Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 481: Advance to the 5th ring, rule the twin tree


Like a mountain and sea, the momentum spread out, and the eternal true spirit sun began to sag inward slowly, while the law seed became more and more bright, as if something was brewing in it!

Eli's consciousness sank into his heart, feeling the changes.

At this time, the Law Seed is like a black hole, absorbing all the accumulation of all the four rings in the past, and even the power of blood can be faintly contained in it, and the power of the true spirit is also rushing in.

Advancement to the fifth ring is a process of leaping from the previous foundation.

In the end, the seed of the law will continue to grow, and eventually the seedling of the tree of law will grow. Therefore, among the five rings and six environments, the first level is called the Germination Realm, also known as the Germination Wizard!

"However, if I absorb such a large amount, my body and soul can't bear it!" Eli narrowed his eyes slightly as he evaluated his situation.

The next second, Eli opened his eyes.

The other two space rings were opened, and countless soul crystals and magic stones were instantly distributed around Eli like a bright galaxy and started to burn at the same time.

The infinite power of the soul burns brightly, and the speed of the sun's depression in the body accelerates, but the pressure on the body and soul also increases instantly.

In response, Eli opens another ring.

The colorful medulla was directly swallowed by Eli. In an instant, there seemed to be a layer of film in the depths of Eli's soul and body, which protected him from the pain of the depression of the true spirit!

The breakthrough continues.

"—everything is normal!" Eli watched the process calmly.

In order to advance to the fifth ring, he has adjusted for thirty years, taking all kinds of situations into consideration, and then he just needs to wait quietly for the true spirit to be completely consumed, and then the seed of the true spirit will hatch.

With his accumulation, there can be no surprises in this step!

Soon, the flames of the true spirit burning around the Great Spirit Sun disappeared little by little, the illusory sun also began to dim, and the Seed of the Law began to tremble slightly, and began to crack a little bit!

Eli felt the breath of shadows from it.

If there is no problem, his tree of law should be the tree of shadow with the law of shadow as the backbone.

"There should be no problem... wait, what is this light?"

Suddenly, Eli felt something was wrong, he felt a little white glow in the mental space!

As if realizing something, he looked directly towards a corner, and looked at the white beam of light that had always existed with a low sense of existence, and it was emitting a dazzling white light at this time.


Eli's eyes widened. Fucked him when he was promoted to True Spirit, but now he's still f*cking?

In the next second, he only saw that the white light became brighter, and at the same time, some changes began to take place in his Law Seed, and a translucent breath began to brew in it.

Even with this change, Eli could feel the sudden change of the external environment. The originally sparse timeline lightning seemed to find a target. Hundreds of thunderbolts appeared at the same time and hit Eli's body.

"Barbie q!" Eli was shocked, so many, can he resist?

But what he didn't expect was that these rays of light didn't affect him. Instead, they swarmed into his body, and then all his brains got into the seed of law, and the originally weak breath of time rose instantly!

At this moment, Eli is already numb!

As we all know, a tree of laws is brewing in a law, so what is his situation, will two trees of laws grow? That is awesome!

And he is also facing a new problem, one more law, which means that the burning speed of magic stones and soul crystals is also rapidly accelerating, and it can consume hundreds of thousands of them in almost a second. Burning soul crystals or magic stones are definitely not enough!

"Forget it, stud." Eli cursed, and took out more magic stones, even all kinds of magic stones or those that can restore the body.

Everything started to burn, and Eli did it too!

"Let it burn


With a lot of resources burned, Eli felt that the process was accelerating again.

A full day.

Almost everything that could be burned in Eli's space ring was burned up, and the accumulation of thousands of years was almost exhausted in this day, but he didn't feel any heartache, and he felt a burst of happiness.

"Just right!"

Eli looked haggardly at his body. At this time, the existing gap in the law was opening little by little. At the same time, a small tree gradually emerged from the law, exuding unique power.

It was a strange little tree, the rhizomes were derived from the branches, rooted in the spiritual space, and the main trunk was bare, but what was unique was that after extending for a short distance, the decimal suddenly turned into two branches, one One side is like a transparent crystal, and one side is a deep black shadow.

This is Eli's Law Tree!

This proves that Eli has finally made a breakthrough.

Five rings!

"But there are still two branches, so I finally broke through to the fifth ring with the law and shadow?" Eli stared at the small tree with twitching corners of his mouth.

Although his physical instinct told him that he had succeeded, he felt unreal for a while!

A normal rule tree has one branch, but it has two. Is this a rule twin tree?

But Eli didn't have any other emotions. Anyway, since the second ring, he has not been promoted normally, and it is normal to have some accidents. The most urgent thing is to check the changes after the promotion.

"The first is power. The power has not changed, but it can be turned into the power of rules. Compared with the power of the true spirit, it has changed again. It is completely two levels from the four rings, and it may be dozens of times higher!

There is also the evolution of the rules, which also makes my devouring more powerful, and can even swallow other people's power. There are many new abilities. "Eli felt more and more frightened as he felt the changes in his body carefully.

Whether it is strength or level, it is a different concept from the half-step five rings.

And he found that his Time Law has a new ability.

"Time flows backwards!" Eli pursed his lips, a little surprised.

If the essence of the time domain is to speed up or slow down time, but the essence of time is still moving forward, but the reverse flow of time ability is a bit outrageous, it can make time reverse and flow back.


Eli sighed deeply, the sudden change brought him more benefits, even stronger than the normal five rings, after all, he has one more kind!

"However, I still need to master these powers. UU Reading After all, I have just advanced, and I am only in the first level of the law. Maybe I can stay here and wait until I am stronger before going out." Eli pursed his lips, thinking.

The fifth ring, different from the fourth ring, is divided into six levels, namely the germination environment, the divine tree environment, the thousand leaf environment, the thousand flower environment, the fruit of the law (the law environment), and the death environment. The reason comes from the tree of law The growth of the tree, and compared with the four rings, each level may be larger due to the growth of the tree of laws.

Each level is a class leap.

What Eli thinks is that he can "grow silently" here for hundreds of years, and then show up when he breaks through stronger. Wouldn't that be more enjoyable?

"At first I thought about going out to find Wu Huan to fight with, but now it seems that I'm still developing silently. It will be safer to go out when I get stronger."

As a determined "bully" Eli, naturally he wouldn't be so reckless to go to Wuhuan to fight for his life!

Let's wait for him to be stronger.

Thinking of this, Eli opened his eyes, looked around, and walked deeper into the time fragments.

Now that he has five rings, he can bear it even stronger.

Eventually he stopped at a hundred times.

The blessing of time rules made him more adaptable to time.


Eli sat down and began to comprehend the rules.

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