia shrugged her shoulders helplessly, her white and greasy chest fluctuated with the waves!

Da Ri just left?


The news came from the front line that Master Anna rushed to the eight battlefields and killed almost all the eight-armed snake demon spirits, and even Jose of the eight-armed snake demon family was dead. The war started and they succeeded.

"Ah, what's the result? Lily Eli immediately asked anxiously.

"Hmph, I don't know what kind of luck he has. I really regretted not playing in person to be on the list with such a potential person!" Roberia first complained for a few seconds, and then said angrily:

"Now the higher-ups have rated Anna's level as the highest level, and because of the relationship between them and the possible benefits in the future, the curator decided to give him the resources to break through the true spirit!"

"What is this!" Sony immediately stared at the golden light as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and a woman with charming eyes, who looked like a particularly mature peach, walked in.

"Go back to the headquarters of the Western Regions? Why?" Uncle Li Li stood up and asked a little confused: "Shouldn't it be time to congratulate your lord?"

Seeing Lili Yilai's anxious look, Lobelia's eyes flashed a hint of cunning, she shook her head and sighed: "I doubt the fighting power of the eight-armed snake demon, so of course he lost, but he blew himself up and killed a On Sunday, one of them was seriously injured at the same time!"

cough cough!

He was not the only one who saw it. Although it was more than ten kilometers away, the rays of golden light had already arrived, turning Solo City into a golden ocean. Big golden day!

The chaotic situation in Sony City, Sony even flew directly into the sky, shouting: "Everyone, don't panic!"

Forget it...don't be funny.


He looked down at the curious people in the city at this time, and shouted with all his strength:

"It seems that you still care about it!" Lobelia said with a smile.

The majestic voice spread out like ripples, and all the warlocks in the city were stunned for a moment, and then cheered resounding through the sky!


And as time passed, the golden sun also reached the sky above Sony City, and then left directly while everyone was stunned.

In fact, it wasn't long before he broke through the limit of the eight rings. He thought it would take hundreds of years to accumulate resources, but this time it was too pleasantly surprised!

"Teacher!" Lili Yilai looked at the person coming, blinked her eyes, and asked curiously, "Teacher, why did you come to the City of Blood at this time!"

Lili Yilai let out an ah, feeling her heart beating fast.

I don't know how many people cheered in the city, and everyone was enjoying the joy at the same moment!

"Teacher, uncle is yours!" At this moment, a voice came, and it was Lili Yilai's purple pupils staring straight at him.


"Humph, it looks like you don't know anything yet!" Lobelia couldn't help laughing, and sat on the sofa beside her and said, "An hour later, Uncle Wei first appeared on the Red Moon Lake battlefield, and then The Eight-armed Snake Demon's Sun used the space imprint to come here and fought with Anna."

City of blood!

It is so strong that there is no hope for the Tower of Bloodlines, after all, the Tower of Bloodlines is only an eighth-level force at present!

The enemy is too strong!

Nothing happened?

"Huh?" Lily Eli was a little puzzled.

Panic, fear, unknown, all kinds of emotions quickly spread among the crowd. At this critical juncture, everyone's mood became more difficult and intensified, and fear spread silently!

Lily Eli stood in a room in the Wizard Tower, watching the open mouth flying across the sky. But even so, everyone still looked up at the big day that was getting closer and closer.

Sony immediately turned his head to look, and in the sky, a special light group like the sun was slowly approaching Solo City!

Uncle Lili suddenly raised her head, stared at Uncle Boyuya and said, "Teacher, what do you mean?

On the other side, after wandering around deliberately, Anna passed directly behind the Bloodline Tower and entered the land of greenery. "

Lobelia coughed twice, and then said to Lili Yilai: "You didn't say that Anna died on this battlefield, but you didn't say that the real uncle died!"

"Huh, wipe away your tears, and then return to the headquarters of the Charming Mansion in the Western Regions with me!" Wei Boyuya said again The identity of the city lord seems to have played a role, the city has become a little more stable, and some The guards also began to maintain order.

"Master Anna!" He bit his pink lip, and his whole body seemed to be plunged into a row of darkness!

The adults won!

It's good to be alive... Lily Eli feels as if a big stone has fallen from her chest, and her heart is filled with happiness and a strong urge to see Anna!

"Three Sundays, and a top-level second-level force coming out!" Every time he thinks of this news, he feels a little out of breath!

"Stand up." Lobelia said angrily, "All of you once again underestimated that guy's strength. That guy Anna actually has the ability to be like a clone. What appeared on the battlefield was only his clone, and the others Two Annas also appeared on the two battlefields at the same time, but they didn't know that there was a real body in them. After dealing with the battlefields, they went to the Red Moon Lake to support them, and then killed Jose and Another Sun, and the war started!

And until the warlock finished speaking, his blood was almost boiling, and tears even flowed from his eyes.

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