Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 498: Summon the will of the world, the screaming peak of 0 leaves - the king of the phoenix



The king of the phoenix crowed, and a layer of invisible soul fluctuations spread like ripples, and the entire sky turned gray.

And amidst the cries, the Phoenix King also completely broke away from the world fragments.

I saw that its body was like a giant eagle with a body length of several kilometers.

One part of the feathers is golden yellow, the other part is bright red, and there are several long feathers behind it. What is strange is that the flame that should have been burning on the body is gray, with a kind of icy beauty!

The phoenix king seemed to be very angry at this moment. Looking at the strange environment around him, he immediately lowered his head to look at the city on the ground, and let out a long cry!

At the same time, countless gray flames condensed around him and flew towards the ground, like a rain of fire, covering the sky and the sun!

on the ground.

Many warlocks were shocked when they saw this scene!

The Patriarchs of several big forces looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Let's do it, or I'm afraid I'll die here today!" The Hai Long family said with an ugly face. Although they didn't understand what happened, there is a high probability that it was the action of the Warlock Alliance today.

No wonder the Warlock Alliance has been quiet recently, it seems to be holding back!

The two people beside them nodded.

In the next second, all three of them were seen flying towards the sky.

In the next second, amidst the waves rolling and the sound of the water rippling, the owners of Hailong and Haisha yelled loudly. Yin Lai saw a huge sea dragon and a huge sea shark appearing behind them respectively in the distance, and suddenly felt boundless. The waves flew towards the sky.

The master of Fengshen Yaolong took a deep breath, and a storm rolled up and flew towards the sky.

The three of them are budding, and the power of rules is brewing in the attack, so the momentum and strength are also extremely shocking.

The warlocks on the ground also looked towards the sky.

The same is true for Yin Lai.

But he just watched this scene not far away, and didn't do anything!

He wanted to see how strong the King of Phoenix was, and then to see if he could make a move, or it would be embarrassing if he couldn't beat him, and he also noticed some figures nearby, most likely they were warlocks from the Warlock Alliance. Don't be hacked!

After all, this time it was obviously coming for him, so he had to be careful.

At this time, the flames in the sky also collided with the attacks of the three!


In an instant, countless steam rose up, but the faces of the three people inside changed drastically in an instant.

Because only one collision was seen, the sea waves shattered like a thin film, and then the flames went directly through the water waves towards the ground, and the power of law in it was directly found to be burned, and the storm on the other side was almost instantly shattered .

Doesn't work at all?

"The gap is too big!"

Patriarch Hai Long's face changed, the attack of the phoenix in front of him was completely beyond their ability to stop.

At this time, the King of Phoenix also noticed the three of them, and immediately flapped his wings and flew towards them, glared at them, and then slapped his wings like big hands towards them, setting off a storm.


Just staring at the moment, the three of them felt that their bodies could not move at all, and then the huge wings attacked the three of them, making the three of them fly towards the city of blood like cannonballs.


In an instant, three large pits appeared on the ground, and countless smoke filled the air.

When the smoke dissipated, several people climbed up with difficulty, but countless cracks appeared in their bodies, a large amount of blood was flowing, and they vomited blood from their mouths, and they climbed out of the deep pit with difficulty.

Seeing the tragic situation of the three people, everyone was terrified.

Even three adults with five rings were defeated so easily, what should they do?

"Master Yin Lai!"

Alida on the high platform looked towards the valley behind her, her body trembling!

Now, apart from Yin Lai, they have nothing to do.

At this time, among the fragments of the world, tens of thousands of phoenixes also flew out of the world, and immediately let out a scream, set off a storm of flames, and flew towards the ground with a terrifying momentum!

This scene, which seemed to be the end of the world, immediately made everyone frightened!

But at this moment, a golden light that covered the sky suddenly radiated, and a golden film wrapped the entire city like a big bowl, preventing it from entering.

At this time, the flames had also reached the defensive layer, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, and there were multiple layers of cracks in the defensive layer, but they did not waver at all, and at the same time, the phoenix flock was also blocked out.

