Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 459: Sitting on the wall and watching the half-step 5th ring

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"How can this be?"

Doubt and anger filled Nilo's heart like flames.

Looking at the battle report in front of him, he couldn't help but clenched it tightly, and the armrest of the chair with his other hand turned into almost invisible dust.

Nilo was still a little shocked at this time.

He can't take it!

It's not a big deal for Eli to have a half-step five-ring combat power. After all, he can solve the battle of demons. It's almost impossible for him to be at the peak of the fourth ring, but it's a bit outrageous that he can easily defeat Sauron at the same level!

"Eli, how deep are you hiding!" Nilo's eyes even turned a little red, and the anger was devouring his reason, which made him unable to help closing his eyes.

It took half an hour before he opened his eyes again.

But this time his gaze was already calm, even a little cold.

At this time, Nilo completely put Eli and himself on the same level, letting go of the arrogance he once had.

Vivica's eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, and we also found something wrong in the recent attack." Vivica suddenly changed the subject, her eyes became serious.

Nilo sneered and called his subordinates at the same time!

He had considered this point a long time ago, otherwise he would not have mobilized the Dragon Clan and the Green Field Clans!

And there are surprisingly few people in the city. "

Looking at the familiar houses and furniture, he burst out with a cold killing intent, and with a bang, everything seemed to be cut by countless knives, and there were horrible cracks one after another, and then he murmured in a low voice:

In the front line, after the Bloodline Tower army, in an airship, Vivica reported to Eli.

Even if the real body leaves later, at least there are still lines of defense, so there is no need to worry too much.

"What about the remaining 70%?" Eli raised his head strangely.

I don't know how many forces are paying attention to this war, or preparing to take some benefits.

"Come on, call me all the active warlocks in the heart of the abyss who are not sleeping at the half-step seven-ring level. Since he can fight, let me see how good he is!"

"The Khamis family, this is troublesome. Don't you plan to have a squirrel behind you?" Cheng Qian narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Brother Eli, are you done touching?"

Really, didn't you think about the danger you might face at all?

If the heart of the abyss has arrangements, then it can't be us, it can only be aimed at Eli.

That's it!

"My airship unit has top-notch firepower. After a few rounds, many cities have been severely destroyed. They cannot be occupied at all, so they can only be discarded. The airship was not built with the technology provided by him. Is it related to me?" Wei Wei Ka joked.

No one can tell how many backhands the adults have.

"Okay!" Nilo nodded with satisfaction, the people in front of him are half-step true spirits other than him!

Eight figures appeared in the room, seven men and one woman.

Of course, these are not collected by me, but collected and sorted by various parties and then sent to me.

As long as there is a problem, the two parties will act as firefighters to ensure the safety in front of the Bloodline Tower. Of course, this is just an insurance, and there is another insurance. At this time, Eli's real body is still in front!

"Let's report the current situation on the frontal battlefield." Eli turned to ask.

Eli smiled and patted my head, but his eyes became sharper: "Let's arrange the arrangement, let's see how much strength the Heart of the Abyss still has?"

"What's wrong?"

Eli looked at Qian Fang with a silver light in his eyes.

Another tap!

"A frontal battlefield?" Vivica sorted it out in her mind, and blurted out:

It might have been enough once, but now?

"This is still on the battlefield!"

"All right."

Eli understands that this

Going to ambush, he suddenly became nervous.

Eli watched his tense expression, and stroked his soft hair.

As long as Eli is resolved, the entire Western Region will be my territory from now on, and the implementation of the plan will naturally be easy, not even as troublesome as it is now.



There are few people... It should be evacuated quickly... But if there is less defense, it is a bit wrong, there is indeed a problem... But it is impossible for Nilo to give up the heart of the abyss. It seems that there is a problem ahead. What a gift!

Eli patted Vivica's head and said angrily.

Vivica nodded, as if it was all right.

But it's very strange, they don't seem to have any plans to do anything!" Vivica continued to report.

"Can't it be the battlefield?"

"What are you thinking!"

"Eight and a half steps and seven rings, so that's what it is!"

These guys from the Eastern Territory thought that they would sit on the sidelines, but how could Eli allow those sloppy guys to exist on his flanks, and they also completely underestimated their combat power. In less than a month, the Eastern Territory In the hands of the Bloodline Tower.

"Brother about we change directions?" I bit my lip, slightly worried.

"Don't worry, it's just a clone!" Eli reassured.

As for Eli, he is indeed a strong man. He has endured for decades, and even I admire him a little bit, but so what, after all, he still can’t hold back. If you can beat a half-step fifth ring, then if there are many! "

At this time, Vivica continued: "We speculate that the most important city in the middle of the front, Rolle City, is also the most important node to open the center and center of the southern end of the heart of the abyss. I'm afraid there are some arrangements here!"

Having said that, I couldn't help but look at Cheng Qian.

"It doesn't matter if they are all dead, as long as Eli is killed, it is reasonable.

"My responsibility?" Cheng Qian blinked.

"Actually, you can touch other places too!" came the timid voice, it was Vivica who was looking forward to it.


Eli looked weird, so it was like this!

He walked slowly to the window and looked into the distance. Under the setting sun, it seemed as if he could faintly see the flames of war in the distance, as well as this Eli who liked and sabotaged his plans several times.

But yes, with this firepower, if the city is actually fighting, it is almost impossible for the city without the defense of the Wuzhen to survive a few times before collapsing and collapsing.

"However, my lord, our friends from the central region, the thousand-eyed tree demon family has secretly sent a message. It seems that the Khamis family is secretly preparing an army, and has even gathered at the edge of the western region.

Go all out if you want to fight, and surprise Eli.

The setting sun sprinkled into the eyes, burning like flames, Nilo pursed his lips:

"Beat!" The eight people greeted Nilo respectfully.

Vivica glanced at him angrily, and said strangely: "Brother Eli, this is not our clan's responsibility!"

"That's not because we found that the defense of the city in front of you has dropped a lot, but according to the law, the further you go inward, the stronger it seems to be, but it's the opposite here, not even as good as Sommer City!"

At this time, with the progress of the war, they have almost advanced to half of the heart of the abyss, not only inside, but also outside.

Eli nodded in satisfaction.

half an hour later.

"Currently, the frontal battlefield is going very smoothly. It's surprisingly smooth. In one month, 40% of the cities in the south and north have been completely occupied by them, and they are not far from the center."

"Let's just pay attention, I have deployments for every border, so don't worry!" Eli I was so relieved, I actually forgot about that one!

"As soon as one of them goes, what about the other seven!"

"Good sir."

"But... I'm here!"


People, seven-eighths of the Eastern Territory has fallen into our hands, and the heads and high-level leaders of various forces have also been imprisoned, and only a small number of people have escaped!"


The line of sight spanned tens of thousands of miles, and came to a huge city. In the center of a huge wizard tower, there were eight people sitting inside, all with their eyes closed.

Cheng Qian let go of her hand in embarrassment!

Suddenly there was a voice of resentment, and looking up, Vivica's cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were rippling, her hair was a mess, and she was being ravaged by him.

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