Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 430: To break through the Sunshine Warlock and open up a new path?


Just when Eli made up his mind, at the edge of the Western Region, a Sky Cloud Whale slowly entered the Western Region.

At the front of the cloud whale, Jin Ji's clothes were blown by the breeze, and he looked calmly at the land in front of him.

"Finally home!"

Jinji took a deep breath and felt a burst of relief.

It has been almost sixty years since he left here last time. Although the president said that the situation here is very good, returning to his own place is really reassuring for him.

"It's a pity that it's a waste of time. Although the ruins are the ruins of Gray's students, there are only some of his leftover cultivation and some materials. Although there are some inferences about Gray's wizard tower in the materials, I don't know how long it will take. If it is deduced, it is highly likely to be waste, anyway, this situation has been experienced countless times!" Jin Ji shook his head, not optimistic about this.

Fortunately, even if it is inferred, with the efficiency of that group of people, it may take decades, so there is no rush!

The most urgent task is to go to the headquarters of the Western Regions to reassess their own forces.

Of course, Jin Ji still remembered another thing that made him miss.

After thinking for a long time, Jumu didn't have an answer, so he finally gave up.

He suddenly opened his eyes and took the medicine.

Jinji exclaimed!

Nicholas nodded in shock. He was following the giant tree, so he naturally knew that the last breakthrough of the lord was more than seventy years ago.

His consciousness has also sunk into the spiritual world. The dark sun-like Eli is entrenched in the high sky of the spiritual world, surrounded by the dazzling power of Eli. This is the external state of Eli at the coronal level, while other The huge corona also shows that he is already at the peak of the corona!

"I want to try!"

First, I need to be stronger. Ascension only by An Ling's power is just a way. I shouldn't be hanging on a tree. Maybe I can try to combine the ways of Warlock and An Ling, maybe it will make blood body and Eli body at the same time!"

The cold medicine enters the body along the throat, and then passes over the limbs and bones, passing through every inch of flesh and blood.

The giant tree entered the wizard's tower and entered a state of meditation!

Without Eli's illumination, the consciousness space also fell into darkness.

At this moment, a terrifying aura emanated from Ju Mu's body instantly.


"Old friend?" Ju Mu, who had just taken a breath of fresh air, looked over suspiciously.

In this environment, Jumu's perception of time and space is gradually blurred, but he can clearly perceive that a new change is produced in the dark sun!

The giant tree slowly connects with Eli, and his spirit and body gradually reach their peak!

The giant tree walked inside, summoned Nicholas and Hydera, and said, "I am ready to break through, block the valley, and no one is allowed to enter!"

"I feel more and more wrong. A warlock of this level will go around and even contact forces everywhere. What is his purpose?" Jumu took a deep breath.

"Yes!" Nicholas nodded, and then slowly spit out a person they both hated.

In fact, he had already thought about this. After all, he had to use the An Ling body or the blood body, which is equivalent to using the two powers separately. People's magic and martial arts both work together, and he clearly distinguishes them here. Greatly reduced potential!

After a long while, Jumu took a deep breath and started to move slowly!

"Damn it!" Jumu opened his mouth wide, obviously the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation.

As the strength gets stronger, sometimes the dice do become less correct, but this is the first time that this is unpredictable.

But this will take time, at least it will be useful after the peak of Yaori, maybe I need to start from other aspects.

"The possibility of defeating Nero, the heart of the abyss!"

The second is to refine the corpses of these dozens of giants with seven rings hanging from the true spirit of the mountain range into undead, which will be very big

s help.

In the space of consciousness, the giant tree suddenly opened its eyes. At the same time, the big sun formed by Eli suddenly bloomed, and a ray of flame rose from the inside of the dark sun in an instant, sweeping the entire Eli, and in the blink of an eye, the flames enveloped the entire dark sun!

And only eight hours later!

"I don't know how far his current power will be against the true spirit of the mountain!" Jumu was suddenly curious, and took out the fate dice!

Thinking about it, Jumu pushed open the door and walked in. The door was still Nicholas and Hydera.

Looking at the time, more than a month has passed.

But at this time, An Lingli had a strange expression on her face. Seeing the giant tree coming out, she said, "My lord, an old friend of yours has come to visit you."

At this time, his power of Eli has also reached 260 units. Although he only broke through one unit, Jumu feels that his strength is at least 80% stronger at this time, and the power of witchcraft has also been improved. This is because of the breakthrough of the stage , the improvement of strength is very great!

This time it went very well, but when An Ling saw the same winning percentage of 17 points, she couldn't calm down!

But it's normal to think about it. After all, he has been studying potions for more than two thousand years, and his level is really high. He was a master of potions!

Soon, the green land was filled with mist again, and the witch formations were opened one by one, while Hydera and Nicholas were guarding the outside.

