Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 464: One stone caused thousands of waves, just how strong is Eli?

People are dead!

The city is broken!

Hundreds of thousands of eyes focused on Eli, and everyone felt as if thousands of waves were set off in their hearts.

"They're all dead? This is a six-and-a-half-step five-ring powerhouse, and he's not a Chinese cabbage, so he just died like that?"

"It's a bit too much, this is a half-step fifth ring!"

"Today's turn is too outrageous. I thought it was six people ambushing Eli alone, but I didn't expect it to be Eli alone ambushing six people. The identities of the prey and the hunter were swapped!

"We won... just like that?"

"we lose?"

No matter which side, they all looked at each other, and the thoughts in their eyes were extremely wonderful.

What happened today was really shocking, and it also made everyone feel astonished. Before the battle, some people thought that Eli could lose, but now the corpses on the ground still show that Eli has won!

The door opened, and a warlock walked in quickly, and then came to Seronaya, whispering something, and Seronaya's expression gradually became dull.

Having seen Anna's legendary history, I feel that I will not be surprised anymore, but today the lord broke my cognition again.


A few minutes later, their people outside the battlefield sent back the information.

"Yes... Anna, how strong is he?" I took a deep breath and looked out the window.

With the news sent back by many forces, those in the Western Regions were naturally the first to receive the news.

I should have done it myself in the first place.

Accompanied by a bang, the gate not far away was suddenly opened, and an anxious warlock ran while shouting: "In Luobeili, Master Zhai Zhong was besieged by eight and a half steps and seven rings, then, yes, However..."

And I don't think there is any hope for Zhai Zhong. In order not to cause trouble, I plan to send him away as soon as possible. As the person in charge of the Western Regions of the Charming Mansion, I still have that right.

"come in."


Lili Yilai is in the same room with his teacher Zhai Zhongjiaoya.


clap clap!

"Eight and a half steps and seven rings, you won all?" Jin Ji felt his body trembling a little.

All the warlocks also had their eyes widened.

Not to mention the current world, even in the world of wizards, I have never seen such a powerful half-step seven rings... No, it seems that my lord has not broken through half-step five rings.

"Then what!"

Looking at his romantic student, he was a little jealous for the first time.

"There's a turning point!" Seronaya's throat moved slightly, and she looked down at Lili Yilai, as if she was relieved, "I'm afraid that the post of the person in charge of the Western Regions of the Charming Mansion will not be yours in the future!"

Seronaia was displeased for a while, but she knew that the news at this time was definitely not very important.

Is Eli so strong?...Then what is he hiding in the past?...Damn it!

The faces of the others also became ugly.

"Of course, then, my lord will kill eight half-step seven rings alone, and defeat Luo Baili!" the warlock shouted out of breath.

It's a pity that it's too late.

In the temple, Zhai Zhongjiao sat on the main seat, his face was as frosty, and many warlocks of the Amina family below were also serious.

Suddenly, there was a hasty knock on the door.

Loud sobs sounded, and Lily Eli was in tears.

A figure approached in an instant, Sol City stabilized the warlock, his face full of anxiety.

"I have a close relationship with Zhai Zhong. If I die, the heart of the abyss will not let him go. Let's leave here for now, and pretend that none of this happened." Seronaya shook his head and went to hug him. Lili Yicai stayed and comforted her.

A group of warlocks from other regions sighed as they quickly wrote down the detailed information of the war, and then transmitted it back to their respective families and forces.

How relieved you were just now, how relieved you are now


As soon as the words fell, everyone opened their mouths wide and their eyes were filled with excitement.

In any case, today's battle will change the attitudes of all parties towards the Tower of Blood, their attitudes towards the Western Regions, and even the situation of the entire world!

So scary!

"Teacher, just let me go." Lili Eli begged.

At the same time, Jinji gasped and put down the first-hand information he just got!

"Ah? What I mean...Lily Eli is not a fool, she looked at the teacher.

"Teacher, just let me go, Anna needs me." Lili Yilai gritted her teeth, her body trembled slightly, and the corners of her eyes were moist!

Charm mansion.

"Teacher, what's the matter, is there a turning point in the war?" Lili Zhai Zhong raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot.

We can win!

Very lively.

woo woo woo!

Amina Family!

It would be outrageous for Yaori Peak to fight against the half-step seven rings, but today he fought eight half-step seven rings, and he won easily. Even in the history of wizards, such a thing has never happened.

"No, there is no suspense in this war. I can't push you into the fire pit. After eight days, you can go to the central region to develop. I don't know what will happen here." Zhai Zhongjiaoya shook his head, his tone was indeed unquestionable.

Sol City waved his arm fiercely, and he didn't care about the face of any patriarch!

Seronaya was drinking tea, while Lily Zhai Zhong opposite had an anxious face and bloodshot eyes.

"But there is one thing to say, that Anna is simply inhuman, fighting eight of the same level with one person, really strong!"

"...won." Vivica blinked her eyes, a little astonished.

"My lord did not lose, my lord won."

The setting sun is bleeding outside the window.

Eight and a half steps and seven rings besieged Anna Yuluo Belle!

As the first forces to take refuge in the Bloodline Tower, they and the Bloodline Tower will prosper and lose together. If Anna wins, then their family will also start.

The city is broken, the half-step Qihuan is dead, and Anna is still there!

"That's right, my lord hasn't broken through half a step to the Seven Rings yet!" Nicholas' pupils trembled, and he remembered this. Zhai Zhong is still at the peak of Yaori!

"Ah, I knew that Lord Zhai Zhong would not lose." Lili Yilai wiped away her tears and smiled.

We are all waiting, waiting for a result.

There is no doubt that this time the bet was lost, and it was a big loss.

"Damn it, it's a good thing I didn't leave, it's not like someone has already sent back the news that Zhai Zhong is expected to die, hahahaha!"

"As expected of an adult." Nicholas sighed and shook his head.


All this time they are waiting.

The Western Regions are about to change!


I knew Zhai Zhongqiang, but I didn't know he was so strong.

Fight against six of the same level, not low-level, but six half-step five rings, six warlocks who have initially understood the rules, and are all strong in today's world.

"Yes...that's fine, brother Anna is fine!" Vivica suddenly had tears in the corner of her eyes, and her mood relaxed all of a sudden, and she felt a lot more at ease.



"Hiss, UU Reading What kind of state is this? It is at least several times stronger than the real body with pure blood. Is this an experiment by adults?" Nicholas' throat moved slightly, looking at those half-steps of death Five rings, I was shocked.

As for this war, there is naturally no suspense.

"Damn, this is definitely a big news that shocked the Central Region. The situation in the Western Region is about to change. This time, the Heart of the Abyss will not be destroyed!"

As soon as he received the news, he restricted Lily Zhaizhong's actions, because he believed in this little guy, if he didn't restrict him, he would definitely cause trouble.



Eight and a half it really a failure?

"Anna didn't die. He survived the siege of eight and a half steps and seven rings, and killed eight people alone." Serona Yadian nodded, his eyes full of shock.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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