Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 454: The crushing of wizard technology, the bewildered Nile


In the night, the coated airship is like a ghost in the sky, setting off towards the predetermined destinations, and inside, there are warlocks.

The warlocks performed their duties in an orderly manner.

In one of the airships, Vivica, who took the initiative to participate in the war, stood in the front of the airship.

"How far is it from the target?" Vivica asked the warlock beside her.

"There is still an hour!" Warlock Hui reported on the side.

"It's too slow, speed up, and order the team to increase the height, so as not to be discovered." Vivica frowned and said.


Warlock nodded hurriedly, then contacted other airships immediately.

"There are still two hours before the joint attack, which is enough." Vivica judged the time. Although the teams were scattered, everyone's tentative time was the same.

Everyone settled down.

For the first time, for the first time, I felt like we were being crushed.


Seeing that everything has settled down, he smiled.

It's just that when the humming came again, I raised my head and saw the light of another round of accumulated elemental cannons, the expression on my face slowly solidified, and the despair in my heart was also rapidly accumulating.

"Sound? Is there a sound?" The warlock on the side yawned and looked at me suspiciously.

In the next second, the birds and beasts scattered, and the warlocks opened their defenses one after another, and the dozens of eight rings immediately stopped going up, and instead changed directions to escape.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Although I haven't seen the specific combat effectiveness, I believe it will not be bad.

And compared to Warcraft, airships at an altitude of tens of kilometers are almost impossible to detect.

The warlocks in the city also tried to resist, but they couldn't organize an effective resistance at all. Of course, the city also urgently deployed the flying monster group.

This also means that the first round of offensive begins, just waiting for ground forces to occupy these areas.

The atmosphere in the airship suddenly relaxed, and even Vivica couldn't help but be infected, and looked at the alchemy clock at the side from time to time, watching the time go by little by little.

The warlock cursed aggrievedly.

Suddenly, with another round of rotation, Vivica suddenly made a sound.

Suddenly, one of the warlocks said, "Did you hear anything?"

I don't know how many forces are shocked by it.

Tick ​​tock.

At this time, the city on the ground.

Of course, there is another thing that needs to be thoroughly publicized next.

The warlock hid in the corner, curled up, with a look of fear on his face.

"No." After the investigation, the warlock turned to these people.

Even tens of kilometers away, you can still see the light.

But in the next second, everyone stood up at the same time, because they also heard the buzzing.

But the warlock just cast a glance, and saw that Ridang was making a mess amidst the roar, like an army of monsters in a vegetable market, and it was almost impossible to command, let alone expect to resist.

"Bold, this is the heart of the abyss area!"

Ka Ka Ka!

In the next second, a white light suddenly descended and wiped away the warlock.

"Something's wrong!"


— A group of warlocks stand guard on the tower.

At this time, with the passage of time, the attack gradually slowed down, and at this time the city was almost destroyed, and tens of thousands of people died in this round of attack, but their sky power was simply incomparable, which made They can only be beaten passively.

He was lucky and was not attacked.

"Declaration of war!"

"I don't know how powerful this little guy is!" She patted the silver bulkhead beside her, feeling a lot of relief at the solid touch.

Since being affected by the Bloodline Tower some time ago, the whole city has not only imposed a curfew, but also entered

The state of war alert has been broken, and there are always people patrolling and observing.

"Just... just kidding!" Warlock's voice trembled. "I rely on..."

Vivica stretched out her hand, signaling the airship team to stop.

Time passed little by little, and an hour later, the airship arrived at the target, one of the core cities in the heart of the abyss in the south, a very important node!

"Then it's fine." The warlocks relaxed a lot.

In the sky, dozens of airships are entrenched in the sky, completely occupying the sky, and they are still gradually landing, only a dozen kilometers away from the city.

Like mountains and seas.

what sound?

In the next second, rays of light bloomed, and beads of light raged towards the ground.

This is just the beginning!

A large amount of energy reserves were consumed, and the elements of several kilometers around were suddenly extracted, and countless elements poured into the element cannon, like light spots one by one.

Seeing the surrounding roar gradually dissipate, Warlock breathed a sigh of relief.

In the airship, Vivica watched this scene and ordered.

"Ah!" The sorcerer's eyes were about to burst, and I grabbed it directly to one side. From the corner of my eye, the dozen or so adults with eight rings melted into the light like the first snow, without even struggling too much.

And dozens of airships add up to hundreds of such barrels.

I just stood there, staring at the sky, wondering what this was all about and what we should do about it.

And in the tower of blood.

Soon, the airship stopped in the air as if standing still, and the warlocks were ready for the first round of attack, controlling the airship one by one with a relaxed look on their faces.

After walking out of the tower, I realized that the city was completely awakened at this time, countless lights illuminated the city, and warlocks stood inside, looking at the sky with serious faces.

Elemental cannons ravage this ruined city!

In the distance, more than a dozen eight-ring warlocks flew towards the sky.


In just a few rounds of attacks, these sites have almost completely fallen.

"Airship? So this is the real sky team?

I thought it would be smooth, but I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

city ​​wall.

"Hidden, wait for the general attack!"


Eli stood on the wizard tower, and his silver eyes observed all this through space.

This is not what we should face at all!!

Everyone is flying monsters? Sky airship, this is too bullying!

And almost every battlefield has a crushing advantage. When the airship suddenly descends and the elemental cannon is erected, even the eight-ring warlock cannot resist at all. This is a real large-scale war wizard, a flesh and blood butcher!


Warlock froze for a moment, then raised his head, and his mouth gradually opened wide.

The others also glanced at him, and some even ran directly to the front, the blood of the owls was instantly activated, and looked into the distance and the sky hundreds of meters away, nothing was there.

And then, there was a roar like an earthquake, and the whole city was instantly bombarded. Countless elements of light were gathered together by the elemental cannon to explode with the strongest power, and the light emitted even plunged the whole city into daylight in an instant.


"Bully people!"

"The time is up, lower the altitude and launch an attack!"

Warlock's throat moved slightly.

Is there anything high up in the sky?

"Have you started yet?"

With the landing of the airship, the sound like a horn resounded through the sky, and many airships woke up like sleeping behemoths, and then showed their turbulent momentum.

The tense strings suddenly relaxed, and the next second, a quiet sound sounded.


Listening to the sound that suddenly came into the ear, the warlock looked at the airship here, and the coating of the airship suddenly cracked, and the mechanical devices moved one by one, and countless elemental barrels were derived from it.

, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com's largest even has a diameter of nearly four meters!

A warlock yelled, and ran straight inside.

In the middle of the sky, why didn't we find it?


The warlock's eyes widened.

And it's not just here, the same darkness is lit up in dozens of places in the Western Region at the same time, as if looking down from the sky, you can see lights one by one, like a grand fireworks.


Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Eli returned to the Wizard Tower with a smile.

Not only him, but other warlocks also stared blankly at this scene.

"The adults of Eighth Ring have made a move." Warlock stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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