Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 457: Manifestation

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on the battlefield.

Silence mixed with noise!

Countless people looked up at the sky, staring at the **** figure.

"It's so powerful!"

Sauron glanced disdainfully at Hydera, who was seriously injured in the distance, showing his white teeth.

Its voice came to the ears of the true spirit in the sky and Sanhuan, but no one dared to say a word or react.


Not far away, Luo Ye's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and his eyes were fixed on Sauron.

Although he was not responsible for the battle in which Holy Sword died, according to the information, he was also one of the most important members and the commander of that war!

As if sensing his gaze, Sauron in the distance suddenly turned his head, looked at him indifferently, pursed his lips and said, "I see hatred and killing intent in your eyes, it seems that I should be I have some disputes with you!"

The next moment, everyone opened their mouths.

"Hahahahahaha, it's so funny, this feeling of helplessness must be very sad, but what did I do? Did I **** your wife, torture your friends, or kill your relatives? .

Death Scythe!

But what everyone didn't expect was that the light suddenly disappeared in less than a second.

Looking at the death scythe in front of him, the light of faith behind Qu Ping instantly bloomed, and the light radiated thousands of miles away. A thousand-meter giant sword slowly formed behind him, slowly pointing towards Eli!

Sauron nodded indifferently, just looked at the situation on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction. The addition of the war witch weapon really completely changed the situation of the war!

"Master Eli, come on!"

It's a pity that I don't have time today, otherwise I will have fun with you!"

In the next second, the light burst out suddenly, and dozens of light spots flew towards many true spirits.

As Eli, who has initially mastered the rules of death, he decisively used the most powerful ability.

"Oh shit!"

"My lord, we must defeat him!" In the distance, Vivica supplicated!

After confirming the death, Sauron put away his body, then turned his head to look at the other true spirits in the heart of the abyss not far away, raised his hand, and a little light condensed.

"Are you angry?"

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the blood vessels in Luo Ye's body burst open. The blood instantly stained his whole body red, and he couldn't help but let out a painful wail.

"My lord Sauron will definitely win, my lord will not lose!"

The indifferent expression is full of indifference, but full of banter!

His brows gradually wrinkled, and his eyes were also very unhappy.

"Hahahaha, I knew it was impossible for my lord to give up on us, so it was my lord who came!"

Wearing a white wizard robe, countless shadows and rays of light circled behind him to protect his short body, like a person in the age of the galaxy, and behind him there was a halo of faith turned into a halo, like a person in the age of a god.

This group of transformed warlocks seems to be somewhat out of spirit.

Eli narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly turned around behind him.

Death Scythe and Dark Sword!

Dress up!

In contrast, with white hair, the face will look a little abnormal, but the eyes are extremely dark, as bright as the stars, full of wisdom!

Luo Ye, who was covered in blood, stared at this figure, his body trembling.

"Qu Ping, you hide so deep!" Eli wailed with the last voice, looked at Sauron from the corner of his eye, and the fear of death flashed in his dark eyes for the first time.

At this time, everyone on the ground stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Sauron didn't pay attention to him, just looking at Eli in front of him, and his appearance and breath, he knew that this was another warlock transformed by Nile.

Just start zooming in!

Although Qu Ping's information was unknown, he insulted Sauron quite a bit, and he made a huge move as soon as he came up.

"I'm going to kill you!" Luo Ye yelled, his blood filled the air!

"Is that fast? Less than seven seconds."

Seeing Luo Ye like this, Sauron seemed even more excited.

ah ah ah!

Qu Ping turned his head with a smirk, and looked at Qu Ping in front of him.

The scarlet eyes shone with light, the skin was white and purple, the fangs were tens of meters long, the body was like a human, and behind it was a pair of huge white and purple wings with protruding bones at the top of the wings.

Endless blood energy stood out from his body, instantly staining the sky with blood, and his figure also expanded rapidly, turning into a white-purple shadow demon nearly 700 meters high in the blink of an eye!

"It's him!"

At the same time, I'm pretty sure this is the closest I've come to the Law of Death!

Seeing himself being ignored again, Eli couldn't bear it anymore.

"here we go?"

Under tremendous pressure, everyone is avoiding the edge temporarily.

Then Sauron turned his head to look at the sluggish warlocks on the ground, and said fiercely:

"Who are you?"

When did it appear?

Eli was surprised to find that this person was not in his perception just now.

His consciousness is disappearing bit by bit!

In the sky, the holy sword of light pierced straight into the demon's head, and his body was covered with large pieces of fallen flesh, and countless blood flowed out like a waterfall.


Hearing the voice from the ground, Eli raised his head to look at the opposite warlock again, his eyes gradually became more cautious, and asked, "Are you Sauron?"

Looking down, I don't know how many blood tower warlocks raised their heads and looked at Qian Qian in admiration, cheering:

"Continue to attack!"

"Sauron, show me the fuck!"

"It's Lord Sauron."

It looked like he had seen something fun.

Seeing himself being completely ignored, the corners of Eli's mouth twitched.

next second.

"A one-hit victory?"

Ling Lie's killing intent was mixed with his powerful force, and he directly violently pressed towards Luo Ye!


But to his surprise, a force also surged in, dispelling the pressure invisible.

With a wild smile, Eli raised his left hand, the power of the blood surged, and a greater pressure was exerted on him, as if to crush him to death!

Backed by the abyss, most of the warlocks in the heart of the abyss are of the blood of demons, and the shadow demon is also one of the high-level blood, with characteristics of darkness, abyss and death!

At some point, a figure appeared behind him.

The breath of death permeated Qu Ping's side, and the strands gathered behind him, and then turned into a huge gray scythe, exuding an instinctively uncomfortable breath on the surface.

The sharp claws pierced the space, and Eli looked at Sauron with furious The killing intent was as sharp as the cold winter wind.

"Damn, you're too much!

so ruthless

With the **** flowers blooming, dozens of high-ranking warlocks were easily dealt with by Sauron.

And in the holy sword of light, the light in the devil's eyes dissipated little by little.

"go to hell."

He roared with energy and blood, and was about to make a move, but before he could do it, he heard a voice from above the battlefield.

In the eyes of countless people looking forward to it, the death scythe and the holy sword of light collided, and the light of death and the power of faith immediately scattered towards the surroundings like a storm, like the end of the world.

A few seconds later, with a clear understanding of death, Eli let out a wail, and closed his eyes unwillingly, killing countless times by himself, and living a sinful life.

Warlocks shook their heads and raised their heads, looking towards the sky.

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