Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 434: After 0 years of evil fate, Vivica returns, breaking the boundary stone!

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Green field, dragon territory!

The red dragon Ortiz stretched his body, shook off the gold coins outside his body, glanced at the cave, and then stepped on a large number of gems and walked towards the outside. Although these are very ordinary, he likes them very much. There are a lot of shiny little things to collect!

Walking out of the cave, the warm sunlight shone on his body, making him feel comfortable for a while!

"Why don't you go outside for a walk, I haven't been out for hundreds of years since I was accidentally drawn blood by humans last time, and now I'm at the peak of the sun, I should be fine!" Orsti showed her white teeth , then glanced around, and flew directly to the outside.

Soon, he flew out of the range of the Dragon Clan.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar environment around him, Orsti felt extremely relaxed.

It's been hundreds of years, and it finally came out again. It's a pity that the blue dragon guy will definitely not come out!

"Accident, what an accident can happen!"

Ortiz glanced at the sky and smiled, but he suddenly found that his eyes were a little dark.

"It's dark... Isn't it daytime... There is a problem... Ah!"

The red dragon's throat moved slightly, and he closed his eyes. At the same time, the clone in the underground cave opened his eyes instantly, and ended his search!

In the tree house, looking at Erwin and his snow-like skin, the red dragon gently covered him with a quilt, and then walked towards the distant space teleportation array. After confirming that it was safe, he threw Eli into it , activated, Eli disappeared on the teleportation array, while the red dragon returned towards the tree house.

"There is a living body, and the experiment continues!" Wei Jiang didn't expect it to be like this this time!

Thinking about it, a little teardrop shed.

In the end, he sighed deeply, and then chose to lie flat, is he selling himself?

A few seconds later, the corner of Red Dragon's mouth twitched.

There are other......

Orsti tensed his muscles and was about to run away, but when the human in front of him smiled again, he felt a breath of death.

bring it on.

The red dragon didn't bother, just listened quietly!

Seeing Eli's "voluntary acceptance", Red Dragon also nodded. The living body that cooperates and the one that does not cooperate are two concepts, and they can recover by themselves. This living body is enough!

Hearing this, the Red Dragon suddenly thought of Gade of the Thousand-eyed Tree Demon Family in the Central Territory. He once said that the Heart of the Abyss also bought a batch of Boundary Breaking Stones with them, just after the Saka Patriarch incident.


Wei Jiang greeted Vivica in the city of blood, and smiled at her sassy and heroic appearance.

in the crevices of the rocks.

Green land.


"Come on, your room has been cleaned!"

Most of them are useless, but when Wei Jiang heard one, his eyes widened!

"Master Red Dragon, have you gone out today?" Jiang Zhi, the queen of elves, came in a black dress that looked like a dress, and asked curiously.

Orsti's eyes froze, and the light in his eyes disappeared little by little. He felt that Wei Jiang had this strength.

after one day!

The red dragon smiled at Alwin, and bowed his head with him. If other elves saw this appearance on weekdays, they would be extremely shocked, because they were all a confident and proud queen image outside, how could it be Such a generous expression!

What kind of evil fate is this!


"No, it's still this one!"

"Yeah!" Alwin whispered.

"Long time no see!" Ortiz was crying, feeling that the future was gloomy.

"Also, the heart of the same abyss seems to have secretly collected a batch of supplies in the central region, and then transported them to the Saka family." Vivica said.

"Hey, am I alright?" Seeing the change in Red Dragon's expression, Vivica smiled!

Seven minutes later, the red dragon opened his eyes again, and looked at


"No, no, I don't need blood this time. I just need you to cooperate with me in an experiment. If it goes well, it may end in decades. If it doesn't go well, it may take longer. After the end, I will let you go. What do you think? So!" Wei Jiang said kindly.

"Well, go out and do some errands!" Red Dragon nodded, this avatar is resident here, and Red Dragon doesn't even use it at ordinary times, and the consciousness will come only when needed!

The blood tower warlock team guarded by the abyss returns, and Weiweika also returns together!

"But this thing looks familiar!" Eli looked at the unconscious dragon in front of him, and the light in his eyes became more and more strange.

"It's over with me. After a while, I need to use some teleportation arrays that go directly to the green land!" Wei Jiang said.

The red dragon returned to the elf territory smoothly!

"No, stay for eight days!

But just as he was about to move Wei Jiang, Eli in front of him moved with him, as if waking up.


After a few minutes, he looked up to the sky and sighed, "Okay!"

"Tell me, what did you find?" the red dragon asked.

"Okay, I will order the elves to activate the teleportation array, so is your consciousness going to leave again soon?" Wei Jiangzhi asked.

"I miss you so much," Vivica whispered.

