Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 415: Dragons and Dwarfs 1, Ginger's Shock

Spirit Temple.

Eli looked down at the dozens of patriarchs of different races, took a deep breath, and said, "Since this is the case, all the patriarchs will stay here for the time being. Let's discuss the future development and how we can connect the various clans together in the future. , after all, you are all one now!"


Many patriarchs of different races nodded. It is true that many races were enemies among them, but it should be over now. Among them, King Yu heaved a sigh of relief and his eyes relaxed. Fortunately, adults are easy to talk. The human family finally escaped a catastrophe.

"However...the situation in the green field will change completely!" Yu Wang looked up at Eli on the temple, full of emotion!

But it's good, at least for now, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for them, but I'm afraid those races in the core area will be in trouble!

"Dragon family, dwarf family..."


core area!

The sun shone into a lake, sparkling with waves.

At this time, the ground here has turned into a flat stone ground, and on the ground, there is a complex witch formation exuding a silvery light, surrounded by many high-level energy cores, which are concentrated by high-level magic stones. What is solidified is the energy source of this space teleportation array.

And hearing the words of the dwarf king, the other dwarves also nodded. The dwarves are only interested in construction. Even in the age of wizards, it was not the wizards who conquered them, but they were interested in the creations of the wizards. .

"Wizard?" The Dwarf King frowned, thinking!

But today's human world is no longer worthy!

"You don't need to worry about this. Over the years, my influence in the Western Regions has expanded rapidly, almost suppressing Applan (another vice president)!" The president smiled.

After all, it seems to be stable now, but the blue dragon feels that the whole world seems to be in turmoil, whether it is these races and creatures in the immovable core area of ​​the green field, or other areas of the central continent. Of course, the cattle in other areas do not know, but In the Western Regions, they have never let down their guard against the Heart of the Abyss!

"Are you kidding me!"

"Hmph, the outside world is full of dangers, and if you encounter a powerful warlock, you may be drawn blood." Eli said, but seeing the red dragon seemed to refute, he continued to add:

For some things, I will not deliberately stop, but I will definitely not show mercy.

After thinking for half an hour, he slowly said: "Then ignore them, although I miss the time when those creations were built, but the times are different after all, a wizard can't do anything, and can't give any grandiose things. Creation, if you can find a fabled Tower of the Gray Wizards, maybe I'd be interested in helping to see and restore it!

Maybe something will happen in the future!

"My lord is sleeping, the Dragon Clan is indeed under their management at present, but I think we'd better hold on to this matter, then let this wizard do it, let's ignore it for the time being, this should be our best choice, said Maybe some idiots will go find the way for us!" Eli said.

Even the legendary Wizard Gray Tower was built with their help.

After digesting what I used to, it has been 70 years since I came to the Central Continent. I still have a lot to study!

"My lord, the space array has been built, and the potion system of the elves has basically been built. Next, we need a lot of magic plants." A clear voice came from beside him, and the blue dragon turned his head to see that it was Erwin in a white gauze!

Moreover, this wizard claims to be a Warlock who returned from the Wizarding Union. With the mission of leading the way with a large force, there must be dozens of races who have announced their return to the embrace of the Wizarding Union. Almost one-eighth of the green field has fallen apart from the core area. It's under his control!" Ortiz was burning with flames, which also showed that he was very excited at this time.

"I want to become stronger, whether it is to deal with the previous changes, or to protect everything!" Blue Dragon's eyes are firm!

And in Blue Dragon

Time to think!

"Okay." The red dragon Ortiz directly agreed this time, I don't want to talk about it!

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "Jinji, you have been by his side for decades, and you know the model and price of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce very well, and I also recognize you very much, and I think you have the hope of becoming my successor in the future! "

After all, this is a great wizard tower that is said to be capable of destroying a world with one blow!"


Hearing this, the red dragon's body froze suddenly and stopped talking.

Just when the dwarf king shook his head and decided, the other races in the core area also decided to stand still, and no one wanted to be the leader!

Two huge sky cloud whales were tied with long white chains, and the chains stretched behind them, pulling a floating island.

The other direction of the core area.

The surface of the water suddenly exploded and turned into countless sprays. A herd of cows suddenly broke out of the water, its eyes widened.

"It's like hundreds of years ago, he was caught on the way back and had hundreds of liters of blood drawn!"

And at this time in the most central building.

And Tumen made Blue Dragon faintly feel bad that day, and after that, a large number of slaughtered wild monsters were found in the mountains that Tumen left!

Unless this wizard tower reappears, we may leave here!

Time blinks and another week passes by.

Seen from the sky, a large piece of white stone land suddenly appeared in the forest. There was a huge deep pit, which was unknown how many kilometers wide, and in it, one after another dwarves were urging the orcs to move the ore. It was then moved to another volcanic area.

