Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 437: The Dragon King wakes up, Wanlong strikes

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Time back to a day ago! Green field, dragon territory.

Sais, the king of the blue dragon, sleeps with his eyes closed in the huge forest lake, immersed in it like a bright sapphire!


Suddenly, a distant dragon's roar came, and under this dragon's roar, the surrounding air rippled towards the surroundings!

Sais also opened his eyes suddenly, and his huge body burst out of the water in an instant. The dragon's head looked towards the place deep in the dragon clan not far away, with an excited expression on his face.

"Lord Dragon King is awake!" Sais's eyes lit up, and the dragon wings glowing blue behind him spread out, gently fanned, and his huge body rose into the air, flying towards the source of the sound.

And it wasn't just him, the sky here was filled with giant dragons one after another, and they all flew towards the sound just like him.

Sais speeded up a bit, very fast, he crossed this area in the blink of an eye, and entered a barren area, the air here was scorching hot, exuding scorching high temperature, and the core area of ​​this high temperature was A huge mountain.

The mountain reaches thousands of meters, even in the green field, such a mountain is rare, the mountain is covered with red and black cracks, and even the stones melt because of this, forming a huge lava lake around it!

Giova was also shocked, and opened his mouth wide.

It's been a while since I've seen Eli do it himself.

go south!



"A thousand-meter-long dragon!" Tang Hai's throat twitched slightly. The length even surpassed Ortiz. This **** dragon could not be a dragon with seven rings.

The giant dragon Ortiz suddenly opened his eyes. At this time, there are dozens of pipes inserted into his body, and scarlet blood flows in them. But at this moment, he has no time to worry about these things, but is so excited that he is trembling!

Father was awake, and was flying fast towards him.

The blue dragon Jiowa looked at all this dully, resolutely, and quickly followed!

Seeing the number, Eli relaxed a little, and then let go of his plan to escape here immediately!

Tang Hai stretched his body, showing his black teeth, and even looked forward to it in his heart!

Seven rings in half a step!

He immediately took out the dice, came once, the dice rolled, and finally stopped at eleven!

Hearing his words, a scorching flame quickly burned on the body of Tang Haixingni named Dragon King, which even made Jiowa feel unbearable. I know this is part of the flame that the adult has realized after advancing to the half-step seventh ring The rules are completely different from ordinary flames.

"It's not far from here." Saisini said in a high voice, then turned his head to look at the nearly thousand-headed dragon lying on the mountain at this time, as if the sound of thunder and seeds sounded.


Food and lodging is not enough! "I feel that he is being imprisoned at this time, it seems to be in the south of the green field!" Saisini closed his eyes and felt it, and opened his eyes in the next second, as if There's a flame burning!

In the wizard's tower, Eli raised his eyebrows, listening to the news Weiweika just told him, it was still from the green field!


Dragons will never be slaves!

"I haven't done it myself for a long time, and the scene is so big, I'm afraid I can harvest another wave of faith points, and the seventh mark is not full yet!!"

This is a giant dragon with a length of a thousand meters, wrapping the entire mountain. The huge dragon wings are hundreds of meters long, like wings covering the sky, and the red scales on its body are shining with unique brilliance. Each is several meters long.


But after Sais arrived in this area, he didn't pay attention to these, but stared intently at the huge figure entrenched on the high mountain at this time.

I'm also very curious about how strong Eli's brother is.

"What, the Dragon Clan is heading south!"

However, the half-step seven-ring giant dragon went south, which also shows that this matter must be no small matter, but it is also an opportunity for him. It just so happens that his experiment has reached a bottleneck and needs to be solved.

More giant dragons are needed for experiments, and it happens to be able to verify the gap between his half-step seventh ring and the peak of the seven rings!

one stone two bird!

He sensed it.

Hearing the name, Giova froze for a moment, then realized that it seemed like he hadn't seen that guy in almost seventy years!

Seeing Tang Hai's expectant expression, Vivica looked weird, shouldn't she be worried at this time?

While the two were talking, they were in the laboratory in the green land.

On the ground, all the mature dragons let out a dragon roar, a flash of excitement flashed in their eyes, and then they flew up one by one. Among them, there were hundreds of dragons with seven rings, and the lowest ones were all eight rings.

Seeing Giova, Tang Haixingni looked down at the loyal subordinate, but then showed a puzzled look and asked, "Where did Ortiz go?"

Nearly 700 dragons fluttered their wings like a natural disaster, and under the leadership of the thousand-meter dragon, they left the dragon territory in mighty force!

"Send the order, tell Amina not to stop me, I will deal with it myself!" Eli then said to Vivica.

Ortiz had tears in his eyes, feeling that he was getting closer and closer to freedom!

"Yes!" Vivica nodded, and realized that it was Eli who wanted to do it herself!

What's the matter... Seeing the appearance of the Dragon King, Giova obviously realized that something was wrong, because Ortiz has another identity, he is the son of the lord in front of him, and the only one Descendants!

"It's saved!"

"Then what should we do my lord?" Giova asked quickly, but still a little calm!

"Yes, it was discovered by the Amina family. They discovered the dragon tribe in the depths of the green field, flying towards the south under the leadership of a thousand-meter-long dragon. They are asking for our support!" Vivica said. Simply say but still remain calm.

After finishing speaking, the dragon king Saisini flapped his huge wings, and accompanied by two storms, his huge body soared into the sky.

"My lord, I've been in a deep sleep, so I don't know, but the last time I saw you was seventy years ago, and I didn't seem to be here either. I seem to have sensed his aura just now!" Tang Haixing looked around Look, didn't see that familiar face!

"During the period of my sleep, human beings have become more and more in awe of the green field. It is time for them to recall their strength. An adult dragon obeys the order to follow me south and save Orr Tees, stupid warlocks will pay for this!"

At this time, the giant dragon was standing on the high mountain, its red eyes were intensely looking at the ground, and at the thousands of giant dragons on the ground, all of them were all members of the giant dragon clan at this time.

Of course, all of this has to be within the range of the Bloodline Tower, so with the help of the power of faith, he can ensure 100% suppression of the dragon.

Tang Haixing was very fast, and he came to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye, before the eyes of the giant dragon, lowered his head and said, "Lord Saisini, you have finally woken up!"

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