Wei Jiang blinked his eyes!

This is the reflection of the light in the cave with my Boundary Breaker Stone, just like a diamond shines with me!

that's all!

The red dragon looked at the teleportation array in front of him and Eli, who was hundreds of meters above it, smiled.

Run, you will definitely die!

"Are you drawing blood? How much do you want this time?" He asked aggrievedly with tears in the corners of his eyes.

And Vivica shed tears when she saw the red dragon, and ran over to give the red dragon a hug!

No, I seem to have been knocked out!

Eli looked at the black dragon in front of him and blinked his eyes. I thought it would take a long time to find an opportunity, but who would have thought that I found it so easily, and it was a high-level shining red dragon. How lucky, this level Conditions are also fully met!


After more than ten seconds, Weiweika let go of her hand, and then wiped away her tears, as if she was a little embarrassed.

What happened...he seemed to be going out...then he was covered in shadows...and lost consciousness!

"No, I just found something interesting!"

"See you tonight!" Wei Jiang gently stroked Erwin's face, then carried him into the tree house not far away!

He is already a top-level fighting force, but he has no ability to resist. The Dragon King is sleeping, and the remaining dragons alone really have no match for him.

Vivica in front of her eyes saw the red dragon's suddenly stunned expression, and also stopped, waiting quietly.

"If you run away, I'll catch you dragon clan and bring you back!"

And all of this, because Wei Jiang left without authorization, no one even found out, even Lan Long just wondered why Eli didn't come to him recently, but it was just a little wonder, for them, decades It's normal to not see each other!

Red Dragon raised his brows, I really don't know about this, after all, I can't give this task to Vivica, it's too dangerous!

"Well, I hope there will be no next time!" Red Dragon said helplessly, everyone has their own ideas, it is impossible to follow you!

As if realizing something, Ortiz suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw clearly.

Next time I go back, I will never go out again, why is Longsheng so bitter!

the other side.

Vivica also straightened her body, and then said: "Brother Red Dragon, after a year of reconnaissance, I found that there is indeed something wrong with the heart of the abyss, especially in terms of personnel deployment, it seems that on the site of the heart of the abyss, demons Although there are many frequencies, they are completely worthless compared to before. Even because there are many demons, they once again proposed to reduce the number of external helpers.

Help, they handle it easily on their own!

"are you awake?"

The giant dragon in front of me is actually the one I saw in the Western Regions!

"haven't seen you for a long time!

What can I do, I'm desperate too!

Wei Jiang smiled kindly.

"Does that villain need our help?" Elwin asked enthusiastically.

After entering the wizard tower, Wei Jiang suddenly turned his head and showed him a kind smile again.

A little light is flickering.

It's a rare one-time visit.

"Are you afraid that I will run away?" He blinked, a little joyful!

The red dragon smiled, but his consciousness was focused on two purposes. At this time, the clone was staring at a corner of the cave.

"Okay, you will live here for the time being, I will call you when I need you later!" said the red dragon, and then walked directly inside.

Four hundred years have passed, and this human being is even stronger, stronger than that!

Eight days, what a joke!

And seeing the undefended action of the red dragon, Eli Ortiz was also taken aback.

Boundary Breaking Stone... Items with space effects... In addition to refining space rings, they can also cause certain disturbances to space... as long as they are suitable, they can break open space... ...if so, maybe the dimensional rift wasn't made by demons? It was the heart of the abyss!

Another month has passed.

Ortiz really wanted to refuse, but after seeing the kind smile of the red dragon, he was silent.

"Vivica, you did a great job this time!" the red dragon praised.


"Oh? I secretly investigated the heart of the abyss."

Wei Jiang patted Vivica on the back lightly, but did not speak.

"Fate!" Red Dragon smiled and then wrapped it into the shadow, and left quickly!

"Hmm!" Vivica looked at the red dragon, and then said loudly, "Brother Wei Jiang, I also found some information about the heart of the abyss recently, you should be interested."


Vivica talked eloquently, telling all the information he collected in one go!

Ortiz's smile froze instantly. This feeling reminded him of a bad memory. He remembered that he had definitely seen this human being four hundred years ago. He was only an eighteen-hundred-year-old man that year. He was a young dragon, but he was drawn hundreds of liters of blood by a human, and became a joke of the dragon clan. Now four hundred years have passed, and he is already a mature dragon clan, but this time, he seems to have encountered that demon again!

"What happened?" Vivica asked subconsciously, still in a daze.

The familiar valley, the same environment as mine, and the familiar...somewhat familiar atmosphere!

Ortiz blinked, feeling that his body was in excruciating pain, as if it had been washed by sulfuric acid, and his consciousness was also drowsy.

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