Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 420: Demons Appear, Warlock Allied Forces!


In the land of greenery, in the wizard's tower, Eli suddenly opened his eyes, then straightened his clothes, and walked outside

Going down the stairs step by step, all the way to the bottom of the tower, pushed open the door, and Eli walked out.

At this moment, two figures were already waiting at the gate, namely Nicholas and Goring!

"My lord!" The two bowed down respectfully at the same time.

"Let's come in together."

Eli turned his head and walked towards the upper level of the wizard tower. Goring and Göring looked at each other and followed quickly.

Soon, everyone arrived at a reception room. Eli sat on one side, and the two sat on the other side.

"Tell me, what happened?" Eli asked at this moment.

Just now, he suddenly sensed the call from Goring, so he woke up suddenly. This is also the reason why Eli's avatar trembled suddenly!

"Cough cough." Eli coughed and said awkwardly: "My lord, the heart of the abyss told the outside world that we must be more cautious about the heart of the abyss because of this incident, and decided to strengthen the guarding of the abyss, and the abyss will be handed over to the Western Regions. Other forces will solve it!"

Sara took a deep breath, and then said: "Master, you may not know that just yesterday, the Saka family died!"

This is a level 7 power, even if we had spent several months to destroy the eight-armed snake demon back then, you suddenly told a level 7 power in the same area that it was just gone, how could this be Don't surprise me!

Göring smiled, and a wooden carving appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Nicholas.

Abyssal Demon, if you really make a big move, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on my stable life, so I gave a statue to Nicholas, just in case!

At this moment, Nicholas said again: "As soon as this happened, the Heart of the Abyss issued a statement to the outside world. They knew nothing about it. This is the behavior of the demons in the abyss, and it has nothing to do with them! "

Hope nothing goes wrong!


"My lord, after the demons slaughtered the Saka family, they didn't do anything again. Instead, they began to expand the scope of the space, and even completely merged the space. At this time, the seventh-level forces in the east have been linked together and launched a coalition. , preparing to attack, and they have also contacted various forces in the Western Regions, hoping to lend a helping hand!" Eli sighed.

Eli does know that it seems to be a force not far from the holy tower. The bloodline is a kind of dawn python with wings. The top bloodline of the seven rings is a seventh-level force that is no worse than the holy tower. One of the top ten forces.

Meng Shi accepted that Nicholas was almost at the peak of Huiyue at this time, and he also possessed this ability, and it was very difficult for the undead at this stage to keep him.

"Let's go now. Can you destroy a seventh-level force in less than eight days this time? Don't be nervous, just go." Goering patted Nicholas on the shoulder and reminded.

"Then send a team of warlocks." Goring nodded. This matter is indeed serious.

"My lord, I am going to support this time, as well as other warlocks!" At this time, Nicholas said from the side.

As the number one force in the Western Regions, and the abyss still had problems under its guard, they actually chose to let go of the pick!


Eight days later!

If it's really a last resort, I'll do it!

Suddenly, Meng Shi felt more and more that there was something wrong with the heart of the abyss. This thing actually had something to do with psychology, just like when you see a person as a bad person, once anything happens, you will associate it with him. He is in that state at this time. Look at it. The heart of the abyss is wrong!

What an ignorant!

"It's my lord. The problem is the location in the east, a secondary force called the Saka family!" Nicholas said at this moment.

Eli nodded, and then said: "My lord, it's like this. Just yesterday, in the area of ​​the Saka family, a space crack suddenly appeared, and the location of the space crack is in the core area of ​​the Saka family. In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of

The demons descended directly on the area of ​​the Saka family, followed by brutal massacres that were already bloody, and the top leaders of the Saka family were completely annihilated that day.

In the sky, Nicholas looked at Goring in front of him and said with a smile: "My lord, there is no need for you to see me off, there will be no problem."

Eight hours later.

"Hey, my lord, how do you know." Eli was a little surprised, this was the news that he had spent a lot of money to get, he nodded and replied: "My lord, you are right, judging from these demons, It seems to be the devil from under the abyss cave, and this space crack seems to lead to the bottom of the abyss!"

Several huge sky cloud whales hovered above the sky, and thousands of warlocks stood on them waiting to set off.

Of course, he just thought for a moment, then he shook his head, and he continued to follow quickly!


Goring looked at Eli with puzzled eyes, waiting for his answer!

In the mountain giant world fragment, Meng Shi easily killed a giant at the true spirit level, and then looked at what they found not far away, a medium-sized ore vein.

"It's my lord." Several people nodded hurriedly, and began to pull the ore veins out of the ground veins.

After the mineral veins were divided, Goring judged the surrounding area, and then chose a direction to move forward, and the others followed.

"Good sir." Hearing about Goering, Nicholas took it with a bright eye.

Goring nodded.

With the humming sound of several cloud whales in the sky, Meng Shi was filled with emotion.

The two nod!

No... If it is really the abyss world, how did they pass through the world debris layer on this layer... Could it be through the world teleportation array that used to be with the wizard world... It is even more impossible, it is just a A space crack is not a teleportation array at all...then where is it?

"What happened, let's talk about it all at once!" Goring looked at him, his eyes became serious.

"What!" Even Goring couldn't keep calm anymore, and opened his mouth wide.

Then in the next two days, the demons covered most of the Saka family's area. "

"Okay sir." Nicholas nodded, and then flew towards the cloud whale in the sky.



Göring gasped.

At this time, Meng Shi also fully understood why he had to wake him up. Indeed, this was something that would shake the Western Regions, and even the Central Regions. If it was mentioned, it might spread the flames of war to other places!

Was this incident caused by the Saka family?

Fortunately, Goring was invited!

This time, I really have to use my heart and mind!

"Well, okay, then you make arrangements first.

Goring raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what happened to the area of ​​the Saka family that the demons invaded now?

Why is there a space crack, and what role does the heart of the abyss play in this matter!

Saka family?

"How many people has been sent by the Heart of the Abyss!" Goering said in obsession with the Heart of the Abyss.

Goring's mouth twitched!

At this time, Goring also had a serious face, and said directly: "My lord, I also know that we are in the northernmost position close to the Western Regions, with the Sawya Mountains in the west, and other secondary forces in the This group in the central region, but in the southernmost part is the heart of the abyss.”

Gade followed behind, looked at Göring's back, and thought silently: "Göring is too strong. I heard that Göring will also clone himself. I wonder if there will be a chance to see him during this journey!"

What about the big powers?


The people behind him looked at him in awe.

All kinds of thoughts were circulating in Goring's mind. A few seconds later, Goring suddenly raised his head, looked at Eli and asked, "Is this space crack leading to the abyss guarded by the heart of the abyss?"

"You mean there's something wrong with the heart of the abyss?" Eli frowned. I've been confused by this name recently!

"It's adults!"

"The large statue of faith, said to let me determine his location, and let me perceive the surrounding situation, take you!" Goring said.

"Take care of it, be careful that the giants hear the sound coming from a wide range!" Göring reminded.

Demons... space cracks... Could it be that the abyss world has once again opened the door to the wizarding world, calling for a world war?

"My lord, is this?" Nicholas was a little puzzled!

at this time.


Goering nodded, but then more questions arose.

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