Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 475: Dilan's body, relics, power of experimental rules

— a big deal!

Even Eli had to admit that this was a big deal.

"Are you sure you found your real body?" Looking at Dylan who returned overnight, Eli couldn't believe it.

"It's true, Eli, I found it, I found it!"

Dylan jumped up and down, almost shouting.

This made Hydera and Nicholas not far away a little stunned. This was the first time they saw Dylan so excited, and they were equally shocked by the content.

"The main body?" Nicholas murmured in a low voice.

If he remembers correctly, this guy Dylan seems to have a certain relationship with the legendary wizard tower. In this way, this time is really a big deal.

"Where is it?" Eli looked at Dylan seriously.

He believed that Dylan would not lie to him.

Dylan, Qiang Xuehe and Eli stood on Hydera's body and arrived at their destination, a hilly area. Standing there, they could even see the endless sea in the distance.

After entering, Nicholas also quickly approached the center.

Not far away, among the dust on the ground, the shaken robots slowly stood up and looked at Dylan. The eight-kilometer giant machines also slowly climbed up, with blue lights in their eyes, and then turned towards Dylan. Lan made a sound.

Qiangxue chattered endlessly, and Dylan didn't understand the reason.

Dylan looked up and saw a small mountain standing on the hills!

We entered for a while, and then came out. Fortunately, these robots were not awakened, but his body should be in the center of the ruins. I am sure of this. I came back this time to ask you to help me get the body, don’t worry. What's mine is yours..."

At this time, one of the huge robots instantly woke up.

So what's the point of you going in?

The cracks expanded rapidly in front of the huge force, cracks of several thousand meters appeared in the air in the blink of an eye, and the relics of space were also looming in everyone's field of vision.

The light in his eyes was hot and dazzling like never before.

"Dylan, this is it!" Eli pointed excitedly at a mountain peak on the ground.

The silver eyes in Dylan's eyes turned, and his field of vision turned to the side again.

"Then why didn't you bring it back?" Eli asked strangely.

The "vessels" all over his body emitted orchid light, and the energy was transported to the core area. He stood up directly, and then attacked Qiang Xuehe, and because he was not afraid of soul attacks, he quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Eli said happily, mechanical blue light flickered in his eyes!

"It's inside."

"Okay, compared to those, Eli confirmed that his body is outside."


"There is something!"

Mechanical creation needs energy, which is reasonable, but it is unreasonable for him to absorb it directly. At this time, he also understood that this is most likely a rule mastered by adults.

"My lord, these eight should all have half-step seven-ring strength." Coming to Dylan's side, Nicholas gasped.

Now that you have found it, you can't give up.

"Almost, but there seems to be nothing inside, so leave it to me." Dylan nodded, then stretched out his hand, and a shadow appeared from his hand, exuding the power of devouring.


The thousand-meter giant is like a high mountain, moving its legs and walking towards Dylan quickly.

Dylan's face suddenly became embarrassing, and said: "I found that my body seems to be in a ruin, and I don't know why, there are many high-level mechanical creations guarding it, and I even saw a half-step Robots of the Seven Rings!

I really don't understand the scene in front of me.

The space rippled, and it entered the ruins.

But Dylan ignored it at all, and the giant shadow hand stretched directly into it.


Nicola:  …


In an instant, the shadow seemed to turn into a white hole, only

I saw wisps of faint blue energy permeating from the surface of the robot, and then disappeared without a trace, and the movements of the mechanical people also came up quickly until they stopped, including these eight huge robots.

"The special energy of mechanical creation relies on high-concentration energy crystallization. After absorbing the energy, it will naturally be unable to move. Isn't this common sense?" Dylan glanced at him and said.

And after it started, I saw all the mechanical creations sinking slowly, and then disappeared into the shadows.

A frightening scorching elemental air wave emanated from around the robot, trying to stop this attack, but the strength of the shadow broke through that defense, and then clung to the mechanical creation gate.

But to the surprise of Nicholas and Qiang Xuehe, they only saw Dylan wave his hand at this time, and a shadow ocean of 10,000 meters above the ground suddenly appeared, covering towards the mechanical door.

"Mission Interrupted... Mission Corrected... Take back the body of the adult!"

There is also a part of the southern part of the Western Regions that is connected to the Endless Sea. Going to the West Coast from here is even closer than the mountains, but it is also more dangerous!

That arrangement is a bit like finding Qiang Xuehe!

A few seconds later, he fled in embarrassment and left the secret realm.

after one day.

And in front of the wizard tower, there are eight huge mechanical creations nearly a thousand meters long, like robots, fiercely lowering their heads to guard the four directions of the wizard tower.

Ka Ka Ka!

"Nicola!" Dylan looked sideways at Nicola.

Every time Dylan goes out, he is accompanied by the real spirit. If he finds it, he shouldn't bring it back.

"My lord, is this?" Nicholas asked blankly.

But this matter is indeed of great importance, and Eli had never imagined it.

As soon as the subject changed, Dylan supported the wizard tower with one hand, looked at Eli, and asked.

Soon, many mechanical creations woke up, countless artillery fire instantly covered the sky, and Nicholas couldn't stop him, and came not far in front of the wizard tower.


As a subordinate for many years, he flew directly towards the bottom.

And just when he thought Dylan was going in.

Qiang Xuehe observed carefully. After all, there might be some "surprise" in things like ruins, so it's better to be cautious and check first.




On the mountain peak, a medium-sized relic was stuck between the spaces, and inside it was a huge space with several thousand square kilometers, but the interesting thing was that there was only a wizard tower standing in the center, surrounded by a large number of mechanical creations to protect wizard tower.

Seeing this scene, Dylan also resorted to the newly mastered rules.

Dylan nodded. He had been curious about Eli's body for a long time.


"This is great!"

He did feel the faint power of space here.

Then, under the shocking eyes of several people, UU Reading A wizard tower was slowly dragged out, then flew towards Dylan, then slowly expanded, and finally started with a space seal technique!


The space was suddenly broken, and the space outside the ruins was opened, only to see countless items in the ruins falling towards the ground like rain, and dust like a sandstorm was stirred up in a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

"That!" Qiang Xuehe's mouth twitched as she looked at the wizard tower.

Eli's throat moved slightly, but his eyes were fixed on the wizard tower.

I only saw that the shadow directly turned into a thousand-meter giant hand, and then grabbed it towards the ground, directly covering the space in the relic space. crack.

"My lord, these mechanical creatures have awakened!" At this moment, Eli shouted.

Looking at the body shape, it is indeed similar to what Qiang Xuehe said, enough to rival the half-step Qihuan.

"Is it the rules for adults?" Nicholas looked aside.

"Going further south in Dawn City, in the outermost region of the Western Regions, at the end of the Sol Mountain Range, close to

Ocean, where I found his body. "Dylan said quickly, and happily said: "I knew it, you can definitely find it, you can definitely find it."

In the end, there was a terrifying sound of shattering.

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