An Ling's sense of consciousness is also gradually sinking, and the corona of the spiritual world is also gradually extinguished, as if returning to the dark sun stage, and this is just one of them. After a while, even the dark sun is "extinguished", even worse than Darker than before!

The name of the ruler of the heart of the abyss is not a secret, Jumu also read it directly.

— Diva!


Jumu looked at the seven flowers of eternal night on the table in front of him, as well as a large number of auxiliary resources!

Looking at the familiar laboratory in front of him, Jumu lowered his head and glanced at himself, and felt that Eli, whose consciousness space was really as dazzling as the sun, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Time goes by little by little!

Although only two were brought back, relying on the source of life and cultivation methods he had saved before, he quickly cultivated seven Eternal Night Flowers that met his breakthrough needs.

Tumen's strength is so strong? It's almost the same as An Ling in the mountains!

Hydera doesn't have much idea, he now devours the wind element veins every once in a while, and his strength is also improving rapidly. Now he is at the peak of Huiyue, and he is at the same level as An Ling.

An Ling slowly opened her eyes.

"Eighteen? Not bad!" Jumu was still very happy, after all, he felt only seventeen before!

"Qin, you don't know the heart of the abyss!"

Its configuration!

Hydra also neighed happily!

Of course, these are all arrangements for the future, he has to go out to rest for a few days first, after all, he just broke through!

Although he was a little nervous, when Jumu started to configure the potion, his expression panicked instantly, and the movements of his hands were smooth and smooth. The potions were processed one by one quickly, and then their spirituality was fused together in various ways. Fire it up at the end.

In the lab!

There is already a medicine bottle in front of An Ling, with white medicine flowing in it, and silver light spots scattered in it, like a galaxy flowing with stars, it is very beautiful, and at the same time it emits a strong Appeal!

Time flies, and a month passes again.

It's really outrageous to break through so soon!

"Meet Eli once!"

I need to be stronger.



Meditate on it!

in a month!

An Ling took a deep breath and was a little surprised. She didn't expect such a high-level potion that he hadn't even simulated before, and it succeeded just once.

If they can be used together, it will definitely improve the combat effectiveness.

On the other side, the flames of virtualization completely burned from the inside to the outside, and An Ling's consciousness gradually returned.

Jumu guessed.

Whether it can be done or not, I will try it, although no one has done such a thing, then I will be the first!

But soon he found that the dice kept spinning, but they didn't stop, and even lasted for a full hour and continued to spin!

It seems that the heart of the abyss is indeed not simple. You must know that Tumen has always been a sorcerer at the level of the sun, and it seems that he should not hide his strength if he is stronger.

"Forget it, forget it, let's grow in peace, wait until the peak of Yaori, or reach the level of the true spirit of the mountains!" An Ling immediately decided to keep a low profile, and now she will develop insignificantly, and then she will become stronger Then go to the heart of the abyss.

"Eternal Night Potion, it's done!"

One is to refine the mountain giant into the body of the staff, which will improve me to a certain extent.

At this time, Jumu remembered that he hadn't tested the heart of the abyss, so he shook again.

Even this unprecedented pioneering work will start a new path for wizards!

Ju Mu pursed his lips, and immediately decided to add another one in the subsequent experiment.

"One month, it's okay." An Ling stood up, stretching her muscles and bones. At this moment, he felt stronger than ever.

During this period of time, Eli also knew the news of Jin Ji's return, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, because at this time he was still nervously configuring the potion!

Since Nilo can't do it, let's change to another Tumen!

"Now that the potion is ready, then prepare to break through!"

But An Ling still felt a strong sense of After all, there was only half the probability of defeating the enemy, which really made him feel very uneasy.

There are many thoughts in Jumu's mind, thinking about the opportunity for him to become stronger. Naturally, the improvement of Eli's power is needless to say, but he thinks the eighth one is also possible!


"I need the information to break through the seventh ring, and according to the laws of the seven rings, then Tumen, the mountain spirit is so strong, it is probably related to the law, I also need the understanding of the law, the strengthening after the peak of Yaori should be related to this!

Could it be the seven rings... This is impossible, if the heart of the abyss is so powerful, the abyss would have been eliminated long ago... so there should be some items that cover up the prediction, or other reasons!

The golden power of fate dissipated, and the dice stopped after spinning for a while, showing eighteen!

"Disturbed?" Jumu put away the dice, not surprised.

However, Jumu is familiar with the preparation method of Yongye Potion, but An Ling still feels a little nervous at this moment!


Nicholas and Hydera outside the green land turned their heads to look at the same time.

"Breakthrough!" An Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Hydera with a smile.

At least the heart of the abyss has been very stable for the past few decades, and there shouldn't be any problems in a short period of time.

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