"The wizards are back!" said the red dragon Ortiz.

"Yes." Jin Ji nodded. After all, the Western Regions are his base camp, and because he has been with the president all these years, a lot of information is unknown.

He calculated that he would start at least eight experiments, namely the sealing technique, the purification rune, and the blood bamboo flower.

The matter of uniting many races and future matters also began in the Elven Temple. In the end, the elves were temporarily in charge of coordinating the many races, and the Elven Queen Elwin was the highest leader of the clan other than the blue dragon. As for the one in the herd The avatar will also stay here after being weakened!

"Well, it depends on the arrangement of the adults!" Niu Qunshu leaned over naturally, and the blue dragon was still fierce.


a week later.

Among them, upgrading is naturally the most important. There are no potions now, and I am just a newcomer to Corona, and I am still too weak.

Jin Ji and the president of the Jinchan Chamber of Commerce stood together, this is a very strong looking old man.

He flew well that day, and was about to cross the west coast to return to the green field, but he was knocked out with a stick and had blood drawn a series of times.

The blue dragon walked out of Erwin's room, and then looked towards the large open space outside the tree house.

The first two are leftovers, and the latter is the one that Blue Dragon thinks has potential. He intends to let Hill try to see if he can cultivate it into a seventh ring. At least in his subconscious, the way of devouring should not be so hasty. Maybe in the future this road will bring great help to the blue dragon, just like the seven rings, of course it will take time!

This is the dark history of his life.

Blue Dragon smiled and said, he naturally doesn't care about the system that continuously creates money for him, and he has ordered Goring to open the pre-sale of potions and end the harvest of wealth!

"My lord's praise!" Jin Ji lowered his head modestly, but he was feeling emotional in his heart, and finally it was almost time to go back.

"How do you think we should deal with it? As the strongest dragon race in the green field, what do you think we should do!" He continued to ask.


"Smelly Blue Dragon, a big event has happened in the green field recently, I think I need to tell you about it."

The seventh thing is to search for the knowledge and materials of the Seven Rings. I will arrive at the Seven Rings sooner or later, but the knowledge has not been obtained for a long time, which also makes him feel very anxious.

"Who are you

Aren't you worried about the situation in the Western Regions?" The president smiled and looked at him.

On the island, there is a resplendent and magnificent building. The ground is made of precious white heart rock, and the buildings are mixed with gold powder. There are also statues made of elemental crystals on the island. The lighting is made of rare high-grade alchemy lamps, which looks extremely luxurious!

"There seems to be something going on next. The next thing is to sort out and learn the sealing technique, purify the runes, and then steadily refine the potion to upgrade, and search for the knowledge to break through the seventh ring." Niu Qun thought about what to do next. Things to do.

Although he has plenty of time, the external environment cannot be controlled by his mind!

In the volcano, only the sound of rattling can be heard. Thousands of dwarves are forging. As a family of dwarves who have inherited wizard alchemy and mechanics, forging has already imprinted their souls, even those of the past. Most of the castle in the sky is their credit.

"Well, the witch array on the side of the Bloodline Tower is almost built, and there will be a steady stream of potions and resources coming in later!"

And Erwin next to him also followed the blue dragon's eyes and looked into the distance, full of emotion!

At this time, in a rough white stone palace, the tall and strong dwarf king frowned and looked down at the many dwarves in front of him.

"No, in fact, it was passed on a long time ago, but it has not been confirmed, but recently the Featherman Clan started to do and finally found out that it is indeed a wizard.


At this time, on the edge of the lake, a huge red dragon stood on one side. Its huge body was hundreds of meters long, its huge wings were retracted, and its body was covered with red scales one after another. It was looking at the lake and making a buzzing sound:

Try something new, just like the Mermaid Queen did back then.

Jin Ji blinked, a little confused!

Of course, there is one more thing to improve their strength, which is that they will agree to explore the world fragments after eighty years!

The roaring sound spread throughout the lake, and the water surface suddenly began to tremble, and then a similar giant slowly left the water surface, and a huge Eli got in, looking at the red dragon with blue eyes and saying: "Ortiz, what happened? something happened!"

"It's not good." The Red Dragon didn't quite accept it!

Stronger strength will bring more gains and protection, not to mention that Blue Dragon is also very interested in this civilization, this terrifying civilization that almost destroyed the wizarding world!


He never thought that he would hear this familiar name again in this life.

After all, if he doesn't break through suddenly, he must have a direction first. If he doesn't find it at the peak of Yaori, he really doesn't know how to go next!

The Central Continent is unknown how far away from the Western Regions!

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