The warlocks on the ground also looked up at this scene.

In the golden light, Yin Lai also slowly flew up towards the sky.

"Master Yin Lai protected us!"

"Master Yin Lai is here, the threat has been lifted!"

"Is this Yin Lai?"

Countless people cheered, and the patriarchs of the three major families stood up with support, looking at the figure like a **** in the sky, facing thousands of phoenixes.

Can he defeat the phoenix?

All eyes were on Yin Lai!

Even a few eyes in the shadows looked at Yin, with malicious intentions.

At this time, Yin Lai's gaze was on the Phoenix King in the sky.

After observation, he was sure that the Mercury Blade had a good chance of defeating it, but just now, he thought of a better and more efficient way!

"Entering a strange world normally will be suppressed, but these creatures are not suppressed because they have lived in fragments around the world for many years, contaminated with the breath of the world, and the will of the world is now silent, otherwise a five-ringed creature entering the big world the world is not so easy

As long as the will of the world is awakened, its strength will even be suppressed to the sacred tree, or even sprout, so what threat is there? "Yin Lai looked at the phoenix, the corners of his mouth raised.

The only difficulty in this plan is to awaken the will of the world. The will of the world is now silent, even Wu Huan can't even think about it, but he is different. He has the will of the world himself, but he can do it.

Thinking of this, Yin Lai's eyes became sharper, and he looked at the Phoenix King's body more wildly.

At this time, the Phoenix King turned his head, looking at the strange human in front of him, he faintly sensed the crisis and was looking for an opportunity.

The people on the ground were watching one person and one bird confront each other, feeling a little bewildered.

"What is this for?"

The few people in the darkness were a little disdainful!

"Yin Lai can't be the opponent, if he dares to show up, he will die!"

Just like that, three minutes passed!

The phoenix king couldn't bear it anymore, let out a cry, the shrill sound spread tens of thousands of meters, and then he was about to flap his wings and fly towards Yin Lai.

At this time, Yin Lai also suddenly moved!

I saw that he didn't do anything, but as soon as he arrived, the bright golden light went straight into the heaven and earth, illuminating thousands of spaces, but a mysterious aura emanated from him, and at the same time, the same aura awakened in the heaven and earth.

Vast, boundless, ancient!

In the sky, the clouds rolled, as if a giant had woken up.

In an instant, all the warlocks felt that it was difficult to breathe, but they had a sense of intimacy as if they were returning to their mother's arms, but the King of Phoenix did make a cry, and his eyes changed, and he changed direction instantly, and was about to fly towards the fragments of the world.

The next moment, Phoenix's body froze for an instant, but the flames around him were extinguished instantly, and the speed of his body was also falling fast, and his breath was even more outrageous, falling directly!

Chiba Peak!

Chiba Intermediate!

The peak of the sacred tree!

In the end, its aura fell directly to the stage of entering the divine tree.

Not just him, the breath of those little phoenixes also fell, but not as serious as their king, but their combat power was also weakened by more than three floors.

And after this.

Yin Lai waved his hand directly, and the boundless shadow immediately turned into a giant hand, and then the big hand directly grabbed the phoenix, but it just let out a painful cry, and was dragged directly into the darkness.

As for those little phoenixes, seeing the fall of the king, they fled towards the fragments of the world one after another. They were very fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then Yin Lai laughed and his life was exhausted.

"Star Spirit Sealing Technique!"

Star-like chains appear in the sky, UU reading www. dragged the fragments of the world towards Yin Lai.

And in the process, the world fragments also became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into something like a crystal ball, which was held by Yin Lai.

Looking down, it seems that you can still see countless tiny phoenixes.

And as the fragments of the world were put away, the will of the world slowly dissipated.

It was calm.

Yin Lai waved his hand, and the protection transformed by the power of faith also dissipated into countless golden light spots, flying towards Yin Lai like golden dandelions and being absorbed by him.

And Yin Lai did not stop after putting away the power of faith, but raised his head to look at the void not far away, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, and said:

"Everyone of the Warlock League.

Did you come out by yourself? Or am I picking you out? "

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