Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 470: 00,000 corpses, life altar


The stench penetrated into Eli's nose, making him feel uncomfortable!

Between the army formations, he secretly raised his head and looked towards Shuguang City not far away.

On the flat land, Dawn City stands on the ground, but at this time the original city buildings are almost stained with blood, and a blood mist rises above the sky.

What made Eli feel terrified was that he didn't feel much aliveness.

This can only explain one reason, that is, there may not be many living people in Dawn City at this time, but Dawn City used to be a huge city that accommodated tens of thousands of people!

Thinking of this, Eli's color gradually cooled down.

"No, it seems that there is still some breath!" Eli's eyes flashed silver and white, and he looked into the depths of the city. On the **** ground, he faintly saw an altar, and at this time Nilo was painting on the altar. What, the look is anxious, and beside him, there are twenty cold figures, each of which exudes a strong demonic aura.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the moment he saw it.

Nilo also turned his head and looked towards the city.

At this time, the remaining demons also began to rework. At this time, "Yu Li" could not resist at all. Under the attack of the demons, he was left clumsy, as if he might be defeated at any time.


"Here, what is it?" The two asked strangely at the same time.

Nearly ten million bones are buried here.

The blood-colored qi and blood erupted together with the power of the true spirit, and a kilometer-long shadow dragon suddenly appeared in the sky, and then let out a roar towards the seventy figures.

It was only at this time that they realized that it seemed that we thought it was too easy to capture the heart of the abyss. Isn't this the fighting power of the number one force in the Western Regions?

At this time, a voice came from his mind, and Nilo calmed down.

Yu Li's avatar stood on the outside of the airship, followed by Vivica and Nicholas.

"Um... It seems that we need to use some means, and then let me go first, at least to stop Nile's priest. This should be a priest who broke the seal. If it succeeds, it will be troublesome." Eli also understood This time he couldn't stay behind, and began to command the demons in the sky.

"Seventy? You're not kidding."


Seeing this scene, Eli lowered his head silently.

One seventh!

Yes, if it was said before that he may still have a way out, but tens of millions of people in Dawn City have been killed by him, and he has no place to integrate into the human world.

"Is this the beginning?"

The aftermath of the first collision made everyone feel the ground tremble, and even their bodies trembled instinctively, and Vivica immediately ordered the legions to wait in place and not to step into the Dawn Great Plains.

At this time, a voice came from the ears of the two of them, and Yu Li walked behind them.

This is where it starts?


From their point of view, once Eli fails, they will never be able to leave here.

"Do you still have a way out!"

Yu Li looked at the sky, his clone was fighting with nearly seventy "temporary" half-step seven rings, the two sides went back and forth, and no one could do anything to the other.

Nilo was a little sluggish at this moment, looking at the priest in front of him, he suddenly wanted to stop.

At the same time, an unknown amount of power of faith burned like a raging fire, and a pale golden flame was attached around the shadow. A shadow that looked like a day appeared, and then exploded instantly, rushing towards the demons.

In the next second, the giant dragon in the sky raised its head and let out a roar.

The figure was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached more than ten kilometers outside Shuguang City, but at this moment he stopped, and then silently hid himself.

"Is that an exaggeration?"

Many warlocks raised their heads together, revealing the redness in their eyes.

Suddenly, a cold voice reached his ears.

"Indeed, I

I can only see the wailing of countless souls. Nicholas also frowned.

But at the same time, doubts arose, why didn't they send those people out before.

When everyone looked towards the sky, their expressions changed instantly.

This is seventy and a half steps and seven rings, not a cabbage.

With the appearance of those seventy rays of light, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

"My lord, what seems to have happened in Dawn City?" Vivica looked at the city in the distance, her brows suddenly frowned. The blood mist soaring into the sky could have made people feel uneasy.

It's not that I'm worried about Eli's safety, but such an abnormal behavior of Heart of the Abyss really makes people feel uneasy, especially with its back against the abyss, it makes people shudder.

The warlocks opened their mouths wide, the shock in their eyes couldn't be concealed at all.

But in the next second, seventy blood-colored rays of light appeared in their field of vision. They flew from the city of Dawn towards the outside, and the aura of each of them was shocking.

"I dare not go back." Nilo waved his hand and glanced behind him.

How could there be so many half-step seven rings in the heart of the abyss? This is unscientific!

"But I think it would be more beautiful if he crushed his head!

In the blink of an eye, the bodies of nearly seventy huge demons stood outside the nearby Dawn City, like giants guarding their royal court, and everyone's eyes were red, as emotionless as zombies.

Nilo was anxiously preparing for the sacrifice, but he was stunned when he saw this scene!

He appreciated it and turned back.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding tens of thousands of miles of sky also instantly became dark, and most of them could only hear the wails of demons, which lasted for several minutes.

In the next second, they flew towards the outside of Dawn City at the same time.

In the next second, he flew directly outside.

"This is not a normal half-step seven rings. It was born temporarily. I'm afraid the life span is less than a month."

In the sky, only 17 of the original 70 demons remained, and the rest were covered with scars. This was a good thing, but at this time, the breath of "Eli" was almost only one-seventh of what it was before. -.


"Hiss!" Nicholas was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Of course, those are not important anymore, because with the passage of a few seconds, Eli's avatar Shadow Dragon Mood flew towards Dawn City and collided with the demons.

And when the shadows dissipate.

At this time, in the sky.

Then he looked at the warlocks around him, and said in a resolute and harsh voice: "We are here, stop Eli for me, buy me half an hour, after half an hour, I will be enough to lift the seal!


The collision of Bloody and Orchid is like a silent opera!

Eli waved his hand.

On the street far away, among the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, a person stared at him intently. The murderous intent and anger in his eyes were brewing like a storm, without any concealment.

So fantastic?

Nilo is expressionless. In his opinion, these sacrifices are all valuable.

And these figures just looked at each other, and then chose to turn into blood at the same time!

"Brother Eli." Vivica looked at Yu Li, a little worried.

A shadow condensed instantly.

Nilo called out a name in astonishment.

"don’t worry."

Behind them is the main street of Dawn City, which is distributed in a staggered manner. In between, there are countless dead bodies. They are densely packed like sandbags on every inch of land. Even the lowest pile of people is nearly one meter high. You can see There are also human skeletons that have been squeezed into minced meat.

Originally, I wanted to rely on seventy temporary half-step seven rings to block Eli for a while, but who the **** thought that in the current situation, Eli seems to be winning?

And they turned into a part of the nearly seventy-meter-high altar under his feet at this time, surrounded by millions of seemingly

Crystallization of the mood and soul like emeralds.

One World War Seventy!

But more people are puzzled, how did it become like that all of a sudden? Also, did the adults go crazy just now, why did they explode suddenly, UU Reading www. caused the situation to become like that.

"Seventy half steps and seven rings, how is that possible?" Vivica's eyes were filled with horror.

Originally, the victory of the Warlock Alliance had already saved me a lot of time, so I had to speed up the process, but it is a pity that I still have part of it unfinished knowing that the Tower of Bloodlines has arrived.

With the appearance of these huge figures, the warlocks of the legions only noticed the seventy people at this time, and the marching speed slowed down immediately, and the eyes of each of them changed from apprehension about the war to fear.

Nilo was taken aback for a moment, and turned back.

Even if Eli had a certain advantage, he couldn't destroy the enemies quickly, after all, there were too many of them.

Eli didn't answer, just said softly: "Here we come!"

The sudden change also stunned everyone, and their faces suddenly became ugly.

In the middle, a figure quietly left the legion and headed towards Dawn City.

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