Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 423: The ambush of the demons, Eli came!

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Large chunks of flesh and blood fell around the flesh and blood brood in the sky, and demons jumped out of it one by one!

And that's not the scariest thing!

In the center of the mother's nest, there are eight huge Ballow flame demons. They also hold huge flame whips, have thick and ferocious horns on their heads, and their aura has reached the peak of the sun.

At this time, they looked at the humans on the ground with a smile, full of ridicule and fooling!


In the next second, only eight Baluo demons jumped, and their figures became bigger and bigger as they landed.

Accompanied by the tumbling air waves, eight Balrogs landed on the ground, and the impact caused the flames on the ground to roll over. Unknown number of warlocks and true spirits were unconsciously killed by several Balrogs at this moment, and the landing flames The demon looked ferociously at the human true spirit present.

At this time, all human beings have been sluggish, opening their mouths wide and watching the changes in front of them!

"Ah, how could this be, the demons hide most of their fighting power, we were deceived."

Everyone stopped and looked into the city, only to see the huge statue bursting out with unprecedented light, and a beam of light shot up into the sky, devastating and dazzling.

"Patriarchs, wait a minute, don't burn your blood!"


The space trembled, and the shadows were terrifying.

The Lord of the Holy Tower who was fighting with the Barlow Balrog also stared blankly for a moment!

Opening his eyes again, he only saw the light wrapped around him, and the surrounding strands of faith wrapped around him.

At the same time, the city of blood!


Zhenling looked up at the Balrog, and with a wave of his hand, an unknown number of shadows emerged from the void behind him, and then turned into a huge slap, and then swung it out instantly!

At his feet, the Balrogs and human warlocks all stared at him blankly, at a loss.


He was directly blasted into the ground, and it took a few seconds to get up again, but at this time he had already suffered serious injuries. This is the case in top-level battles. light damage!

As for the other four Balrogs, two of them are fighting the Sunshine Warlock one-on-one. One of the Warlocks has been torn off most of his body, blood-colored mist is floating in the sky, and the remaining one is being attacked by the Balrog. Dodging left and right, there is no chance to attack at all, and the last one is slaughtering high-level warlocks. Often when you wave your whip, you will see a tsunami of flames. Every time hundreds of warlocks die, even Zhu Ping A level warlock is almost hard to resist!

Not far away, the patriarchs of the other two families were on the verge of collapse under the attack of the Balrog, and they were both seriously injured, almost risking their lives to resist!

"Conspiracy, this is a complete conspiracy!"

In an instant, the shadow came behind Baloo and lightly touched his body, as if nothing had happened.

The holy sword was blown away again. At this time, there were several wounds on his body, almost one-seventh of his clothes were destroyed, and a faint flame was burning on his body, constantly corroding my body.


"Who the **** would have thought it would end like this, Heart of the Abyss, they definitely did it, otherwise how could so many demons escape!"

At this time, accompanied by another roar, the other two Patriarchs were attacked and flew away at the same time, and they flew towards the holy sword.

But even so, seeing that the Patriarch was actually preparing to burn the blood, the other clans or warlocks also took a deep breath. In the next second, thousands of blood were ready to brew, as if they were about to start burning, and their eyes were only hot. Fighting spirit!

Although it hasn't started yet, they also feel threatened!

He changed the subject, gritted his teeth and said ferociously: "But before I die, I have to pull a demon into the water, and my blood is burning!"

"Let me take your life, come..." The holy sword became more and more imposing, and the fighting spirit became more and more intense.

And it's not just him, the patriarchs of the other two families are weaker than him, and I'm afraid they can last longer than him.

To be short, when they are dealt with, I am afraid that the others will never be able to escape, and if the high-end combat power dies, then the fate of other warlocks may be self-evident!

"True Spirit!"

Look around.

next second!

"Nine peak Yaori, how to fight then."

"How is it possible?" He was almost trembling, feeling for the first time that the plan this time might not be so perfect!

Sheng Jian took a deep breath and greeted him again.

Of course, he didn't explain it, he just raised the statue above his head, and the witch formation under his feet was instantly activated.

At this time, a loud voice came from a distance, and everyone looked behind.

At this moment, Holy Sword turned his head and frowned at Nicholas, what on earth are you going to do!

Others who have seen the portrait of the true spirit also stared at him blankly, as if they couldn't imagine how it would appear here!


"Hehe, it looks like today is your last day."

Luo Ye opened his mouth wide, looked up at the sky, his face was shocked!

I underestimated the enemy and overestimated ourselves!

What can a witch formation do!

