Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 449: Rout, while the experiment is in progress


The hum of the horn resounded through the sky.

On the ground, there were several warlocks belonging to the eastern forces of the Western Regions. The holy sword was flying in mid-air, and the head of the Kraken family stood behind, and further in front, there were two figures standing in front of everyone.

A man and a woman, both wearing white warlock robes, stood calmly in the sky, with a look of indifference, or arrogance that seemed to emanate from the bones!

"Is this the half-step five-ring warlock of the Khamis family? As expected of a member of the Warlock Alliance, he can dispatch two half-step five-ring warlocks so easily."

The holy sword's throat moved slightly, showing even more awe to the Khamis family.

At this time, the head of the Kraken clan also watched this scene.

"Holy Sword, you said that the Heart of the Abyss will not be eradicated by the Khamis family just because of such a thing." Vicky turned her head to look at her old friend and said with emotion.

"Probably not, after all, that's the heart of the abyss!" Sheng Jian frowned, and for some reason, he always felt a little bad.

"The army of the heart of the abyss has appeared!"

For me, the holy sword is not only the tower owner, but also the special existence of my father.

Looking at me, Eli patted my shoulder and didn't say anything.

Everyone found that we underestimated the Heart of the Abyss and the Western Regions.

The fighting power of the heart of the abyss is stronger than I imagined.


Seeing that scene, Sheng Jian's face changed drastically, and his pupils dilated.

Eli saw Luo Ye again.

"Okay, then you represent the Holy Tower and join the Tower of Bloodline Governance."

The weakness of the heart of the abyss is beyond everyone's expectations, and it also surprised me a little. There are so many half-step seven rings, even I dare not say that I will definitely enter this.


Who would have thought that that war would have such a result.

Be patient and be patient.

Watching Alida leave, Eli came behind the window, feeling uncertain about the future.

"Go to the Tower of Bloodline."

Luo Ye fell directly on the chair behind him, his whole body was so limp that he had no strength at all.

The impact of that battle not only affected Luo Ye and Yi Lai, the entire Western Region and even the world were slightly shaken.

Luo Ye knelt on one knee, showing his loyalty.

The failure of the war naturally has to bear the consequences, but no one expected that the consequences would be so serious that time, so people feel so stunned!

Even the more advanced warlocks couldn't reach it because of the main forces.

Moreover, during the war, the territories belonging to the holy tower and the Yao family were all occupied.

But in the next second, three black and red auras rose from the sky in the Heart of the Abyss team, and then moved towards the two warlocks of the Khamis family in the front, full of bloodthirsty malice.

"But the Tower of Bloodline may not be able to resist, or try to join the Khamis family, after all, this is a powerful force in the Warlock Alliance!" Warlock suggested.

eight days later.

You still join the Tower of Bloodline, that is the best choice at present, and it must be Lord Eli, maybe the situation will be a little different. "

Luo Ye stood up, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

If the situation is not good today, maybe we won't be able to get out of here.

"Although the Khamis family is more powerful, the Western Regions are not our main territory after all, and we have suffered heavy losses, so it is unlikely that we will return here.

I didn't tell Warlock that I chose Bloodline Tower for another reason.

The Bloodline Tower had entered a state of alert, but that time in the Heart of the Abyss, it seemed that it just showed off its fighting power, and then fell into silence.

In the end, we only oppressed the heart of the abyss by putting more pressure on it, and expressed strong condemnation, and asked the heart of the abyss to make up for the loss, while Nero was unreasonable, and the Khamis family was angry and helpless. Let it go!


"My lord, things haven't happened yet.

After the birth, you should consider how to consider the follow-up. After killing many adults on the battlefield, the heart of the abyss will send troops to the east, and it will arrive in a few days. "Behind me, a warlock also said with a sad face.

I wanted the Khamis family to help Tantan, but I didn't expect the result to be like that!


However, compared to before, Luo Ye at this time has no activeness at all, only endless silence and sadness, and the desire for revenge.

After thinking for a few minutes, Luo Ye sighed and said:

"You guys are in trouble!" Vicky's face became extremely ugly.

At this time the door opened, Cui Rongxin walked in, and said to Eli: "Brother Cui Rong, we sent someone from the Holy Tower, saying that he wants to join our Bloodline Tower, I'll ask for your opinion!"

That time it was off!

Reached 97%.

It wasn't at that time that something Cui Rong expected happened.

It's not that I want revenge!

How can it be!

"My lord will attack the heart of the abyss in the future." Luo Ye raised his head directly and asked sharply.

"That time it wasn't eight and a half steps and seven rings, plus the dead Tumen and Cass, and Nelo himself, there are still eight people." Cui Rong took a deep breath.

Hearing that, Luo Ye closed his eyes.

"They're all dead, they're all dead." The corners of Luo Ye's mouth twitched, but the teardrops in the corners of his eyes ran across his face, and the sadness in his eyes seemed like a thick fog that couldn't be dispelled.



"Yes!" Alida nodded, and then left directly. Now time is running short.

Moreover, the evil nature of Heart of the Abyss determines that it will definitely pose a huge threat to my current stable environment in the future, and I must deal with it.

Suddenly, Vicky's voice came, and the holy sword looked towards the ground, and the green land in the distance suddenly turned into a piece of black and red. There were a large number of warlocks wearing the heart of the abyss warlock robes.

And Eli's experiments continued, and improvements were made during that time.


Eli looked up at me, watching the flames of revenge burning beyond his eyes.

"Heart of the Abyss!" Luo Ye gritted his teeth and read out those four words full of hatred.

"So... now we still have to wait for the bloodline experiment to succeed or break through. Once one succeeds, you will have enough strength to ensure stability." Eli gradually hesitated.

Looking at these warlocks, Sheng Jian was taken aback for a moment, and at this moment, the atmosphere became even stronger.

Eight and a half steps and seven rings?

"What, the coalition forces were all defeated. The Lord of the Holy Sword Tower, Vicki of the Kraken family, and the two half-step Seven Rings of the Hamis family all died on the battlefield!"

Warlock nodded.

"Let's make arrangements. UU Reading" Luo Ye's heart was full, and then he came to the window and took another look at that strange city, and he might never come back again.

The victory of the Holy Tower has not yet become a fait accompli, but the road still has to go, the power is probably lost, but most of our power is still there.


"That's it!" Eli waved his hand.

"Hiss, is that an exaggeration?" Eli opened his mouth wide as he looked at the information behind his eyes.

Nilo made a move.

Everyone has underestimated the heart of the abyss!

Green land!

The Khamis family was even more angry, but they did not send warlocks to the Western Regions, because we could no longer bear the huge loss to the unknown heart of the abyss.

Eli looked at me fiercely.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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