Luo Ye clutched a wound on his chest, looked at the terrifying demons in front of him, and the arrogance in his heart disappeared this time!

At this time, the Ballow Balrog in the distance had already stepped on the ground again, rushing towards him, one on each side!

"It's impossible!" He spat out a mouthful of blood, then said in despair.

But obviously he didn't have time to pay attention to these at this time. When he got up again, he found that the Balrog in front of him had turned into two, and the other two family heads were also facing at least two peaks of the Sun. The eight are facing the other Zhu Ping.

Zhenling looked up.

The humming soul sound rang in everyone's ears.

This time, their combat team was formed strictly according to the demon team they scouted before. Of course, a part was added for insurance, so there were still some more warlocks, but it was still far from the hidden strength of the demons in front of them.

It can't be that the adults haven't landed yet, everyone burns their blood and dies!

The gap is too big, one Yaori-level combat power is enough to break the balance of the war, let alone four.

Knowing everyone's displeasure, Nicholas felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help it!


But when everyone regained their sight and saw the scene in front of them, they all gasped.

Seeing the two of them gathering towards the holy sword, the eight Balrogs neighed and gathered together. The other eight also walked towards the Balrogs, and whether it was Elis or the Warlocks, Gathering towards the back of the holy sword.

— A golden beam of light shot up into the sky, breaking through the clouds!


The corner of Shengjian's mouth twitched, but he felt even more despair in his heart!

"It's started!" Holy Sword sighed, but the flames around his body began to move in the next second.

And the sluggish moment also gave the Balrog on the opposite side an opportunity. He saw his right hoof trampling the ground, and the long whip in his hand instantly turned into a 100-meter pillar of flame flying towards him, making a shrill sound of piercing through the air. .

One of them is evenly matched, plus he is injured now, if he faces two, he may have to hate the battlefield in less than an hour!

"I'm going to become a sinner of the holy tower!" Holy Sword has never been so desperate as it is today!

next second.

in a minute!

This power is even enough to fight head-on with several seventh-level forces.

"Come on, devils!"

As far as the eight-armed snake demon at the peak outside the second level is concerned, there are only eight shining suns, let alone them.

The strength of the enemy is much stronger than they imagined!

The warlocks cursed one by one. At the moment when they were about to lose their lives, each of them reacted differently. They closed their eyes in silence, or cursed at each other.

, venting dissatisfaction, or burning blood, ready to fight to the death, or looking around to see if there is a chance to escape!

"The seven eighth-level forces in the Western Regions were ambushed by demons, and the entire army was wiped out!"

I saw that on the mountain afterwards, at some point, there was a huge witch formation, and Nicholas was standing in it holding a statue in his hand. Decided to let Nicholas hide and portray the witch formation, so as to better attract his power!

I seem to have already thought of the top news in Central Continent tomorrow!

At this moment, even the strong-willed Warlock couldn't help but feel a burst of despair.

The holy sword couldn't dodge in time, was hit instantly, and flew towards him.

He and I couldn't witness the scene in front of us.

Even if several forces come out in full force, they can gather up to four shining suns at most, but there are eight peaks of shining suns hidden in the demon lair in front of them!

And watching his movements, no one was smiling, and they were all more bitter.

Standing high above the sky, the holy sword shouted loudly at the Balrogs, which made the Balrogs take a few steps back unconsciously!

The true spirit in the wizard's tower looked at the two imprints of faith that were emptied in the remaining moments, and then closed his eyes!

In the next second, a white light burst out suddenly, and everyone saw nothing but darkness.

At this time, even the heads of the eight families don't want to care about At this time, the eight of them looked at each other with bitterness on their faces!

Others also felt very upset when they were interrupted. After all, I was about to make an honorable sacrifice, so you called it off!

Bloodline burning, this is a method that every warlock can only use when they are in a desperate situation. Once it starts, there is no way out.

The burning blood of the holy sword stopped abruptly, and he felt his heart stop for a second.

In the next second, his figure slowly flew into the sky, and a layer of scorching flames suddenly brewed towards his body, exuding a powerful force.

In less than a minute, the battlefield was instantly divided into two halves, and on one side was the bloodthirsty and violent Balor. The four Balors at the peak of the sun stood in a row, like an insurmountable mountain range. It was the warlocks who were desperate, and the Elis supported each other one by one.

All the warlocks were panic-stricken and felt a burst of despair!

The demons were a little confused, but one of the peak Barlow flames let out a roar, then stepped on the ground, and flew towards the real spirit with a bang. into pieces.

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